Steve's Question

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Warnings: Swearing

Word Count: 428

It got dark real quick. I don't know how long I was sitting there, but it didn't feel like a long time before Johnny sat down next to me. 

"Go away," I said, softly. 

"Hey, free country. It's a public place, and plus, this is my spot," he said, smiling. 

"Sorry, I just needed a second to cool off. That Dally-" I began. I started cussing him out with every foul word I knew. I know Johnny looks up to Dally. I can see why. He's tough and Johnny is, well, a cinnamon roll. But Johnny didn't say anything. He just let me rant. 

"You know, Dally's awful sorry I got hurt. He ain't so bad." 

"I know, I'm sorry, I'm just mad." 

After a few minutes of silence, I felt a lot better. "I think I'm gonna head back to the Curtis house. You coming?"

"Nah, I think I'll stay in the lot tonight."

"You sure?" 

"I'm sure." 

I waved to Johnny and took the road back to the Curtis house. I was beginning to get more familiar with the place, and thank goodness I was able to find the house. It was pretty late when I got in because I was walking so slowly. When I got in, Soda was sitting in Darry's armchair eating chocolate cake with Steve.

"Lucky Darry's not home," Soda said, mouth full. 

"Gee, thanks for reminding me." 

Ponyboy had told me about Darry's strict curfew and I was over it by about two hours. Darry was out roofing late tonight. Lucky me. I would be too tired to deal with him anyways. I strolled up to the refrigerator and pulled out the carton of orange juice. I was feeling lazy, so I just unscrewed the top and started pouring some into my mouth. 

"So," Steve began. "Are you and Johnny dating?"

I choked. I spit and coughed up my orange juice and it made a big mess on the floor. Wonderful. I kept coughing for a while, my face as red as a tomato. Steve and Soda just kind of looked at me smirking. They were enjoying my pain. Dicks. After I got all the orange juice I could out of my system, I managed a shallow "no." Steve shrugged and they went back to their chocolate cake. 

I could barely sleep. Was the couch always this uncomfortable or was my mind just restless? Dating. Who did he think he was? No. Johnny and I were just friends. Close friends. Best friends? Same as Pony and me. We weren't gonna be anything more than friends. Right? 

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now