Exposed - Y/N POV

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Warnings: Swearing

Word Count: 450

Johnny and I pulled away, and turned to face... the entire gang. 

"Holy shit," Dally exclaimed, jaw dropped wide open. 

"I knew it, pay up," Steve said, punching Two-Bit and smiling widely. 

"Goddamnit," Two-Bit spat, handing Steve a twenty-dollar bill.

"Wha-what-what the hell?" Darry said, pushing Two-Bit and Steve aside. "I- I don't even know what to say- You come home late, I call the gang over because I thought the worst happened like before, but no, you're hanging out with a boy? And Johnny Cade is that boy?" I thought Darry was about to go ballistic, but Soda calmed him down. 

"Nice goin' there, Johnnycake," Dally said, messing up his hair. "That explains it-that explains a lot-" Dally started rambling. Darry shut him up.

"Wha- wha-" Darry began. Soda hit him in the gut, coughing loudly. Darry sighed. "Just, no baby makin' alright?" 

Johnny and I went as red as tomatoes as Steve, Dally, Two-Bit, and Soda laughed their asses off. "Bye," Johnny said, hurrying out the door, burying his face in his jacket collar. 

"Aight, so can we go now?" Two-Bit asked. Darry shooed them all away, slamming the door behind him. I can tell that he was stressed, but he quickly went away to his bedroom. Pony plopped down on the couch next to me.

"That was not how I expected you were going to tell them," Pony began, nodding his head. 

"WhAT?" Soda asked. "You knew?" Soda realized he had interrupted something and quickly went away to his room. 

"Yeah, me neither," I said, shrugging. "This is awkward." 

"Yeah," Ponyboy said. "So how did the date go?"

"Date? What? How did you know?" I asked.

"Lucky guess?" Ponyboy said, smirking. "Johnny asked me for some tips." 

"What would you know about dating?" I laughed.

"I wouldn't know anything," Pony admitted, laughing. "I just told him to be cool and take you somewhere where you both would get to know each other and have fun."

"Wise man," I chuckled, punching Pony in the gut. 

"Yeah, is Johnny heading to the lot? He's welcome to stay over anytime, you know, just with supervision."

"You're starting to sound more and more like Darry," I joked.

"What? He's not the only overprotective Curtis!" Pony and I shared a long laugh. 

"No Johnny's going back to his place," I said, cooling down. Pony immediately got nervous. "What?"

"Well, while I was coming back from the Dingo, I caught Johnny's old man in an awful mood yelling at Johnny's mom. I think he got fired." 

"Fired?" I yelled. "Oh fuck!" I immediately grabbed a coat and ran out the door.

"Hey! Hey wait!" Pony called. I didn't stop. If Johnny's old man got fired, that would mean no good for Johnny.  

~My Cade~ // Johnny Cade x Reader ("the outsiders" plot base)Where stories live. Discover now