Prologue/Overture: The Legacy and Prophecy of the Moon Wolf

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His lips as red as a rose.


His hair like the night.


His eyes and skin like copper pennies that glow in the pale moonlight.


Though scorned and betrayed, he is of the Goddess' blood.


And though one will reject him, eight more will take his hand.


He will be facing many trials, but will also learn new truths.


And soon, all will know that he will rule the land.




This is the story of a young omega wolf who, despite being rejected and landing in a coma, will soon inherit a royal promise as he is of royal blood- born and created by the Moon Goddess herself. Carson Derek Hadley would soon be known as the young ruler of all the supernatural beings in the world. He just didn't know it yet.


Now, how did it all began for him? Well, my dear reader, to make a long story short all you need to do is read on and find out for yourself. There will be tears, heart aching moments, bloodshed, memories that will break your heart, romantic moments, drama, and so many surprises that- well, you'll just have to see for yourself. Read on if you dare. Or even better, read on even if you don't. All the same, the story of Carson Hadley will be like no other werewolf novels here. This one... is simply blessed by the Moon Goddess herself.

 And so it begins!

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! This story, the first installment of my "Sun and Moon Royals" gay werewolf trilogy, is about to begin! And I plan to give you everything that you'll love and so much more: heartbreak, drama, passion, game-changers, thrills, chills, and so much more all down to the epic ending with a royal wedding fit for royalty! Stick around, folks! I, Sir Jay D. Evers, am bringing back my werewolves!

Chapter one is coming up next, so stay tuned! Dedication: GreenForestWitch and JacobStoneWriter.


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