Chapter Twenty-Four

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Carson’s POV


"So, there's now another threat who's seeking after you- not just for your hand in mating but also wanting to take over the world? And the Moon Goddess herself told you that you'll have a final mate who's also your sworn protector?" Ciara said in disbelief after I finished telling her and the others (her family, fathers/brothers, my mates, Fianna and her mom, and Bianca) all that I learned from Mom.

"What I want to know is how this mystery woman got into this mansion without detection?" Harvey piped up, looking frustrated. "All the warriors and guards were taught to look out for any suspicious activity. "And now, we might have a treacherous Alpha who's out to take over all the packs and covens around the world."

"Wait a minute," Mama Marianne said, holding up her hands. "Carson did say that the mystery woman herself was sworn by the Moon Goddess herself to protect him from harm at all costs- and she's also Her sister as well."

"But we don't know that," Alain replied. "For all we know, she might be a part of the problem. How do we know if we can trust her?"

"Your question is mine to answer," came the voice of my Mother as her glorious light filled the bedroom we were in before she took on her opulent form. "Alain Greynier, you need not worry about your mate- my child. The woman that he met is indeed my sister, but I have made her swear to not reveal herself until I believe the time is right- and when she will know when to reveal herself unto all of you."

"Mother," Iain breathed. "Carson. Is he indeed in danger from this Alpha with dark intentions?"

She nodded slowly. "Yes, Iain. The Alpha himself is planning to take Carson from all of his mates and you for his dark purposes- mainly to claim the thrones of the supernatural realms for his own and shroud the world in darkness. And like Regan, he was initially planned to mate with Carson. But unlike Regan, who didn't want an omega, this Alpha is lovelorn yet too involved with the forces of evil. He plans to make Carson his by any means necessary."

"Not if we can help it," Dominic snarled, his eyes glowing red while the rest of my mates agreed, anger flaring into their eyes that glowed in power. "Carson is ours, Goddess. He is too pure for anyone as wicked as this arrogant fool and Regan."

"Peace, vampire," Mother scolded. "The Alpha will indeed fail for his pains, but it's all in My hands. It is by design that Carson will be with you, but he will need to face many trials within himself and against the ones who use him and hated him. He had faced down Regan when I sent the boy to hell. And soon, he will face down this Alpha."

To me, "Carson, my son. Know that you are destined for greatness, but things will not be as easy as you think. You must be able to face down this Alpha who is sworn to make you his and fall into the darkness without fear or guilt. It is by design that you are tested for greatness. You have come so far from the broken omega that many have scorned. I am so proud of you, my child. But I will need you to trust in my plans and trust yourself. Will you do it?"

I looked at my circle of people- the ones who I have known and continue to know for all of my life. And while I don't know what the future may bring, I know that these people will be by my side and train me into being the warrior that I know I can be. "I will," I said, bowing low in respect. "I will trust in You, Mom."

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