Chapter Fifty-Five

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In the days that followed, everyone was starting to feel a sense of normalcy return after I had escaped the Dark Moon Pack of Colorado Springs. And most of the defectors have eagerly joined either Ciara's, Gavin's, or some other wolf packs (most notably Fianna's mate's Red Sparrow Pack of Boulder). Cameron and his mate decided to take up residence at the Palace of the Wolves and worked their way to being royal guards.

The loyal workers who were forced to partake in Ryan's macabre wedding planning were also inducted into the palace as royal bakers, chefs, tailors, and jewelers. Philippe the chef was ecstatic when he was offered the role of sous-chef as was Genevieve when she was offered a financial advising position.

As for those who remained loyal to Ryan and his beta Gregor? Well, they suffered the same fate back in Colorado Springs. As much as I hated to admit it, Ryan did make sure that I was well-fed and protected from harm, unlike his twin brother whom I bet would care less if I had lived or died. But that's all moot since both brothers are roasting away in hell. Anyway, my mates and I decided to give them a proper burial and had a private ceremony for the lost lives. The pack manor there was destroyed- burnt to a crisp and reduced to a giant slab of foundation, so it served as a stark reminder to the other packs in town to never commit the same sin as Ryan Zallenda had done.

As for myself, I was given a thorough check-up by the doctors and given a clean bill of health. It surprised the Nine that I basically wasn't harmed or injured, so that made them happy. Of course, that didn't stop them from making sure that all traces of the late rogue Alpha's scent was completely washed away. They all took turns in scenting and marking me with their kisses and love bites- as well as a quickie or two to ensure their mating bonds with me are stronger.

The last two weeks have been full of peace, save for the deaths of Cora Mae, her twin Cathy Sue, and Abby Mae- all three women dying gracefully and peacefully in their sleep with the latter witnessing the arrival of Ciara and Miles' twin pups- a female Alpha and a male Omega. My family and I- my Mother included- instituted three weeks of mourning and reflection for the fallen women who had eagerly prayed for my return. The twin women's mates (both of them Alpha mermen) and their daughters (female Alpha hybrids) were grateful for honoring Cathy and Cora with a state-issued joint funeral ceremony that they wanted to offer me their services. Alissa was a midwife-in-training and a licensed RN at UC Hospital while her cousin Angelique was slated to join Yesenia as the new head maid.

And now, it was a sunny Friday afternoon and I was at my next check-up with Dr. Settel and Alissa while Francisco, Quentin, Delia, and Arianna accompanying me to check on the progress of my babies. "As we can see, Carson, your boys are starting to develop just nicely," the were-bear shifter said eagerly as she moved the wand around on my now-visible bump. "And they are starting to share a bond."

"Our boys are going to be very devoted to each other," Francisco purred happily in my ear, his demon cousin ruffling my hair with his fingers. "Just like their daddies."

"Would it be possible to hear their heartbeats?" said demon asked Dr. Settel.

"Of course," Alissa replied, flipping a switch and then a pattering of heartbeats began to fill the large doctor's office. "Their heartbeats are very strong. And it's no doubt that they're going to be very healthy- the omega included."

"Wow," Arianna replied, taking in the sights of my sonogram. "Mom and Bianca are never going to forgive me if I don't get a recording and pictures. They wanted to come, but B had a doctor's appointment of her own and Mom had a dentist's appointment."

"We have you covered," Dr. Settel said to Arianna, handing her three pictures of my nine fetuses and the tapes that held the recordings of my boys' heartbeats. She also had three more to give to Delia, who was wiping away tears from her eyes.

"Thank you," the Luna replied. "Abby Mae would've been very honored to make sure that Miles was getting his copy. And she would've loved this moment."

"I bet she would have," I agreed, cuddling up closer to my two mates. "She and her son saved me that night, and I need to make sure that I honor her memory properly. And I think that-"

"Say no more," Delia replied. "I know exactly what you're thinking- a school or a community center to memorialize Abby Mae. I like it. And the city council is willing to pitch in with both ideas- Mr. Drewell had told me that he wanted to gift you a few properties to establish a couple."

I thought for a moment. "Yeah, let's do it," I said. "I'll begin with a high school for both the supernatural and the humans- Abby Mae Bethune Memorial High, home of the Wolverines."

Delia nodded, immediately dialing away on her cellphone and making the call.

"Carson, this is why my cousin and I love you," Quentin said as he helped me to stand while his brother wiped the cool jelly off of my protruding stomach. "You're always quick to make sure that you treasure every moment and leave no one behind. And when it comes to honoring the dead, you make sure that they are memorialized and never forgotten."

"I love y'all too," I said, kissing both of them. "I can't wait to begin this new chapter with y'all."

"But of course," Francisco replied. "Now, we need to make sure that you aren't stressed out, so we're going to put you on bed rest, and my mates and I will handle all of your affairs."

"Wait, why?"

"It's obvious that with your pregnancy that your mates will want to make sure that you are comfortable without any fear or danger," Alissa deduced as she and the female doctor began to clear everything away. "The pups are due to come in at any moment now and you'll need lots of rest, quiet, food, warmth, and the comfort of your mates. You'll need to be on bed rest for the remainder of your pregnancy."

"What about the wedding and coronation planning?" I said.

"Leave that to us," Arianna said, walking up to me. "The gang and I are almost done with the framework and we'll go over some of the details with you tomorrow after breakfast. Now, you and your mates get some sleep- or some good-old-fashion loving in. Heaven knows that Quentin and Francisco are at the ready to jump your bones."

"Preach," Dr. Settel murmured as Alissa covered her mouth to stifle her giggles.

I took a deep breath, knowing that they were right. To my mates (both of them feeling flushed with the want to take me), "Shall we head to bed?"

"We shall," Quentin growled seductively as he swooped me in his arms and led me to the bedroom. And we didn't leave for the rest of the day.

And that, dear children, is how you add in some fluffy feels!

Coming up next, it's time to plan a joint wedding/coronation ceremony as Carson's pregnancy hormones are all over the place! And it pays to have nine mates at one's beck and call!


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