Chapter Fifty-Three (Endgame of Ryan Zallenda, Pt. One)

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Carson's POV

The day of the dark wedding is here.

In less than two hours, I am going to marry the twin brother of Regan Zallenda- the long-deceased werewolf who broke my heart and changed my life- and become HIS husband. And unless I want to the miserable husband and Luna of a complete douchebag who likes to sow his wild oats while watching my children grow up to be like him and my baby omega be locked away from my sight; I needed a plan to get out of Dodge City and get back to my mates.

"You look so ravishing, our Luna," one of the female stylists named Carly gushed as she finished polishing my shoes while her fellow workers continued to add the finishing touches to my "bridal" look- an all-black tuxedo of satin and velvet made by Givenchy that is way too hot for this summer complete with matching dress shoes that were way too tight. I was adorned with an elegant necklace that was similar to the last one from the birthday party.

And yep, that same necklace that I was wearing was laced with wolfsbane and mistletoe to keep me from shifting and running/flying away to my mates ("So I can be sure that I get to have you all to myself," Ryan had explained before putting the damned manacle on my neck).

My throat was getting as dry as the Mojave Desert.

My feet were killing me.

My stomach was churning and ready to blow, even though I didn't have a single bite to eat last night and during the morning and afternoon hours.

And I was missing my mates bad.

I took calm breathes to quell my rattling nerves just as Carli spritzed a cloud of cologne with a grand flourish before proclaiming me as perfect.

"Excellent work, Carli," I heard the booming voice of my "soon-to-be husband, note my sarcasm" cheered happily. "Now, join the others as I have a few more words for my soon-to-be-husband."

Carli and her friends, dressed impeccably in matching black cocktail dresses, bowed low before taking their things and making a quick repose.

"Ryan, you do realize that it's bad luck to see the bride- er, groom- before the wedding," I said calmly, pasting a smile. "I know that you don't want to let anything go wrong."

"Ah, but I am assured that everything will go as planned," he drawled, wrapping me in a giant hug briefly before kissing me on the cheek. "And besides, we will be one with each other, in life and death."

That caught my attention. "What do you mean?"

Ryan smiled widely. "You know what I mean exactly," he drawled. "I actually intend for you to be sacrificed after we say our vows and your spirit can merge with mine. That way, I alone can overthrow the gods and goddesses that you call your family and rule the supernatural worlds in the way that I intended to. And while I know that you will not get a chance to have the family of your dreams and I can tell that I am robbing of your blessed children that you are carrying, at least I will get to say that my chance to be the ultimate king of all the world."

"What of my-"

"Shh," he said gently. "I want to savor this moment between us, love. And how I want to take you where you stand. But I need you to remain as untouched as you are- even if those losers soiled you. I want to make sure that you die with me being the only thing you will see as we are united in the bonding of life and death- darkness and light, good and evil., the whole shebang!"

Good grief, folks! This man has gone crazy. He's really planning to not only make me his but also kill me? he looks a lot like Regan and he's also hungry for power. But at least he didn't reject me. Still, he has got to go.

And he will, Carson, I heard the voice of my Mother intone in my head. Ryan will soon meet his end as I have some people coming to save you as we speak. They are coming, my child. Trust in my plan. Trust yourself.

Yes, Mom. I broke away from the embrace and gave Ryan a small smile. "Are you ready?" I asked.

"I thought you'd never ask," the buffoon replied. "Come, the night awaits!"

Oh, the night is waiting for us, all right. It's waiting for me to leave this nuthouse and for Ryan to meet his demise.



Ryan's POV (ICK! I hate writing this, but this is the next-to-last one for sure)

My sweet Carson.

He's taking this in stride, calmly accepting his fate as if he knew that he was ready to die. See, why can't all the omegas today accept their place as merely broodmares and slaves like my little royal mate is doing?

I get the fact that he's the actual son of the Moon Goddess, but he's still a part of the lower ranks regardless. And he shouldn't be too surprised that I planned to off him and take his powers. And yeah, I may be killing those brats in his womb, but they're a conduit to what's rightfully mine. And soon, Carson's blood and powers will run in my veins and head straight for my heart and soul, giving me the full power to claim the throne of his Mother and be the God of all Gods!

Thank you, Carson DuBauer, for making this perfectly easy for me. Thank you for dying and making this world a better place.

And now... it's showtime! There's no going back now!


Arianna's POV

"I see the duo walking down the aisle now," I said to Fianna in my walkie-talkie. "Ugh, Carson looks like a hot mess in that tuxedo. Poor kid. Over."

"I'll say," Fianna replied from the other end. "At least this nightmare will be over soon. Over."

"Right. Is everyone in position? Over."

"You know we are," Eurydice said from somewhere in the back of the courtyard. "Topaz and I got the north wing. Over."

"I'm in the south wing," Fianna replied. "And Thebes' has the east wing. Over."

"I'm at the west wing," I replied, pulling out my handgun and getting ready to take my shot. "Once I see the Goddess strike him down, we begin our rescue. Got it?"



"You already know. Over," I heard Topaz reply. "I'm glad that I'm doing this live on the radio. This is so going to get me my Emmy award.

"Focus, guys," I admonished everyone. "The ceremony is about to begin. No further communication or else we blow our cover. Over and out."

I cut my walkie-talkie off, crouching low in the shadows thanks to the invisibility cloak (thanks, Topaz!) before gripping my gun. "All right, Carson," I muttered. "Just hang on for a few minutes. Your chariots of freedom have arrived."


Don't even think about getting comfy just yet, folks! The end of Ryan Zallenda and the Dark Moon Rogue pack is close at hand in the next chapter, so get ready to see it all go down!

Dedication: mukelabaiKolomu.


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