Chapter Twenty-Five

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The rest of my homecoming weekend was in a blur of greeting the pack members and paying respects to those who knew of what had happened and what was currently going on. In between parties and large gatherings, I was caught up with combat training with Ciara's best warriors alongside weapons mastery with Bianca and her main three hunter friends (Clayton made sure that my body was in fine tune with hand-to-hand combat training while Colleen and Colin had me master the art of the crossbow).

Iain and Archer (we decided to call each other by our first names since we looked like college kids more than the simple gay dads and son) were sure to teach me royal manners and had me learning the history of the past Werewolf Kings and the various packs across the globe. Plus, Eurydice and Topaz sat me down and had me familiarize all of the ins and outs of the supernatural communities, with the latter making sure that I became a part of his talk show while learning the details of the high society.

And while I did miss the comforting presence of my mates (they had to leave to get my room at the Werewolf Kingdom castle ready), I knew that they had their betas standing guard. And they did say that they wanted me to meet their packs and covens in the future.

All in all, I knew that my weekend was going to leave me tired. But it never pays to slack off, especially with the evil Alpha wolf out to claim me as his own and take over the world.

It was now Sunday afternoon and I was just finishing up a brunch with Delia and Miles alongside a few former Lunas before heading to my guest room to pack my bags. Iain said that my new residence was ready and I was going to move in by this evening. "Tired, aren't we?" Eurydice joked, handing me a glass of lemon water as we breezed through the throng of servants and various members.

"You don't know the half of it," I replied. "Boy, being a royal-in-training is no easy task, especially when we got this Alpha out for my heart and wanting me for his mate."

"No need to worry yourself," Eurydice said, clapping me on the back. "And the Moon Goddess herself said to trust yourself and all of us, Carson. We'll soon take down that dodo-brained dummy so you can focus on mating and being a badass Moon Wolf."

"Thank you," I replied as we reached my guest room. But my comfort turned to fear as I saw a familiar face- one that I had never wanted to see since he was the leader of making me his punching bag. "Keith," I breathed.

The athletic (and now pregnant) blonde wolf saw me look of fear and bowed low. "Carson, Your Highness," he said. "I mainly came here wanting to talk to you."

Eurydice came to my side, a look of anger in his eyes. "And he obviously doesn't want to talk to you, much less see your face since you were the leader of the bullies that nearly broke him." he spat. He turned to a masculine redheaded male warrior. "Lachlan, why did you bring him here of all places?"

The other male known as Lachlan held up his hands in a gesture of peace. "We just-"

"Don't even answer that," the phoenix cut him off. "Y'all know that Carson already has enough problems on his plate and he can't afford to"

"I'm here to make amends with the future King of the Supernaturals," Keith blurted out, turning to me. "Carson, I know that I have no right to be talking to you since I was the main leader of beating you up for no reason. But I want to say that I'm sorry."

"You say the word, and I'll have Ciara toss them out," Eurydice told me. To the couple, "You have ten minutes, fools. The moment that time's up, you're out of here."

Keith nodded. "Anyway, Carson, the moment that Regan's family began to go off on him, I began to question why he rejected you and wanted me and the other Betas beat you up," he began. "I initially thought that you were just another pesky runt that would be dead weight, hence me and the others wanting you out of our lives. But then, the rejection happened and we learned that you performed the Soul Conversion and everything began to make sense. You knew that you didn't stand a chance if you stuck around and that you were marked for death if you didn't leave. And as I served my time and got my ass whipped, I realized that I was in the wrong. It took me those two years before you were hospitalized to realize that you were a true warrior."

I looked up at Lachlan. "And did you think that Keith's punishment was fair?" I asked him.

He nodded. "I was originally a new transfer when I heard the news," he replied. "And once I visited him and recognized him as my mate, I needed to make sure that he got the message across- he was a fool for being a brat towards you. But he was repentant, unlike Regan. And after a few days of getting to know him, he was pardoned and we became mates."

"I'm really sorry for all the hell that I put you through," Keith said sadly. "If I could, I could give my former self a kick in the nuts for hurting you like that. I know that I can't change the past, but I want to be a proper friend."

I turned to Eurydice, who shrugged. The ball was in my court now. And I knew that as a royal-in-training, I needed to show justice and mercy. I calmly walked up to the pregnant former Beta and slapped him. "That's for being an asshole," I said.

"I deserved that," Keith winced.

And then, I hugged him. "And this is for being repentant and owning up to your mistakes," I said. "I forgive you, Keith Walker."

"Thank you," Keith said, letting a couple of tears fall. "Thank you so much. Anyway, I know you're about to head to your new home- the King's palace. But I want us to hang out sometime soon."

"I like that," I replied. "Now, are you having a boy or a girl?"

Lachlan grinned. "Twin boys, both of Beta blood," he boasted. "We better get going since Keith's got a check-up soon. But we'll talk soon."


The mated couple left as I headed to the closet and pulled out my new designer luggage (thanks to Colin's mom) before beginning to pack. "I knew that you made the right decision," Eurydice commented, handing me a couple of dress shirts to place in one of the suitcases. "You forgiving that Keith fellow- after you slapped him, cool beans- proves that you're on the way of owning your grace."

"Well, I'm not the type to hold a grudge, even if I was feeling a lot of hurt when I left," I replied. "Back then, I originally thought he was going to be the one to actually kill me if I didn't leave the pack."

"Thank goodness that he didn't," Eurydice said as he handed me the compact bag that held my toiletries. "You know that your Momma might have killed him if he tried to- note the fact that you can't be killed at all."

"True," I assented. "Anyway, the past is in the past and it's time to move forward to better things."

"So, what's next?"

I sighed, zipping up one fully-packed suitcase before filling up the second one. "Right now, we need to keep our eyes and ears opened and our wits sharpened since we still got the Alpha out for me," I replied. "And since this weekend is coming to a close, you already know that the daily grind will soon set in and I'll need all the guidance and training I can get."

"And you'll have it," Eurydice assured me as Topaz and Fianna came in. "just make sure to take some time out for yourself and allow yourself to breathe. Even Kate Middleton needs to step aside from being a future queen to let loose."

I smiled as I continued to finish packing. "Well, I'm grateful that you're here to make sure that I do," I commented.

Several minutes later, my suitcases were now packed and I was treating myself to a nice bubble bath courtesy of Topaz alongside a facial (with a new cream made by Fianna consisting of cocoa butter and charcoal). And while I knew that I wouldn't have more opportunities to focus on myself, this was a small step to make sure that I practice self-care. And as for the new threat, I was going to continue to look sharp and practice my defensive skills.

That's nice of Carson making nice with Keith, who ought to be rewarded for finally eating crow and making amends for what he did. If I was Carson, I'd be one petty bitch from hell and make Keith grovel for my mercy.

Anyway, Carson's set to move into his new home in the next chapter and a new surprise regarding his special day will not make him happy but rather make him say, "Oh, no!" Find out what it is in the next chapter! Don't miss out!

Dedication: BookishFable.


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