Chapter Twenty-Two

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That was the first thing that left the motion of this flamboyantly-dressed (a canary-yellow tuxedo that matched his cropped hair and eyes- contacts, maybe) young man that was the spitting image of Eurydice Joneslake. In his ear was a device that resembled a headset with a microphone and he was wearing a lot of jewelry. Behind him was a large Hispanic man who waved at me ad various females who were dressed in businesswear in the colors of yellow and white.

This must be Topaz Skye.

"Ladies and gentlemen, right before me are none other than the resurrected and well-respected Carson DuBauer, the long-lost royalty of the Werewolf Kingdom and the Moon Wolf himself!" Topaz boomed. "This is your boy Topaz Skye live at the Four Aces pack with this fine young specimen that was once scorned by the now-in-hell Regan Zallenda. And he's looking like a million bucks with two of his eight mates with him- Gavin Arundel from the Nightrose Pack and Ferdinand Odair from the Red Spade Werecat pack."

Suddenly, he pulled out a large staff that resembled a microphone. "And now, let us hear his first greeting to the world, y'all."

I smiled softly, not wanting to upset him. "Hi, everybody," I said. "It's good to be here."

Topaz and his entourage gasped in glee. "Excellent!" he said. "Ladies and gentlemen, as this weekend goes along with Our Royal Highness's homecoming, you can expect me to be there as we'll know of his secrets, loves, confessions, and his feelings- taking us on a journey on the road to the throne that's blessed by the Moon Goddess- his Birth Mother- Herself. Tell me, Carson, are you nervous in performing the royal duties to come?"

The microphone was back in my face. "I'll never know unless I try," I replied. "I'll work my grace, as they all say."

"Perfect!" Topaz cheered. "And now, ladies and gentlemen, the news. But expect me to be by Carson's side for this weekend and in the days to come. That's right, y'all. The Topaz Skye Show is doing a special- The Royal Watch of Carson DuBauer! See y'all later!"

I heard someone say "That's a wrap" on the other end of the microphone- a producer back at his studios, maybe- as his female entourage came on him like doves waiting for food. He waved them off as he approached me. "Sorry for all of that, but I wanted to finally up my career as a radio show host," he said as Eurydice joined him. "As you can tell, Eury is my twin cousin and we've got twin brothers as our mates. Anyway, Carson, I wanted to meet you properly now. And as for the radio show and me following you, you might as well get ready for a lot of craziness ahead. But you can expect me to be courteous and proper as the days roll along."

I nodded. "Thanks," I said. "Can you let your friends-"

Topaz's eyes went wide. "Oh," he said, getting the message. To the entourage and his mate. "Y'all head downstairs and grab a bite. Take a load off."

They didn't need to be told twice as they scattered out of the room and headed downstairs with Gavin and Ferdinand following behind them, leaving me with the two phoenixes.

Eurydice motioned me to sit on the bed, but the air suddenly went cold as I saw a hooded figure coming into the room, a large hissing sound in the air. "Who are you?" he said. "Show yourself."

"I cannot, young phoenix," the voice said in a female's voice. "I must remain hidden for now, but I come from the Moon Goddess herself to watch over Carson."

That caught my attention. "How do you know me?" I asked firmly.

The mystery female, who wore a Venetian mask to cover her face, walked up to the bed. "I was sent by the Goddess- your Mother and my mistress- to make sure that the new threat who vows to take you away will not do anything rash," she said. "I am your sworn solider, Carson DuBauer, as I am sworn to do all that I can to protect your legacy."

"Wow," Topaz replied, eyes wide as silver dollars. "This is big news."

"That it is, Topaz Skye," the female said bemusedly. "My time to reveal myself is not yet. But you will know soon. Be careful Carson DuBauer, as he is here and watching your every move. This Alpha is dark yet obsessed with you. Stay alert and be mindful of who you trust."

I nodded. "Thank you," I said. "You're one of the guardians that-"

"That I am," she cut me off. "The second will be your final mate and he too is watching over you as we speak. I must go, but know that we will meet soon." She snapped her fingers and disappeared into a cloud of purple smoke.

"Well, damn!" Topaz drawled, turning to me. "I thought you have eight mates. Now you have nine?!!"

"You need to tell Ciara and the others, as well as Iain and Archer," Eurydice said, all trace of humor gone. "They need to know about everything that she said."

"Right," I said. "No use putting it off now. And Topaz, I will be needing you by my side for all of the-"

"Say no more," he cut me off. "Now, let's find your brothers/fathers and spill the tea!"

We headed back to the party, my mind racing after all that I heard so far. At least Topaz is lucky to get all that he'll need for his radio show. Me? Well, I had a feeling that this was only the beginning of a lot of imminent protection to keep me safe.

Oh, boy.

Oh, boy is right, folks! And just when you thought things were starting to slow down and Carson can take a break from the drama after the events in the first 20 chapters! And we'll hear from our mystery threat in the next chapter, so don't miss out!


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