Chapter Sixteen

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Dear readers, one might expect to think that while this was going on, Regan Zallenda might be rethinking the entire mess that he made and is ready to embrace the inevitable. But with him hiring an assassin to take out poor Carson (that completely bombed thanks to Bianca Albritton), ending up getting mercilessly beaten by the guards, and watching more and more of the prisoners getting pardoned by mating with a visiting Alpha or a reprieve from Ciara and her family (and sometimes both)...

Well, you already get the gist that Regan is still the pathetic pariah and the scorn of all mankind and the supernatural all around the world. And at this point, one should already tell that he is still making plans to kill Carson- the Moon Wolf created by the Moon Goddess and the son/brother of the Werewolf Kings Iain and Archer DuBauer.

"Fucking hell," Regan screamed angrily as he winced painfully while lying back down on his hard cot. "That Lainey DuBois was my only chance of making sure that I kept my status as the best-damned werewolf in the world and that Albritton whore screwed it all up."

"That's what you get," hissed a female's voice.

Regan looked up to see a svelte female with coffee-colored skin and dreadlocks as she (dressed to kill) was with a sleeping Beta wolf (who looked like he was being released). "And who the hell are you?" Regan growled.

"Watch it," shot Keith as his pregnant form (with his large red-headed mate- a werewolf from Biloxi) joined her. "This is Felicity Demorest and she's the Alpha Female from New Orleans. And I believe that you already met my mate Draco, one of the new pack warriors."

"Charmed," Regan said sarcastically. "I'm going to get my title back as the Alpha. Once I kill off Carson and all of you who support him, the whole world will see that I am the TRUE Alpha of this pack! Hell, I'll even go as far as killing his daddies and being king so I can kill all the omegas with my bare hands."

"Tut-tut," drawled a delightfully effeminate voice. "Dummy dearest, you are asking for trouble already."

All eyes whirled around to find a slender yet muscular young man with glowing blue eyes that matched his deep blue hair. He was dressed in only silk pants that hugged his frame and showed off his abs.  "Who the fuck are you?" Regan hissed.

"You can call me Thebes, you silly goose. I am the messenger of the Moon Goddess and the son of Hermes," the being replied. "I'm also a djinn. And you, my mutton-brained moose-head, are in a heap of trouble."

"And let me guess, the Moon Goddess isn't happy about what I did to that runt," Regan mocked.

"It's CARSON," the four wolves said in unison, all of them exasperated.

"A mutt's a mutt, in my eyes," Regan shot back.

"Oh, you ninny," Thebes tsked, clucking his tongue. "Anywho, your plans to kill him will be all for naught since you know that Carson Hadley is actually a Moon Wolf, created by his Mother the Moon Goddess."

"WHAT?!" Regan's eyes went as wide as silver dollars, his stomach dropping low while Anubis was cackling in his head.

"You heard me, dodo birdie. And you know what THAT means, do you?" Thebes said gleefully.

Regan dropped to the ground, ready to spew. "He can't be killed no matter how hard anyone tries," he deduced. "He's also Her next successor to rule the supernatural kingdom."

"That's right," Draco replied. "And you, idiot, could've been ruling with him as his husband. Well, look who's shook."

You gutless wonder, Anubis snapped angrily. I KNEW that this was going to happen. You're the biggest fool in the world for rejecting what could be the best thing in your life. I am SO out of here! Have fun with your life, you jackass!"

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