Chapter Fifty

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Carson's POV

My eyes fluttered open, my inner supernatural halves stealthily quiet as I took in my surroundings.

And from what I can see, I am not back in my bedroom at the Palace of the Wolves.

This bedroom is a bit larger than the one in the palace, but it was painted in darker shades of red and gray. It was lavishly decorated with an Arabian Nights theme- from the large bookshelf full of classics and the latest bestsellers to the four-poster bed that I was laying on. An adjacent bathroom near the bed hinted a large vanity sink and a sneak peek of the large Jacuzzi bathtub.

"What the hell is this?" I muttered, stifling a yawn as I stretched my limbs and sat up...

And saw that I wasn't wearing my comfortable sweatpants and Colorado Rockies shirt. Instead, I was wearing a white crew-neck T-shirt and a pair of gray boxer briefs. Someone must've undressed me.

"You're awake, Luna."

I snapped out of my thoughts as I turned to the door and found a large man carrying a tray that looked like food. "Who are you?" I said, leveling my voice in a neutral tone.

The man smiled thinly. "I'm one of the Betas here in the Dark Moon pack," he said proudly. "And Ryan's going to be happy to hear that you're finally awake. He's been on pins and needles since he saw you being carried inside."

Ah, yes. Ryan. "I'm here in his pack," I said.

"That's right, baby boy. You're finally here where you belong."

And speak of the devil and he shall appear. Ryan Zallenda was casually dressed in a blue T-shirt and jeans that hugged his massive frame like a glove. And damn it to hell if he wasn't the exact clone of his deceased twin brother- kissable lips, the wavy brown hair, the steely eyes (that were full of joy in contrast to Regan's being full of arrogance and hatred). "I can't believe this," I muttered. "I'm in the dragon's lair of the rogue Alpha."

"Don't be so sad about it," Ryan said, mock-pouting. "And this is your REAL home, not that silly little palace that's way too brash and lavish. Here, we're all about simplicity and efficiency yet my pack and I rely on full trust and making sure that no one is left behind. And since we all know of your status as the Moon Wolf, we are so happy to have such a pup as yourself to lead us into a new age."

Ryan took the tray of food from his Beta. "Thank you, Daunte," he said before setting the food on a nearby table. "I hope you're hungry, love. I made sure that the maids and cooks prepared a little something special to welcome you home."

I wasn't too sure that if I could trust him or his pack to feed me, but I knew that my babies needed to eat something since I suspected that it was now late in the afternoon. I slid off the bed and made my way to the table and sat down, looking down at the plate of grilled chicken and pasta that was accompanied by a green salad and a small bowl of ice cream. I tentatively took a bite of food, my jitters lightening up to find that it wasn't tainted with poison or sedatives.

"See? You eat your dinner means that you're taking good care of your pups," Ryan said. "And soon, they're going to be OUR pups since you and I are destined to be together. And I won't make the same mistake as my brother did- let you be abused and mistreated like you're worthless. He was a damn fool for rejecting you in the first place and having you exiled. The only reason that I didn't completely hate my twin was that he was merciful in letting you leave before being killed. If he had rejected you before killing you, then I would never forgive him and the town would have his head on a platter.

"But that's all moot since he's dead and I'm now going to be your one and ONLY mate that you'll need. Those nine buffoons of yours have already filled you up with their pups. But no matter. I'll accept them as my own since one of them is going to be the next in line with your Mother- my soon-to-be Mother-in-Law. And our little omega pup will be the one heartbreaker who will make all the future Alphas swoon," Ryan said dreamily as a wide grin split his face. "And after those boys are born, I'll take my time in filling you with my pups- and I'll make sure that all of our children will be loved equally."

"What about-"

Ryan cut me off. "You won't be needing those Werewolf kings, though they are your biological fathers/brothers and all," he said firmly yet keeping his smile. "Hell, you won't even need those nine idiots once I make you my husband. I'm going to make sure that you'll only think of me from when we wake up to when we cuddle after plenty of hot sex. And as long as I live, you'll be mine. Only MINE!"

I just continued to eat my food, not wanting to panic and fight back because I wanted to make sure that I had enough energy to plan my escape- or at least hope that someone would come and find me. And if I knew better, I bet that the whole world, never mind the entire state of Colorado, was in a state of panic and rage.

I had a feeling that the world was furious with Ryan Zallenda. And my mates were freaking out.


Third-Person POV

"Outrage! This is an outrage!" Gavin growled as he paced around in fury, his face half shifted with fangs and claws out as his eyes glowed bright red. "The nerve of Ryan kidnapping OUR mate in broad daylight."

"Agreed," Iain said as he comforted his silently-weeping husband/brother while the two of them were with the nine mates, Harvey, Ciara (who was wiping away tears while furiously chatting away with a couple of guards), and the Albritton women in one of the large conference rooms. "I'm sensing that Carson is keeping calm for the moment yet I also feel a bit of unease from him."

"You mean that you and Archer can feel the bond?" Nicholas asked, his fiery and shirtless glory illuminating the room yet harming no one.

Iain nodded. "Since the three of us are Moon Wolves, we can sense each other's emotions and thoughts even when we're apart," he explained. "And Carson is keeping it together yet is hoping that someone is coming to rescue him."

Dominic turned to Ciara, who had finished her phone call. "Any leads?" he asked.

"I had my intel team case the land that surrounds the Dark Moon Pack land," she said formally. " So far, there's been an increase of security since Carson is on their land and in the large pack manor. And it's also full of rogue witches and lone shifters who pledged their loyalty- howbeit the pledge was done under duress for many since most of them know who Carson is mated to. The bad news is that some of the really radical ones think the same thing that Ryan has in his mind: Carson is his ONE AND ONLY mate and the Nine are fools."

Alain let out a string of Irish curses, gripping his trusted gold trident. "Fuck," he hissed. "If that bastard dares to try anything funny or let his cock go near what's mine- what is ours, I'm going to feed him to the sharks back in LA. My poor Carson is stuck with a smitten dolt."

"You can say that again," Quentin said dourly. "All of the underworlds is in high panic while Francisco is crying his eyes out back in heaven. He needed to head back to talk to the angels and archangels in rallying the troops in case we need to prepare for war."

"Guys, guys," Bianca said, holding up her hands to calm the anger down. "We need to stay strong for Carson and the servants and guards here atthe palace. I'm worried as much as you guys are, but we need to remain faithful and trustworthy in what the Moon Goddess has in store. I do not doubt that Carson is going to keep a cool head and do the same. Trusting in each other and the destiny that She has planned is the only way to ensure that Carson will come out as the victor."

"She's right," Archer said as he dried the last of his tears. "Iain and I taught Carson to remain calm when facing a lot of pressure and he's handling himself well at the moment. Right now, we need to talk about strategy and what are we going to do about rescue situations."

And the rest of the night made way for planning of rescuing the abducted Carson DuBauer from Ryan Zallenda as they began to lean on each other while checking on the brokenhearted servants and soldiers. They would take the time to make sure that bursts of anger were kept in check and tears would be dried.

Can you blame Carson's mates for being pissed off right now, folks? Ryan Zallenda's lost his cookies and gushed his mush! Or in layman's terms, he's gone stone-cold bonkers!

And you might hate me for what's coming up next as Ryan pulls off a dick move that will sure enough piss off Carson's mates in the next chapter! All I can say to you is...BUCKLE UP!


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