Chapter Forty-One

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Third-Person POV

The moment that Bianca and Arianna saw all the guys drop their pants and reveal their throbbing cocks in front of a stunned Carson before Gavin took him upstairs for their long-awaited bubble bath was when they knew that the time was now for the party to begin. "Are the hidden cameras activated?" Bianca asked her little sister, who was checking for something on her phone.

"The moment when Gavin opens the bathroom boor is when everything will begin," Arianna said confidently just as there was a ping from her phone. "Ah, and it looks like all systems are go as we speak."

"This is going to be so much fun," Bianca cheered as the two of them headed back to the waiting limousine where Gabriella was at the wheel. "Thank Goddess that the guys believed in my story of making sure that the place was secured when I was really planning to place those hidden cameras all around the house so we can watch the sexy stuff going on."

"Well, what they don't know won't hurt them," Arianna agreed as she stepped inside before the limo pulled away with the guards leading the charge back home. "And the others are waiting for the word right now."

Bianca nodded, pulling out her phone.

Bianca: It's happening.


Yesenia: And I'm missing out due to this luncheon!


Fianna: My man's out with some of the pack buddies for a visit in Pueblo and he won't be back for five days. Got the house to myself. This is perfect.


Colleen: Getting pizza delivered and making popcorn. Are we live?


Arianna: As we speak.


Lailani: Colin's out with Clayton. I'm staking out the hideaway myself. I'm filming this now!

Bianca smiled. "We need to head home ourselves," she said to our sister. "Mom's got the snacks and she and the other matriarchs are waiting for us. This is going to be fun!"


Carson's POV

After Gavin undressed me and led me into the waiting bubble bath, my body instantly relaxed and the heat began to subside as I let my eyes glow into the familiar rose-gold while lowering my neck in submission to the naked Alpha wolf who joined me inside the large tub. "Alpha," I whimpered, transforming into Anais in human form. "My Alpha."

"Such a pretty boy," Gavin said in a crisp Russian accent as he let his wolf Dimitriv show, sidling up to me and placing a gentle kiss on my head. "I've been personally counting the days to this moment right here and right now. The guys and I already had sex with each other, but we couldn't complete the bond without you. You, Carson DuBauer, are the light in our lives and the salt to this circle of passion."

I moaned, my wolf purring in happiness in my head as I saw my mate hand me a full champagne glass. I slowly sipped on the bubbly liquid, my inhibitions lowering as I let Gavin begin to wash my upper body with a washcloth. "Alpha," I said dreamily. "My Alpha."

Gavin laughed, placing butterfly kisses on my neck and upper shoulders as he continued to wash me. "Ах, Карсон.  Ты для меня такое зрелище.  В тот момент, когда я завязываю тебя узлом в твоей узкой дыре, я наконец-то получу удовольствие, когда ты снова и снова повторяешь мое имя (Translation: Ah, Carson.  You are such a sight for me to behold.  The moment that I knot you in your tight hole is when I will finally enjoy you saying my name over and over again.)," he said before switching to English. "Let me take care of your body that I want to make sing."

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