Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Remember when I said that my family AND mates were not going to react well to the news of my first kiss being stolen by Ryan Zallenda?

I was right on the money... and then some.

"Lunacy! The nerve of that Alpha coming in and kissing OUR Carson like that?!" Francisco hissed, his angel wings out in full display with his heavenly aura emanating in the large conference room while a raging thunderstorm was in full force. "We should've known that he would dare show his face to our mate like that! My angel Metatron is itching to fight right now."

"Easy, Francisco," Quentin said, though his demon Harbonah was showing through his quiet fury and his eyes turning pitch black. "At least the fool only stole Carson's first kiss."

"Which was meant for us," Zechariah hissed angrily while he restrained Orion inside his soul. "Our mate was never kissed at all when he met us and he was preparing for his heat with the ladies."

Alain stood up from his chair, pacing around while clenching his trident. "He was supposed to enjoy a nice day shopping and relaxing, not being disturbed by a perverted man who doesn't respect the unmated's wishes. I have half a mind to-"

"Enough!" Archer and Iain growled, their eyes glowing powerfully as they sat at either side of me, my nerves rattled even after a day at the spa.

"You Eight aren't the only ones who are furious for what Ryan did to your mate- our brother AND son," Iain began, taking a sip of water before continuing. "We're furious as well, my mate and I. It makes me sick to our stomach when our lost Moon Wolf- the one who was denied everything before he came back to us- was robbed of his lip-purity. It also made Anis and Medusa furious, the latter having other Gorgons pledge themselves to fight for her nephew should the time comes for rescue and battle. The maids themselves are crying themselves sick with Yesenia and Cora Mae needing to rest from duty."

"But most of all? Our Mother, the one who sees all and knows all, is mourning with our son right now and She is scared for Her son- the one who will join her and all of us to rule the supernatural," Archer added. "We do not need to fight against each other on what we could've done. We need to be here for Carson right now- comfort him and calm his nerves before his heat begins."

Anis came in with Bianca and her mother, Eurydice and Topaz alongside their respective mates, Ciara and her father, Clayton, and Colin following behind him. He turned to me, noticing my silent and stony gaze. "Carson," he said softly. "Are you okay?"

I (as my merman Francois) was just sitting there and quietly meditating, taking in all of the hostility before I finally cried- letting the tears flow for the one person who dared to steal me away, the times that I spent in the darkness back in the past, the people back at the Four Aces who risked their reputations and lives to comfort me.

But most of all, I cried for the mates that I thought that I didn't deserve. I wanted to keep my lips pure for my nine mates- the nine men who gave me a second chance of love and happiness after Regan ruined it with his cold rejection.

"Oh, Carson. Don't cry, baby boy," Gavin cooed softly s he shifted into his red-gray wolf Dimitriv and came to me, my hands caressing his soft fur. Soon, Ferdinand let his lion Antoni appear and he joined the wolf in comforting me.

"Do not let such a man dare think that we don't need a special boy like yourself," Zechariah said, coming over to dry my tears. "That bastard is a fool- a bloody damn fool to dare taint your lips when you were preparing to give your kisses to all of us."

"Preach," Eurydice murmured, Topaz nodding in assent as they cuddled by their mates.

"I-I'm sorry for crying like this," I stuttered, taking a moment to compose myself. "I just don't want to feel rattled after I had such a good day preparing myself for-"

"You don't need to worry about that, my child," I heard the voice of my Mother as She emerged from her ethereal light. "Be at ease, my children, for I have come with my fellow Gods and Goddesses to meet with My son.

And bright rainbow lights filled the room as all twelve deities (including Medusa) joined Her, all of them emitting powerful vibes that made all of us stand and bow.

"This is your Son, Trinity?" said Seraphina, the patron saint of the vampires, said in an Italian accent. "He is as exactly as you said he is- sweet yet powerful. And like your prophecy predicted, he will be a fair ruler."

"Indeed, love," agreed Iapetus (the God of the Seas and the Patron of merpeople and silkies). To me, "Carson, you indeed are one that I approve. My love for you will be as expansive as the seas."

Vinzera, the Amazonian goddess and patron saint of the hellhounds, gave me a toothy grin that was both illuminating and deadly all at once. "I see a fighter in him," she said. "I was as proud as any mother when my twin sister Vinitira watched him shoot the rogue Alpha in the arm. Nice aim."

The copper-skinned goddess known as Vinitria (patron of the demons and dragons) silently nodded, giving no sign of emotion but her eyes were sparkling with approval. "Carson, you must continue to fight with the hunters and huntresses that vow to protect you. Let them train you so you can fight back," she intoned.

"Thank you," I said as I let both Gavin and Ferdinand shift back into their human forms. "Are y'all here to make sure that I'm all right?"

"But of course," said Aurora (the goddess of the dawn and the saint of the fey and lovers). "But we also came to remind you to steer clear of the unmated males and dominant females as your heat will arrive in one week. Ryan indeed stole from you the first kiss that you planned to share with your mates- Anis included since he is also your protector. But one's virtue outweighs any first kiss and it should always be treasured with the destined mate."

I turned to the large, red-haired man who was a powerful gladiator- Sorunos, the god of fire, wrath, and power. "And you? Your Grace? What say you?"

He gave me a firm nod, smiling thinly. "Young Carson, your beauty can calm any storm and quell any wrathful warrior. Even I am not immune and I anger quickly. But yes, my nephew. You must stay somewhere where you will be safe before you bond with your second-chance mates. Regan was a damned fool to break such a beauty as yourself and caused you to lie in a coma for weeks."

"Brother, do not mention that name," drawled Hermes, the messenger of the gods as he turned to me. "Thebes, my trusted guardian and my sister's child, is with the children of the djinn. He knows what will happen, so he told me to tell you to be strong and vigilant. The dark always arrives before the dawn so you must keep your lantern burning and your eyes open for evil."

I bowed low.

"Do not fear, My son," Mom came to me and hugged me. "Ryan will indeed take you and try to fight others for your love and heart. But as my design is written, it will be fulfilled. Only remember to trust in yourself and others around you. And most of all, trust in My plan."

"I will," I replied. "I was just surprised, that's all. Ryan was a REALLY bad kisser with his bread smelling of rotten flesh and old tuna."

Everyone laughed.

"Carson," Fianna breathed as she and her mother hurried to me. "Look, I had one of the maids come and pack your bags early. Given the situation, you might want to head over to the Four Aces pack as soon as possible."

Ciara's eyes lit up in surprise. "Definitely," she said. "And Clay and Colin will be along to protect you and keep your training sessions. My pack warriors will be by your side when you go for runs as well, but you'll need to stay in to avoid any unwanted attention."

I turned to my mates, all of them looking despondent at the mention of me being separated earlier than planned. "I'll be back soon, loves," I promised them. "Just know that I'll be dreaming of you."

"And we will be dreaming of you underneath us," Quentin said seductively. "I'm itching to take you now and-"

"Ah-ah," crowed Colin, stuffing a sweet bun in the demon's mouth. "I just ate."

"Thank you," Clayton piped up. To me, "Are you ready to roll out?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," I said, bidding farewell to everyone before leaving the Palace of the Wolves (and driving away in the red Cadillac- thanks, Gabriella!). It was amazing that I met the Gods and Goddesses that were my aunts and uncles. But my mind was now on the days leading up to my mating. I was going to have to trust in myself to show restraint and take care of my body and mind before my heat came in with a flaming rush.

And as for Ryan Zallenda? I had nothing left to say to him anymore. I knew I couldn't change fate, but I wasn't going to let him ruin my plans for my mates.

There's nothing that I love more than a good-old-fashion family gathering, even more so since this one involves the gods of the supernatural!

And guess what's next? I have for y'all a statement from the Moon Goddess herself! I bet you want to hear from Her, don't you? Well, stay tuned and prepare yourselves!


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