Chapter Twenty One

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Carson's POV

My name is no longer Carson Hadley, the runt of an omega who was deemed the punching bag and whipping boy for the bullies of the Four Aces pack in Denver, Colorado.

My name is Carson Nicholas Derek DuBauer, the son AND brother of Iain Niccolo and Archer Vincente DuBauer- Werewolf Kings as we are the three sons of the Moon Goddess who have given us the titles of the Moon Wolves.

And today, I was in a sea of welcoming and excited faces of every supernatural community, the hunters and their respective matriarchs, and even several celebrities. All of them knew who I was and they were ready to welcome me back after I spent nearly a month in a deathlike coma AFTER being rejected by Regan Zallenda.

"How does it feel?" Iain asked me after he and I finished a lengthy cat with an Alpha female vampire from Denmark. "Being an instant celebrity and all of that?"

I smiled, taking a deep breath. "Well, it definitely is something that I need to still take in even after all this time," I confessed. "I'm still reeling over the fact that I'm now a royal AND a Moon Wolf, never mind the fact that I have eight mates."

"Well, you're definitely not in the basement anymore," Archer replied as he and Ciara- er, I mean Alpha Female Ciara- joined us. "And this is only the beginning of your new life, Carson."

"I'll bet," Ciara replied. "And I'm still taken back that my best friend is now a rank over me, and I'm the Alpha female in my own pack."

I smirked. "Girl, you know that you're still my best friend and I still see you as Alpha," I drawled. "And besides, you'll always be my best friend who saw me as someone who isn't a rogue or a runt. Thank you, Ciara, for everything that you and your pack did to make me feel comfortable when I was almost doomed to die."

Before I knew it, I was wrapped in a giant hug. "You're welcome, Carson," she mumbled. "You'll always be my best friend and welcome to come back anytime."

We broke away, smiling faintly despite the glimmering tears in our eyes.

"Ah-ah," I heard the loud voice of Eurydice Joneslake as he and his parents joined the fray. "Today's supposed to be a day of happiness, and I don't want to see any tears flowing from anybody unless it's tears of joy."

"Sorry," Ciara and I said in unison.

"Anyway, Carson, two of your mates were asking for you, citing that it was unfair that Alain had a chance to talk to you while they were bossed around by Mama Abby Mae," Alpha Damian replied, pointing to the western end of the ballroom where I spotted Gavin and Ferdinand by the refreshments with winsome looks in their eyes.

I nodded. "I'll go see them right now," I replied.

It took me a while, given the fact that I was interrupted by happy pups (fully shifted into their wolves alongside their parents who need to learn better) and other Alphas who were greeting me and wishing me well. Finally, I was by my werewolf and werecat-shifter with Gavin handing me a glass of ginger ale. "Sorry about all of that," I replied. "Looks like everyone's excited to see me these days."

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