Chapter Forty-Five

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Carson's POV

Three weeks later...

"Hustle, Carson!" Clayton boomed from his megaphone as I raced through the forest trees, him and Colin in the tailgate of Harvey's pickup truck. I was currently running in the dense part of the woods that guarded the Palace of the Wolves in my cougar form with Neo feeling the excitement from letting me take over.

Since the two-night mating ceremony, I was feeling endless bouts of energy that led to me unlocking my full potential usage of my powers. And after some initial testing with Archer and Iain, it was more important for me to begin intense combat training and learning to control my powers. Some days were better than others (if not for less exhausting adding to my royal lessons and constant appearances for other packs and covens). And it didn't help much that I was also being snuck in for quickies with my mates. It took only a few strong words from Cora Mae to get the horny men off of my back and a few blows from Yesenia herself (she could easily give Alain a run for his money with her Krav Maga).

Thankfully, the two head maids, alongside Topaz and Eurydice, also made sure that I had eaten full meals (never let it be said that Topaz wasn't an expert with loaded omelets for breakfast as Eurydice was a badass with home-cooked dinners) and had me take time to relax.

"We're down the home stretch, Carson! One mile left!" Clayton boomed.

Almost there, I told myself as I used the biggest burst of energy to lead me back onto the manicured lawn of the palace grounds as I skidded to a full stop before shifting back to my original form. "That was tiring," I muttered, grateful for a bottled water that was tossed my way. "But at least I'm getting faster these days."

"You're getting faster," Colin commented as he and his best friend jumped off the tailgate and Harvey got out of the truck. "But you still need to learn how to pace yourself, bro. No need to overexert yourself."

I nodded, taking a swig of water... before immediately bolting for the nearest bush and begin to vomit my breakfast as well as last night's dinner and late-night snacks.

"Holy shit," Clayton muttered, coming to my side. "Are you okay?"

I looked up at the worried hunter. "Just a stomach bug that keeps popping back up," I commented. "It's been like that for the past two weeks- twice a week, to be precise."

Harvey's eyes went wide. "And this all happened in the morning?" he wanted to know.

I nodded, stifling a burp. "And even after all of that, I still find myself wanting more food. Like right now, I feel the need for a trip to Carl Jr's for a Famous Star burger with extra cheese, chili-cheese fries, fried zucchini, and two large slices of chocolate cakes."

The three guys looked at each other before turning to me. "We need to get you to the doctor," Colin said, his eyes full of emotions save for anger or fear.

"That won't be necessary," I heard the melodic voice of my aunt Medusa as she approached us. "I will personally transport him back to the palace where one is waiting for him."

"Thank you," Clayton breathed, bowing low. "Do you guess on-"

She gave him an ominous grin. "More than you realize," she said. "And soon, all will know of the news."

News? What news?

"You'll see," was all my were-shifters said inwardly. "You'll see soon enough."


Dr. Amaria Settel was a svelte African-American were-bear who was happily mated to a male Alpha werecat-shifter and she was one of the many physicians who looked after me while I was comatose. She was joined by Dr. Alan Parkinson, an Alpha merman and a female nurse (a fairy). Joining them were Fianna and her mom as well as Cora Mae and Yesenia as the medical practitioners gave me a full-on checkup to make sure that I was up to date with my health and ran some tests on the symptoms that the guys mentioned earlier alongside feeling sleepy and lethargic once or twice.

"Well, Your Grace, Dr. Settel and I have gotten your results back with the royal doctors and scientists here at the palace," Dr. Parkinson began, taking off his gloves. "And all the tests reveal one thing and one thing alone- you're pregnant."

"PREGNANT?!" my friends exclaimed, with Yesenia's look of excitement on her face.

"I'm...pregnant?" I said slowly, unable to truly comprehend what the male doctor said.

"That's right, Your Grace. You are going to be a male mommy with 10 Alphas- five sets of twins- and one omega," Dr. Settel said calmly, summoning for the nurse to hand the two of us some tea. "All of them are boys."

Oh, wow.

Looks like my nine mates are going to be daddies. That is... if they are going to be willing to-

"I know that look," Fianna said, noticing my blank stare as she came to me and sat at my right with her mom at my left. "Carson, you know that your men love you no matter what. And if they value their manhood and their lives, they will be supportive of you and be the best-damned fathers in the land."

"Amen to that," Mama Marianne added, rubbing my back. "They knew that you were the father figure to my late grandson whole Gia was working endless shifts at the diner back in Boulder. And even her bosses said that you made sure that Lucas was loved and behaved. He loved you and made sure that you and his momma were not to be disturbed. You're going to be a great parent, baby. And so will those nine if they have the good sense of a chicken."

"I know," I said, letting a few tears fall from my face. "I just didn't expect-"

"We know," Fianna soothed me. "After all that you went through, you're going to have the family that you deserved. And those kids of yours will be a part of one that's based on love, trust, courage, and bravery. I'm sure of it."

"Thank y'all," I croaked, though my heart was lighter with hope. I accepted a tissue from Dr. Parkinson. "Anyway, I need y'all to keep this under your hats since I want to be the one to tell my mates myself."

"We can keep a secret," Cora Me promised. "Can't say much for Yesenia the Motormouth over here since she can talk like no tomorrow."

"Hey! I resent that," the Hispanic maid protested. "I'm not the one who blabbed about your husband's surprise party last year."

"Guys, guys," I said, raising my hand to stop the quarreling. "I can trust all of you to keep a secret. I just don't want a certain wolf to know just yet."

And we all know who that certain wolf was since he's still stalking me with presents and letters trying to woo me away from my mates and into his bed. And if he found out... then he was going to make his move and take me.

But like my Mother said, everything was already set in stone and there was no point in turning the tide. All we had to do was trust in each other and ourselves.


Third-Person POV

"Boss, it's your contact Daunte. Carson DuBauer is pregnant with five sets of Alpha twins and one omega- all of them boys. Should I let them know? But of course, sir. I'll let you tell the others back at Dark Moon. Alpha Ryan is going to with very pleased with this latest development. Okay, then. I'll see you soon."

The mystery man known as Daunte hung up. "Soon, Carson. Soon you will be in the arms of your REAL mate," he said to himself as he quietly left the palace as he came in. By then, no one would suspect that he was here.

And by the end of the day, a very happy Alpha was going to prepare for the arrival of his mate and their future children.

PERIODT! Carson's aout to be a parent with his Alphas, but will they feel the same? You'll have your answers soon, but we'll have to wait until later because the next chapter takes us to check in with Ryan Zallenda and he's over the moon while giving us his backstory and all! Oh, my!

Dedication: -dreamsinwords and authorelizasolares.


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