Chapter Ten

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Carson's POV

"Wow," I said, watching the last image of my newfound second-chance mates checking on me while the Moon Goddess- er, I mean Mom- stood by my side. "I had no idea that these guys loved me that much.


"They do, Carson," Mom said as the image faded away. "They are extremely loyal to you up to the point that they could die without you by their side."


"What do you mean?"


She sighed. "Carson, an Alpha dying without one's mate means serious business. And for an Alpha and omega to be bonded is a blessed moment. And if one dies, the other dies instantly. For omegas, if an Alpha dies while he or she is pregnant, then the omega dies as soon as the child is born. But no one taught you these things since you were denied of education."


"I didn't know," I said. "If only I did-"


"It's all right," she said, cutting me off. "But now, your destiny involves not only your mates but also your true heritage. Carson, you already know that I am your real mother, not just the goddess of all my children. You also have brothers- the Kings of the Werewolves known as Iain and Archer. They are also my children as well as your brothers AND fathers."


"Whoa," I said, taken by surprise. "So, I'm really a born royal?"


"More than you realize. And when it's time for you to return, you will not only have your wolf but also the same halves as your mates- cat shifter, vampire, merman, angel, demon, hellhound, and even a dragon. But more importantly, your brothers are also gifted with one more supernatural side that I created alongside your wolves- phoenix."


"Wow," was all I could say.


"I know," Mom grinned. "But Regan is still around to make sure that you die in your misery, so you can't really return until his time on Earth has ended. He will soon plan to kill you but he will not succeed since you are my child and can never be killed."


"So, what should I do now?"


"For now, the time for you to rest is at hand," she said as her ethereal glow began to fade. "Just know that the time for you to say your final words to him will soon follow as you wake up. So close your eyes and save your strength for your eventual return, Carson. And remember to trust in my plan for you. Trust yourself."


She placed a kiss on my forehead as I gave into the blissful waves of sleep.


Talk about surprises that left me shook! I bet Regan is in a lot of trouble for the mess that he made.

Short chapter, I know, but it'll set up what's ahead in the next ten chapters that will close out act one of this mega-saga!

In the next chapter (another short chapter), we'll check in with a surly Regan Zallenda who's not a happy camper after revealing his intentions of committing Omega genocide. And he's still hopped up on revenge. But let's just say that he'll be the one in hot water for his crimes! All will be made clear in due time, folks. Just stick around for what's ahead!


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