Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Trinity’s (Moon Goddess) POV

My son. Carson.

A beautiful boy who was the last of the three Moon wolves that I created from my celestial and ethereal womb to leave the heavens and into the world to hide until it was time to manifest himself.

I knew that he wouldn't have it as easy as his brothers since he would face a lot of animosity for being an omega. I knew that he would face persecution and abuse by arrogant betas and spiteful warriors who wanted him dead. They didn't know that since he was a Moon Wolf he couldn't be killed or harmed. In a coma, yes. But he could never die at all.

I watched him being neglected and mistreated, but afterward cared for by the Zallenda family of the Four Aces pack. Harvey and Delia were gracious to take him in and their daughter Ciara and her mate Miles and his grandmother did all they could to make him comfortable in a place that hardly had any safety measurements. The other members who took pity on them and those who didn't know also contributed to making my son happy and loved when hope was nearly destroyed.

I never told my son this, but I had hoped that Regan would be the one to guide Carson from the darkness and into the light by being his mate and giving him happiness. But they were dashed as he told his trusted betas to cause lots of harm in his stead before coming home and rejecting my son and kicking Carson out with only bruises and bad memories in his mind.

And as for the Soul Conversion?

It too was planned.

I allowed him to live his human days with the Napier women and the Dark Dahlia pack to be a father figure to Lucas and have a platonic relationship with the child's mother Gia, both of them now in the arms of the angels above and reunited with their true mate and they are happy for my son being given a second chance.

And when I saw the Elite Eight Alphas claim my son as their mate, I gave them my blessing in their dreams (and a few warnings of punishments if they break his heart) and let them visit my son while he was in a coma and resting, waiting for the sad ending for Regan. The fool was indeed heartless for wanting omegas out of existence as well as banning any sympathizers. He was wrong to think that he could control whom others could and could not mate. I alone bless the bonds of soulmates and no one dares question my rule as the main goddess of all creation.

And now, my son is waiting for the moment when he seals his love for the nine (my brother Anis included since he is also Carson's protector). And soon, the time will come for all the world to see all three of my sons- my three Moon Wolves- take their places as rulers of the world. They will join me to bring a new age where love can be flowing without condemnation or fear.

And as for Carson? He will soon be the parent of many children, one of them to take up the identity as not only the Moon Wolf... but also the Sun Wolf. My grandchild will catch the eye of many Alphas and will be a beauty that is beyond compare.

But first, Carson must deal with one final thorn in his side- Ryan Zallenda, Regan's twin brother and rogue Alpha who is beyond foolish and reckless with taking and coveting something that isn't his. My son is too pure for such a  man as Ryan. While he will indeed kidnap Carson and revel in his insanity, he will soon face my and my siblings' wrath and join Regan in eternal damnation.

Carson may not have it easy back in the past when he was nearly broken. But he will soon gain the attention of all the world and embrace his destiny.

And that was my promise, my prayer, my design, and my anthem as a mother.

This is so sweet, folks! Most werewolf stories don't include the Moon Goddess speaking about Her children, but my story will! And I don't want to say anything, but I plan to include Her in this ongoing trilogy of mine! Oh, yeah!

Anyway, Carson's going to feel hot and bothered in the next chapter as we wrap up act two of this saga right all the right ways! Don't you dare miss out because I plan to give you guys a taste of what to expect with the first four chapters from act three!

Dedication: Dvine_Faerie.


The Moon Wolf DiariesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora