Chapter Thirty

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Topaz was walking along with his mate (Jackson by name) and his entourage as they led the procession with myself, my Mom and Aunt, and my circle of friends through the throng of well-dressed partygoers. "We are here at the Palace of the Wolves with Our Royal Highness Carson DuBauer and his Mother- the Moon Goddess and Enya the Goddess of Life. With us are the Albritton women, my cousin Eurydice Joneslake, and even Fianna Napier as we are feeling opulent and fly for this gallant and glamorous masquerade ball!"

I smiled widely, turning to Fianna. "Topaz really doesn't do anything halfway, right?" I whispered. "The only time he went silent was when he passed out when he saw Mom and Medusa. He was THAT spooked out."

"But he still came back and was gabbing away," Fianna replied. "Still, he's getting us in his orbit."

The last few minutes were when Mom and Aunt Medusa appeared to the stunned crowd and told them of the new threat (making no mention of Ryan Zallenda, of course, in case he was listening right now) and proudly announcing that I was soon to be crowned Mom's future co-ruler of all the Supernatural. And of course, the crowd was wild with excitement.

"Ladies and gentlemen at home, y'all maybe celebrating in your way with barbeques and home celebrations. But I bet y'all wish you could be here right now in the ballroom that's the replica of one of the best opera houses of old Austria in the 18th century," Topaz went on. "And everyone who's anyone is looking fly like hell. We got the presidents and prime minister that are less sinister and more welcome..."

We passed a group of benevolent visiting dignitaries, one of them (Obama?!) giving me a high five before talking politics with the president of France.

"There's Igor Valeska, the werewolves' favorite stud on the stage and screen as he's surrounded by luscious females who will soon make him stone-deaf,"

Topaz briefly glanced at a hulking red-headed werewolf who was surrounded by screeching females who were asking for his autograph. "To who?" he asked the one on his right.

"We got Korbin Lomax- king of Rollerball and the owner of the Los Angeles Tridents- the winners of the Rollerball Derby Champions." He high-fived a masculine blonde, who sent me a thumbs-up.

"And ladies who are looking good, like Aaliyah Danizen, siren extraordinaire-" the brunette in question blew me a kiss. "'I love to sing,' she confided to me," Topaz finished before turning to me. "By the by, she and her coven have plans for a luncheon date with you."

We reached the center of the ballroom where my mates were waiting with Iain and Archer. "And now, Carson darling will give us his Word of the Day," Topaz said, handing me the microphone.

I nodded, taking a deep breath. "Ominous," I said. "As in 'Something ominous this way comes.' So look sharp and act natch."

"Well said," Topaz agreed. "And now, champagne for me and a commercial or two for y'all."

"We're back in sixty," the mystery voice said from the other end as we all accepted glasses of champagne.

"Carson, you look dashing," Ferdinand purred, letting his eyes glow to show that his werecat was also purring happily.

I preened. "Not as handsome as you guys," I demurred, noticing that my fathers/brothers were in their royal attires and my mates were stunning in their matching black suits with Quentin and Francisco showing off their wings as Alain kept his trusty trident by his side.

"Tss, love. You're underestimating your beauty," Alain scoffed. "You have everyone around you trapped in your world of beauty. I for one think that you're delectable in every way."

"Uh, watch yourself," Eurydice shot back, pointing two fingers at the merman in an "I'm onto you" gesture. "No eye-fucking Carson just yet. Save that for the mating and his heat."

Alain held up his hands in a gesture of peace. "Just admiring what's mine," he said.

"You mean, what's ours," Dominic corrected him before turning to me. "And he does look like his mother, even more so now that She and the Gorgon Goddess is here."

My mates bowed low to Mom and Aunt Medusa in a show of submission.

"Rise," Mom said formally yet friendly. "And thank you for your compliments. As you know, the threat known as-"

"Excuse me," a harried Yesenia breathed as she came holding a small box and an envelope. "This came for Carson from someone who was in a rush to leave."

The box revealed an elegant and elaborate necklace drenched with diamonds and emeralds. In the middle was a wolf's head that was on a golden moon, both covered in more diamonds.

"Fancy," Topaz commented. "Who's it from?"

I took the envelope and opened it, my heart dropping low as I read the note. "'Carson, no matter what your Mother and Aunt say, you and I are destined to be with each other. Soon, you and I will meet each other and you will be MINE AND MINE ALONE! With love, Ryan Zallenda,'" I read. "Is the necklace-"

"It's covered in wolfsbane," Fianna noted. "It's enough to knock you out long enough for that fool to claim you."

"Like hell," Iain spat. To Yesenia, "Throw this necklace away at once. And have the guards find that mystery courier as well."

"As you wish," she said as she took the lacquered box away and raced outside to properly disposed of the tainted jewelry away.

"Boy, this party hasn't really begun just yet and already this Ryan fellow is starting some shit," Topaz said.

"You think?!" Arianna said worriedly. "This is like my prom night all over again when my ex-mate ditched me before I was in a coma."

"Well, Ryan will know our wrath soon enough," Archer replied. "The party is still on as with the other celebrations. Now, no more talk of this arrogant fool. We must rejoice."

"Agreed," Mom replied. "Just remember to trust in my plan and trust in each other and yourselves. Only then will the battle be won."

We nodded as Topaz began to launch back into his radio show spiel, taking me to a group of vampires who were all waiting for me. It looks like the game of "catch me if you can" was fully in play for Ryan.

But little did he know that my family and friends were determined to win. So let's play, Ryan Zallenda. And may the best wolf win!

Baby, let the games begin! Carson's not going to back down from a challenge and he's not going to let Ryan Zallenda claim him easily! And speaking of the devil, he has something to say in the next chapter; and surprisingly enough, we'll hear from Carson's ninth and final mate! Oh, how you're going to love this!


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