Chapter Twenty-Three

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Unknown POV

Ah, sweet Carson.

I know that you're thinking about all that you've been told so far. And as I see you and those two phoenixes leave the conference room, I know that you're worried about your life and your family.

But I'm not a bad guy.

I'm a sweetheart who wants to rule the world and be the true ruler of the supernatural with you. And I also want you as my mate- mine and mine alone with no one else sharing you.

The idea of having eight mates vying for your attention doesn't sit well with me at all and having no one isn't any better. I need a warm body to keep me warm at night and keep me satiated.

And I know that you're still untouched. How is it that Regan didn't want someone as luscious and pure as you as his mate is still beyond me? Omegas, male and female alike, should be treasured like jewelry and kept hidden by anyone who isn't mated.

It's a crime for someone like yourself that was shunned and treated like garbage to be left alone in the cold. And I bet that Regan is rotting in hell for his sins.

I won't make the same mistake as he did, though. I do plan to fulfill his wish and take over the supernatural world. But unlike him, I'm not that big of an idiot to let you get away. Those so-called Elite Eight and the mystery mate who's yet to appear aren't what you need.

I am.

You and I would look good in bed- my creamy-white skin on top of your milky chocolate brown with you moaning underneath me as I take you in several positions. And our kids! They will be equally powerful as they will be beautiful. My wolf Thebes is purring right now and I'm showing a lot of restraint from revealing myself to you.

The party's kicking up the beat with you around. But I want to have a private one with you. And soon, you and I will be dancing freely in the moonlight. For now, I'm willing to bide my time and lie in wait. To act too soon could spell disaster. It's all about patience.

I checked my watch. It's almost time for my pack to run, so I must take an early repose. But I'll be watching you, Moon Wolf. Soon, we will mate and you'll be mind even after death do us part.

I get what I want because I'm an Alpha. And I want you, Carson DuBauer. And I will have you!

Short chapter, but it sets up the scene for what will go down! And pretty soon, you'll know his identity and his pack!

Meanwhile, Carson and the phoenixes relay what's been said and they come up with a game plan for what's ahead. And that's coming up in the next chapter, so don't miss out!

Dedication: goncalobooks for being a fellow "Pretty in Punk Bool Club" member and AMAZING storyteller! Check out his profile right now and tell him that Jay sent ya!


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