Chapter Seventeen

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Regan’s POV


My name is Regan Corey Zallenda.

And like some catty broad once said, I am in the mood to dissolve into the sky.


Because I was the pariah wolf of all the supernatural world and I had lost everything- my family, my claim as the Alpha, the love from all of the single (And even the mated) female wolves who I wanted in my bed, and my wolf Anubis- a love-struck wolf who didn't understand that we were meant to be with female wolves who could give us pups.

And Carson Hadley, the so-called Moon Wolf and the son of two faggots who didn't deserve to be the kings of all the werewolves, was to blame.

It wasn't how I had in mind- my future, that is. I was supposed to be the Alpha of the Four Aces pack with me ruling everyone with an iron fist. I was to be the one who got all the praise and support. I was supposed to nix all the omegas and the faggots while finding some female to be a good wolf and sire my pups before throwing her out and having her killed.

Instead, I was without a wolf and had nothing else to lose as I was currently walking down the hallways of UC Hospital with a gun in my hand. Surprisingly enough, no one was around to stop me from fulfilling my duty to kill off Carson. Even as I made my way of the dungeons, off the pack grounds, and through the streets of Denver; all was quiet as a church mouse- like someone had come through the city and made everyone fall asleep.

And it was what I needed because I wanted to rid myself of that runt once and for all.

I finally found Carson's hospital room and none of Ciara's guards were around to stop me. I opened the door and stepped inside, seeing the comatose omega sleeping away like there was no tomorrow. I might as well let him die in his sleep. At least I was that gracious enough.

Facing the end of his bed and pulling out my gun, I sneered at his sleeping gaze. "Well, well," I began. "It looks like no one's around to stop me from finally give you the motherfucking death that you deserved. And you know what? I can't help but wonder why I can't seem to win when it comes to you. You took everything from me the night that you performed that Soul Conversion thingy.l I should've offed you that night,  had you killed off by my former buddies and ate your heart out so you wouldn't come back.

"It's because of you that I lost everything- my parents, my sister, the respect that I once owned from everyone, the ladies that I wanted as one-night stands, even my wolf. And the funny thing about it all is that I'm not even a true wolf after all or even a Zallenda by blood. No, I'm just a bastard child who was born a human and bitten at birth. And like I once said, omegas are always the ones who caused grief," I went on. "But I'll make sure to get rid of them all, starting with you."

I cocked my gun that held a single bullet. "You see, I don't believe that you're the ever-powerful Moon Wolf like everyone else thinks you are. I still see you as that emaciated and useless runt that should've been eaten by rogues before my parents took you in. And while a small part of me thinks that I'm crazy enough to do this, I'm going all the way and will make sure that no one will have you. Thank you, mutt, for being in this coma so I can finally put you down as you deserve. You're worthless to me anyway."

I aimed my gun at Carson's head...

took a deep breath...

and pulled the trigger.

The gun let out a soft pop. "What the fucking hell?!" I bellowed angrily.

I looked into the gun's chambers to find that there weren't any bullets at all. That bum who gave it to me must've known of my intentions.

I whirled around and snarled. "You fucking bitch," I screamed angrily.

Those would be the last words I would say before I was immediately struck down by a bolt of lightning. I can't catch a break.


My eyes snapped open to see that I was in the void- a vast space that separated the land of the living and the afterlife. And right before my eyes was the ever-so-glamorous (note my sarcasm) Moon Goddess, who didn't look happy to see me. "Your Highness," I mocked, bowing low. "And I take it that you're here to send me back."


"No," she said as she approached me. "I have come to pronounce my judgment on you for your sins."


I scoffed. "Sins? I was doing what was right, lady. And you pairing me with that runt Carson?! Bitch, you're some kind of-"


"SILENCE!" the Moon Goddess roared as thunder made the ground shake. "You do not disrespect me or my son."


And then it hit me. "Your son?" I said lowly. "You mean that-"


"Yes, Regan Zallenda," the Moon Goddess intoned as two hulking hellhounds in their Alpha forms joined her at either side. "Carson Hadley is my son from my womb, making him and Iain and Archer- the Wolf Kings- the Moon Wolves. And you have done nothing but scorned him. By scorning poor Carson, you scorn the bond that I created. And by scorning the bond, you insult me. And now, you must pay for all of your sins. I hereby sentence you to eternal damnation as you are not fit for redemption."


Thunder and lightning shook as the ground beneath me began to open up, making me fall into the blinding fires that burned the countless scores of the other creatures that deserved eternal punishment. "You can't do this to me!" I yelled as the fire began to cascade on my entire body and consume me without pity. "You can't do this!"


"But I can," the voice of the Moon Goddess replied from the void. "Carson didn't deserve to be scorned and rejected while you got to dance through life without fear of retribution. But now, he will be the next ruler of all the supernatural beings as will his children and those who will follow. And you? You will burn here for all of the time."


"NO!!!!" I howled in pain and regret. And at this point, I saw the moments of my life- all of them being full of pride as I joined others in bullying the broken and rejecting Carson as his mate. And just like that, my fate was sealed.


Game over.

Ding-dong, Regan Zallenda is gone! Rise up and sing and ring the bells out!

And Carson has some final words for him before he comes out of his coma in the next chapter as we reach the end of act one of this mega-saga, so stick around! It's bound to be amazing!

Dedication: RanyTheStoryTeller.


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