Chapter Fifty-Two

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Carson's POV

Since Ryan proposed to me and made the announcement of our engagement official (don't worry, I didn't have sex with him yet), all the members of his pack have been fluttering and storming about with the news of getting everything ready for the "wedding of the Millenium," according to Ryan. And he made sure that I was to not be disturbed with the arrangements since he wanted me to be surprised. But he did have the best tailors, cooks, gardeners, and even some of the omegas come over to check in and ask me if there was anything that I would like or offered some suggestions.

I was even given some advice on what was expected of me when I would become the Luna of the Dark Moon pack. And henny, let's just say that Mom would not be amused at all if She was listening at the moment.

1.) I was to remain demure and winsome. Ryan was known to be a party boy and I was to be his opposite at all times- to be there for him and to be as silent when it came to his...wayward eyes.

2.) The Luna of the Dark Moon Pack was also to be ruthless and cold to anyone who wasn't deemed worthy of meeting her/him and Ryan.  If an outsider was to beg for mercy when being faced with death, the Luna mustn't show any mercy at all and be as callous and uncaring as Ryan would be.

3.) Though I was blessed with being the Moon Wolf and the child of the Moon Goddess (my Mom), my main place was in the bedroom to wait on my husband and keep his bed warm. If anything, I was to have little or no say on how Ryan was to rule his pack and to be the perfect housewife.

4.) My future sons would have the same love and attention as the ones that I would supposedly give birth to by Ryan, but any omega (like the one in my womb with his Alpha brothers) that would be born or any daughter was to stay out of sight from the public eye to avoid anyone taking advantage of. The omega or daughter was to be kept under lockdown and taught at home to be the perfect spouse for the future.

And this one is going to leave most of y'all mad as hell.

5.) I was to be denied any more contact with Iain and Archer or any of my friends from the outside world after my marriage. To be seen as someone deemed as a "commoner (Ryan's words, not mine)" was deemed as treachery and I would be swiftly met with the harshest of punishment- losing my children to slavery or sex trafficking.

There were a few more rules in the mix, but those five rules were the main ones that had my blood turning into ice while I kept a cool facade on the outside. If anything was to happen to my unborn children and I was to be stuck here, the whole world would be in a bigger uproar than before and Ryan would definitely be on the chopping block with a certain part of his body being in danger of extinction.

I had to keep it together for my Mother's sake as well as my family's, friends, and even my unborn sons. I had to keep the hope alive and make sure that I survived long enough to stay focused.


"I do believe that the chocolate cake will be the talk of the town as your and Ryan's official wedding cake," the head chef crowed happily as I finished sampling some of the creations for the reception. The last few days were beginning to take shape as I learned to accept my routine- remain in my bedroom except for exercise and working the pack grounds to meet the pack. "And you're going to look like a royal prince once the tailors finished your wedding attire."

Ah, yes. The mystery wedding tuxedo that Marissa (the promiscuous head seamstress) promised would make me look and feel like a million bucks. She wouldn't say what it would be like because Ryan made her swear with the threat of death to keep silent.

"I'm sure that you're going to work wonders," I replied, handing him the now-empty plates just as Ryan came back in with two of his Betas, one of them being Cameron. "Hi."

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