Running Down The Street In Underwear

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Hey guys, this is my very first authors note, I KNOW! I"M SO EXCITED! :D... anyway, I'd just like to thank each and everyone of you who follow my story, you have no idea how much it means to me to go on my latest chapter and read about how much you like my story... it makes me want to scream for joy and run around and be happy. And if you knew me personally, you would no how rare that is. Okay, now I'm rambling, so I'll get to the point.

First of all, I've noticed that you guys have started to worry that this story is coming to an end... and you're right. This is my last chapter EVER.

JUST KIDDING!!!! Oh how I would've loved to have seen your faces when you read that... I'm sorry, I'm a cruel person.

I want to make one thing very clear to all of you. I will never, EVER, stop writing this story. I'm am going through a phase at the moment where I am obsessed with everything to do with The Vampire Diaries. And seeing how season two is over and I have to wait for season three to come, writing this story is practically the only thing that keeps me alive. So, stop worrying. Relax. There will always be more funny Marni and Damon moments to come.

Some of you guys also seem to think that Marni and Damon should get together, or Marni and Shadow. It is very important that you DON'T LOSE HOPE!!! There may be a bit of Marni and Jeremy drama to come, and who knows what could happen. *Grins evilly*

So, vote, comment, do whatever, and continue to read on about Damon and Marni running down the street in their underwear (Y)



Apparently Lexi thought it would be better if we ran down Elena's street instead of ours because ours was deserted and there were more people in Elena's.

Despite Anna's joking, I actually had bought new underwear. I wore a silk robe over my newly aquired black bra and underwear.

Lexi, Damon and I stood at the end of Elena's street. I grimaced when I saw people going out for a run and walking their dogs.

"Don't people usually do that during day time?" I asked frustratedly.

"Apparently not," Damon said from beside me. He was also wearing a robe. I was guessing that he was only wearing a pair of boxer breifs under it.

The cruelest thing about all of this, was that we had to do it sober. If I was drunk, I'd be all for it, but seeing how I'm not, I was kind of a bit against it.

Jeremy, Elena, Stefan, Shadow, Anna, Caroline and Bonnie stood at the other end of the street, waiting for us.

"I'm just wearing a bikini, I'm just wearing a bikini," I muttered to myself in hopes of gaining confidence.

"No your not," Damon said.

"Not helping Damon," I said.

I had hoped that we could just vampire speed it down the street, but there were human witnesses.

"Are you guys ready?" Lexi asked.

"Might aswell get it over with," I muttered.

"Lighten up Marni," Damon said. "It'll be fun watching everybodies faces."

I ignored him.

"Okay, on three," Lexi said.

I braced myself.


I glanced at Damon, he grinned at me.


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