Failing To Notice Something Important

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"So what exactly are they fighting about?" Caroline asked.

I was walking through the school hallways with her. We were heading to the Founders Court dance lessons. Mrs Lockwood had decided to have it at the school.  I was currently talking about Stefan and Damon fighting.

Apparently they had decided to not take my advice and get over it. God they frustrated me sometimes.

"Well, at first it was about Elena," I said. "Stefan came up to me yesterday and asked me about Damon having feelings for her, then I told him to go talk Damon rationally, but as it turns out, that didn't go so well. It ended up being about everything that had happened in the past. You had to be there all those hundred and something years to get it. And now I'm stuck in the middle, and they aren't talking to each other."

"Why don't you just stick them in a room and wait for them to sort it out?" she asked.

I laughed.

"The only thing that would achieve is one of them ending up dead," I said.

Most likely, Damon would kill Stefan out of boredom.

"Speak of the devil," Caroline muttered.

I looked up to see Stefan and Elena standing together outside of the room we were going to be practicing in.

"Hey guys," Stefan greeted us.

I half waved. I was still annoyed at him, and he knew it,

"So, you guys excited about this Saturday?" Elena asked, obviously sensing the tention.

"Eh," I said. I wasn't really. I don't even know why I agreed to participating.

"Oh my God, yes!" Caroline said. "I've picked out the cutest dress. Aw, Matt going to look adorable in a suit!"

I laughed. Even as a vampire, Caroline was still... Caroline.

I already knew the dance off by heart. It was very popular back in 1864. But I had decided to drag myself along to the rehersals for Tyler's sake. That and it was custom for each girl competing to come. But at least we got to miss out on the first two lessons of school.

"Oh, look, here he is," Caroline said.

I looked down the hall and saw Tyler and Matt heading towards us. At first I thought Caroline had read my mind or something, but then I realised she was talking about Matt.

"Hey," I said when they reached us.

"Are you ready for this?" Tyler asked.

"Let the horror begin," I said, rolling my eyes.

Mrs. Lockwood complimented Tyler and I a fair bit more than the others. I wasn't sure if it was because I had already perfected the dance, or that my escort was her son.

"Make sure you use expression," Mrs. Lockwood was saying. "Flirt with your eyes."

When she said that, I tried imitating the flirty eye thing Damon does sometimes when he's around girls.

"Very good Marni," Mrs. Lockwood said. "Just like that."

Apparently she had noticed me doing it.

Well what do you know. I'd have to thank Damon for that later.

"So, what's Marni annoyed at you for?" I over heard Elena ask Stefan. Well it wasn't really over hearing, considering I could hear everything that made a noise in the room.

I noticed that Stefan glanced at me.

"Go on Stefan," I muttered under my breath, knowing Stefan could hear me. "Why don't you tell Elena why I'm annoyed at you?"

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