Jonathan Gilberts Journal

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"Whoa, guys calm down." I said, stepping in between them.

Jeremy and Tyler were glaring at each other so I put my hands on their chests.

"Hey Marni." Jeremy said. "I thought you had to go home."

"I left my bag here and came back for it." I said.

"I bet she's just saying that because she feels sorry for you and didn't want to hang out with you." Tyler said, still glaring at Jeremy.

Jeremy pushed forward, put I pushed him back with my hand.

"Jeremy calm down." I said, then I turned to Tyler. "And you, shut up. I actually did leave my bag here."

Jeremy smirked, so Tyler tried to lunge at him. Again, I stopped him.

"Guys, enough." I said. "What the hell is this about anyway?"

"You." Jeremy said.

"Wait, what?" I said, shocked. "Why is this about me?"

Damon started laughing from where he was leaning against the side of the building.

"And your laughing why?" I asked.

"Because this is all so typicle." he said.

"Care to elaborate?" I asked.

"Obviously Tyler heard about you and Jeremy hanging out, got jealous, and had a go at Jeremy." he explained. "Jeremy, obviously feeling protective of you, had a go back at him. And I'm actually not surprised that it turned into a fight, considering the things I've heard about them hating eachother."

"Shut up!" Tyler hissed.

"Make me." replied Damon.

"Who the hell are you anyway?" he snarled.

"Me? I'm Damon, Marni's very attractive older brother." he said.

"Damon's right," Jeremy said, "Tyler had a go at me after you left. Then he hit me, so I hit him back."

"Right... I get it now." I said.

"Wait, how did you know we were here in the first place?" Jeremy asked.

"I was walking past the door and I heard noises so I got Damon, incase it was serious." I lied. I don't usually lie, but in cases where people finding out about what we are, it's necessary.

"Doubt it, you were probably just out here cause of me." Tyler said.

"Shut up, smart ass." Damon said.

"Whatever, I'm out of here." Tyler said, and walked down the alleyway out into the street.

"Well, that was fun, but I'm bored now, so let's go," Damon said.

"Yeah, I'll be in in a minute." I said.

He nodded and walked back inside.

"So..." Jeremy said.

"Did you actually feel protective of me?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess I did." he said. "It's just that I've seen what he does to other girls, he makes them interested, toys with them for a while, then completely blows them off. And you don't deserve that."

"Thank you." I said, smiling.

After that, we headed back inside.

After the next few weeks, me and Jeremy became really good friends. After school, it was either, me at his house, or him at my house. Jenna wasn't usually surprised when she came home and found me and Jeremy hanging out. Stefan and Elena had started dating, and they were pretty much like me and Jeremy; inseparable.

Lexi started hanging with Damon, because Stefan was with Elena so much. Sure Lexi and Damon still had their arguments, but they could actually stand each other now. I laughed when I walked into the room and saw them playing chess.

It was a tuesday afternoon, and I was lying on Jeremy's bed upside down with my head hanging off the edge reading a paper he had to write for history.

I finished it and sat up.

"So, what do you think?" he asked.

"It's good." I said. I was a little worried though. He had written it on the history of Mystic Falls. It was set in 1864 and about the war of Willow Creek. But that wasn't what worried me. What did was that it was about what really happened in that battle. About what had happened with the vampires and them getting burned in the church.

"I'm curious though," I said. "Where did you get your inspiration from?"

"I found one of my ancestors journals that dated back to 1864. So I read through it and decided that it would be my topic." he said.

"Do you believe in any of it?" I asked.

"No, I mean, all it talks about is my ancestor Jonathan Gilbert and your ancestor Guiseppe Salvatore hunting down vampires." he said.

My head shot up. "Giuseppe Salvatore?"

"Yeah, him and Jonathan planned to trap the vampires in the church." he said.

Giuseppe was Stefan and Damon's father. It had been a long time since I heard about him.

"And vampires can't be real right?" he said, laughing.

"Yeah." I laughed along with him. He had no idea.

We sat in silence for a while.

"Hey Jeremy, you know how that founders party is coming up..." I said.

"Yeah." he said.

"Do you wanna go with me?" I asked.

"Sure, I can't think of anything else that could be funner than founding families talk about their ancestors."

"Come on, we'll make it fun." I said.

"Okay, fine, we'll go." he said.


Now all I had to do was find a dress.

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