The Runaway

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Hey guys, what's up? The llama dancing on your roof? Oh my God! Same here :D

It's been a while since I wrote an authors note, so I decided to grace you guys with my amazingly epic, crazy, retarded, strange presence, because you guys are awesome and I feel like talking to you.

So... the last chapter I wrote of this story... pretty dramatic eh? Yeah, I thought so. Marni has a lot of guy drama, doesn't she? I mean, the next thing you know, Elijah's gunna fall in love with her.

I'm totally kidding... that would be so awkward. Nah, they're just buddies.


I never saw that one coming! Well, actually, I did, seeing how I wrote it :D

So, I've noticed a lot of you guys have taken sides. There's team Damon and Marni, Shadow and Marni, Jeremy and Marni, Tyler and Marni, and there was even a team Stefan and Marni at one point O_o... awkward... but anyway... I've decided to pick a team.

Go team Klaus!

I mean, I know he's dead and all, but you guys have to admit, he was pretty epic, and not that bad looking if I might add.

But anyway.. I'm not revealing who Marni's going to end up with... because I'm horrible like that, and it would ruin the surprise. But have hope, because she could choose anyone.

A lot of you have been asking if my new story is a continuation from this one. It's not. It's about Harry Potter :D... so yeah, if you like Harry Potter, go check it out :) or not, I don't want to pressure people into reading my stories :)

So the start of this chapter is in 3rd person, so we get to the the others react to Marni's letter :D

So enjoy, throw guitars at laptops or whatever else you do for fun.

Peace, Goats, Dandelions!


3rd person


Damon sat at the bar in the Mystic Grill, drinking a glass of scotch. He had come here after a Secret Founders Council. It took Damon all he had not to snap John Gilbert's neck right then and there. He hated him. He had thought about going home, but realised Stefan would be home from school, and he didn't feel like putting up with that at the moment.

He was still wondering why Marni had come home crying last night. He had gone to ask her, but his brother stopped him, telling him that Marni would let them know when she was ready. Damon had grudgingly agreed, although the curiousity was killing him.

Stefan, the do gooder, he thought bitterly. He left everyone thinking that Damon was the bad guy. Well, he was a lot of the time, but he hadn't actually killed some one for at least a few months, so that was something at least. If only every one knew what Stefan was like back when he first turned.

He had gone to ask Marni why she had been crying this morning, but she had still been asleep.

"Damon!" a voice called from behind him. He turned and saw Vampire Barbie walking up to him.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Have you seen Marni?" Caroline asked.

"Nope, she was at home last time I checked," Damon answered.

"She's not there," Caroline said. "I just called Stefan. Do you know where else she might be? I have to talk to her."

"I don't know," he said. "Maybe she's with Shadow."

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