2 | Shots of Decisions

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"I say..." Nick cornered me. "Give me time to think about it," I rubbed my eyes.

"Man, you women are so indecisive!" He shouted, stomping out the room. I took a deep breath and headed inside the covers.

I woke up feeling refreshed. I couldn't really be bothered to put in that extra effort of getting out, so I just rolled. I fell flat on my face and noticed an orange substance hanging above my head. After minutes of trying to put my bones back together, I realized the orange substance was orange juice. It was on a white tray, along with a plate full of bacon, bread, and butter. A fresh rose sat on the side. I smelt its beautiful aroma and took a sip of juice and a bite of bacon.

Did Nick do this for me?

"Finally," Nick said as I walked into the living area. "I didn't think you were going to wake up today."

I laughed as I held the rose behind me.

"What you got there?" He asked as if he didn't know.

"A beautiful rose, from you." I blushed. Nick lifted an eyebrow.

"Me? I didn't give you a rose," He inspected the rose. I was baffled.

"Then who gave me this rose? And made me a full plate of breakfast?" I asked.

Nick paused for a second.

"PLEASE tell me you didn't eat anything." He looked at me with a worried face.

"I drank the juice, and took a bite of bacon-"

"Oh my god," He looked at me in despair. "Stacy again with her stupid tricks."

"Who's Stacy?" I asked.

"Me," A young woman - she looked around the same age as me - with platinum blonde hair, sashayed in with a huge smirk across her face.

"So I heard you're the new girl who caused trouble and then slept with my man," She said, with an attitude. I looked down at the floor in despair, knowing that I would not be at peace here. I had to make a decision before Nick annihilated me.

"I didn't sleep with Nick," I crossed my arms. "And Nick, you never told me you had a girlfriend..!"

"Uhh," He muttered. "It's a long story, Scarlett."

"Right," I told him. I went back to my room. I looked out the window and saw two men waving crazily at Nick's window and I instantly knew something was going on. Then the sound of gunshots attracted me. I ran out of the room and back into the living area.

"NICK! I THINK YOU'RE UNDER ATTACK!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"WE'RE UNDER ATTACK! I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW THEY KNEW MY LOCATION!" He shouted, grabbing his gun. "Stacy, gather up the cartel and tell them to meet on ground 3. Get the phones ready in case we have to evacuate to the warehouse!"

"Yes, boss!" She replied, running out of the room.

"Scarlett, you come with me. We need to stay put until further action." Nick ordered and I ran along with my pajamas. We were sat in a closet nearby.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"They're after me," He explained. "The Bronze Cartel want me to give them their merchandise."

"Then why don't you just give it back?" I asked. He looked at me with an angry look.

"It's not that simple, Scarlett. We've lost everything since the Russians turned their back on us."

Four gunshots were fired and I heard screaming.

"We need to help them!" I shouted.

"We CAN'T! Don't you understand that we could potentially get killed?! Do you think I'd be happy seeing your dead body lying on the floor?!" He shouted, staring into my eyes.

"I... wouldn't be happy seeing yours either..." I struggled to say. It was very awkward. 5 minutes went by.

"Let's go," Nick instructed. I followed along and suddenly a rush of weakness came upon me. I fell to the floor.


It makes no sense... she was fine...

Please don't fail me now, love.

Tell me she's going to be okay.

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