42 | Broken

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"I don't know," Rosita replied, shaking her head. "Going back to where two people died..."

"A lot of people have died there," I said realising that that had just made Rosita worse. "Sorry."

"It's just weird and surreal at the same time - I've been wondering why we've been looking into someone who killed both of your parents."

"We're doing this so we can try and find out who's sending me these texts."

"Just try and let it go, Scarlett. Thinking about it now, we should just give up. It's going to take us ages to find out the whole backstory to Santos. Live your life, Scarlett!"

"Don't tell me to give up! I can't live my life knowing I have a stalker on my back! I can't live my life knowing that I can't be with the man I love! I can't live my life not being able to avenge my parents death! I can't live my life knowing that the person that raped me hasn't paid for it! I can't live my life raising my child into a world like this! I can't live my life in a complete lie! I can't live my life!"

Then Rosita stayed silent. She smiled faintly and walked out the door. I sat on the couch and cried. I had said everything that was on my mind. It was almost like lifting a burden off my shoulders, but at the back of my mind, those problems were still there. They were still fresh in my memory.

"What's going on?" Asked Sean, hearing all the screaming coming from my mouth. "I could hear yelling. Where's Rosita?"

"I don't know and I don't care," I replied. Rosita wasn't going through any of these things with me, so how could she know how I feel? "She can go and do whatever the fuck she wants. I'm done with bitches like her that only care about themselves."

"Hey, Hey, what happened? Was she rude to you?" Sean asked, very concerned.

"She just doesn't understand. No one understands. Because no one's going though it."

"Maybe we haven't been through it, but we can still help you," Sean replied, rubbing my back.

"No, you can't," I shook my head. "I wish you could, but no one can. My life is a mess, Sean! I have a baby girl who's going to grow up asking questions about her family. What am I gonna do? Lie to her till she grows up and realises the truth herself? That her grandfather owned many drug cartels, her father is a drug addict, an alcoholic and a rapist?!"

"Scarlett, you need to calm down," I grabbed tissues from the nearby tissue box and wiped the tears that were falling down incredibly quickly. "I'll get you a glass of water, okay?"

"Okay," I whispered, trying to calm myself down. I took deep breaths and tried to meditate for a while. Then after about a minute of getting into it, Victoria was wailing from the other room. I noticed her nappies were dirty and attempted to change it. If Rosita was here, she would have taught me how to do this stuff.

"Really, Scarlett?" A voice burst through the door. I automatically made it out to be Rosita's voice. She marched into the room and flashed a phone in my face. Then I watched as it was a video of Sean and I talking just a few minutes ago. I gasped as I heard myself saying: "She can go and do whatever the fuck she wants! I'm done with bitches like her that only care about themselves."

This must have been taken by this SG. It looked like it was taken from outside the window. But we lived on the 20th floor.

"Rosita... I can explain..." I replied. She rolled her eyes.

"You're done with bitches that only care about themselves, huh," she laughed. "Well, me too. I'm done too. Don't think I'm going to come back and help you with your little SG escapade."

Then Rosita stormed out the room. There was a great silence. Victoria had stopped crying. I took a deep breath.

"Hey, was that Rosita," Sean handed me the glass of water. I looked out the window, staying completely silent. "It was Rosita. Listen, Scarlett. I think you should just rest. Since the funeral this morning, you've been really stressed out."

I sobbed quietly. 

"I feel like this is nature's way of punishing me," I sniffled. "For running away."

"Don't say that," Sean picked up Victoria. "Everyone makes mistakes, Scarlett."

"I knew my mom was going to be heartbroken, but I still went. It was like I had chosen this man over my own mother, Sean! And I'm paying the consequences."

"But you found her. Fate brought you two back together. That must have been for a reason, right?"

I contemplated what he said. Maybe I did need rest. Maybe I needed to just take a breather.

"You're right," I replied. "I've been so stressed out - maybe I need to relax a little."

"Maybe?" he laughed. "You do. Lie on the bed."

I kicked off my boots and climbed inside of the duvet. I saw Sean bouncing Victoria up and down a little. He held Victoria like she was his own; you can tell that Sean loved her very much.

"Hey, um, I need to tell you something," Sean began. "I.. actually - never mind."

"Tell me," I insisted. "Say what you were going to say."

"It's nothing, really. Just close your eyes, okay? I also need a bit of a snooze, so I'll join you in a minute."

He carried Victoria into the other room. I stared at the white ceiling. I wondered what Sean wanted to say to me. I attempted to fall asleep, but my mother's face kept popping up. I kept hearing voices.

They are two becoming one, loving one.

They are two becoming one, loving one.

They are two becoming one, loving one. 

They are two becoming one, loving one.

I gasped and jumped up. I looked to my left and Sean was dozing off. I breathed deeply and looked around the room, anxiously. The door to the balcony was left open, and I couldn't help but wonder what SG was up to now. Rosita had probably received that video from SG, and it looked like it was taken from outside the window. Then it came to me.

I put on my slippers and tried to creep out the room without Sean noticing. I peeked into Victoria's room and she was still fast asleep. It was starting to get dark - it was around evening. I crept out the door and ran down the stairs. I was now in the hotel lobby, peering around to see if I could see any one at the reception. I saw a young woman, probably around the same age as me, sat at the computer, typing away. I had to do something to get rid of her. I saw a bucket of water and a mop, probably used by the cleaners, and I tipped over the bucket and let the water spill.

I went up to her and she looked very startled when she saw me.

"How can I help you?" she asked, sounding frightened.

"Uh, there's been a water leak on the stairs, I was wondering if you could check it out for me?"

She lifted an eyebrow. 

"Uh.. sure, I'll be just a minute." She took off her card holder and what seemed like a wedding ring, put on some latex gloves, and ran up the stairs. I dashed to the computer. I tried to get to the CCTV footage from today, but a password was required. I tried everything I could think of, but it kept declining. Then, by accident, I had clicked the log out button. I rolled my eyes in frustration. Then all of a sudden, it read: Thank you, Alexis Thompson, you have successfully logged out.


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