34 | Eyes on You

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I thought about my life ahead - and how I had no choice but to move on from Nick. Nick was the past, and Sean was the present and the future. I know I didn't love Sean, but I had to try and make him happy. He didn't have that long to live.

"I do," I spoke nervously. Sean beamed with excitement as the priest told us we were officially husband and wife.

My heart started racing as Sean leaned in to kiss me, knowing that this time, I couldn't dodge it. After the twenty second kiss, he took my hands and we walked together down the isle. Rosita and Aaron were clapping, and I faintly smiled at Rosita who looked at me, knowing that I wasn't happy. She winked and implied that I should look happier, and I smiled. This was difficult for me.

We got back to the hotel room and Sean was packing some clothes.

"Why are you packing?" I asked, and he looked at me with a confused face.

"Uh, we're married, Scarlett," he muttered. I gave him an 'I don't know what you're talking about' face. "A honeymoon!"

"So soon?" I asked, shocked at how excited he was to go.

"I mean, we're married so... Yeah." He blatantly put it out there and he threw me a suitcase. "Here, just pack the essentials."

This whole packing scenario reminded me of when Nick and I were packing to go to Russia. No matter how far way from Nick I was, I was always still linked to him one way or the other. This whole idea of going on a honeymoon wasn't really what I was going for, but Sean deserved to be happy. I didn't want to upset him.

"So... Where are we heading?" I asked to lighten up the mood. His face looked flushed.

"Uh, since Nick fired me in that cemetery, not a lot of money has been coming in," he spoke.
"And... So?" I replied, hoping that he wouldn't get into a conversation about Nick.
"We're just going to a fancy hotel. A hotel not too far away from here."

"What's the problem with that? You look embarrassed."

"Well, women have high expectations from men so..." I crossed my arms.
"Uh, not all," I rolled my eyes to imply that what he said was slightly sexist. "And I don't care. Right now, I wouldn't mind sleeping in a shack."

Sean laughed.

We packed for the next twenty minutes, and I washed my face with some gentle soap, put on some light foundation, applied some lip gloss, and we dashed out to the hotel. The hotel was very fancy indeed, with small accents in the lobby that made it seem like Kate Middleton loved here. Chandeliers hung from ceilings, with paintings from Picasso mounted on the walls. Then I took a breath and took it all in.

"Sean, seriously? I told you, I wouldn't mind sleeping in a shack." I told him. This moment reminded me of the time that Nick took me on our first date, and I made that complaint about that fancy restaurant. Sean and Nick had many differences but some similarities. But in my situation, the similarities just had to show more than the differences.

"We just got married, Scarlett. Let me treat you just this once, okay?" A butler grabbed our bags but I snatched mine back. I wasn't tying to be rude, even though it seemed that way. Sean grabbed his card from the front. We took the elevator to the 10th floor, and strolled down a long corridor with many doors. Sean swiped the card and the door automatically opened. Maybe he was used to this, but I certainly wasn't.

I walked in, and the aroma of the fresh flowers surrounded me. Again, this reminded me of the flowers in Nick's apartment. I could see all the buildings towering over each other; the Russian Skyline looked incredible. Then I saw something that made my heart beat ten times faster. I noticed one bed. Just one.

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