16 | Fortunes

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"Sean?" I called him. I still kind of felt uncomfortable where I was, not even knowing who these people were and why Aaron wanted me so badly. Yeah, I guess I was flattered, but my mom always told me not to trust strangers. There was a time when I almost got kidnapped when I was younger, by old men. But then my mom found out, didn't even notify the police, and rescued me miraculously. All she did was tell them who I was and they let me go. It was so strange at the time, and it still is.

"Yeah?" He replied and was making some tea. I hated tea but I was really grateful that Sean saved me, therefore I couldn't say no. "I made some green tea for you. It's healthy and will calm you down."

"Thanks," I grabbed the cup. I had a really bad headache, meaning that I was hungover. Everything felt dizzy for a second and then went back to normal. I took a sip of the green tea and to tell you the truth, it actually wasn't that bad. But I wasn't going to drink the whole thing.

"Sean, I really think keeping me here isn't such a good idea," I told him, in hopes that he would let me go. "I've got... a boyfriend."

I knew I shouldn't have said that but I had to in order for him to let me go. He looked straight down at the floor in disappointment and I felt really bad. But this was the only way.

"Oh, right," He closed the blinds. "He's your baby's father, right?"

"Not necessarily," I replied, then realizing how dumb of an answer that was. "I mean, I don't know, yet. But I have a strong feeling it's his."

"So you really are psychic, huh?" Aaron asked, smiling. 

"I guess so... but if you really want to know your future, you should probably find a fortune teller around here. You should search one up." 

"Yeah... hey Sean! Where did you keep my phone?"

"Over there," Sean pointed to the coffee table. Sean and Aaron's apartment was very spacious, and the view of Moscow was amazing.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Uhh... almost 9 in the morning." Aaron looked at his phone. "Got it! There's one just around the corner! Hey, Sierra, wanna come with us?"

"Yeah, but you know the cops are after me. I've gotta change my whole look."

"Perfect, then. We'll head down to Doris's," Aaron grabbed the keys and me as well. "Let's go."

We ran down 3 flights of stairs and ended up in an alleyway, almost like where the driver stopped yesterday. Sean had his arm around me. I don't know if it was to protect me or just because he wanted to...

"Doris!" Aaron shouted as we entered a hairdresser. "Someone needs a new do."

"Well, I haven't seen a pretty girl like this in a long time. Welcome to my store, honey!"

"Thanks. I just need something minimal but different. Do you also have a boutique here? Cause I really need to get out of these clothes ASAP."

"No, we don't unfortunately, but Rosita can help you with that,"

"ROSITA?" I asked, hoping that it was my Rosita.

"I'm pretty sure I said her name right," Doris laughed and shouted Rosita's name.

"SCARLETT?" A voice shouted, coming from the back of the room. Then I noticed Rosita, running out with a bunch of clothes in her hands. She grabbed me and hugged me tightly.

"Scarlett?" Sean asked, thinking that my name was Sierra. 

"My name is Sierra, I think that Rosita's getting my name mixed up with someone else," I replied nervously. Rosita stood confused and dragged me out to the back.

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