48 | Juvie Perks

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ps: yes I know it's been 3 months since the last chapter- been on a little bit of a break x

"This is all.. so overwhelming, Katherine," I sighed. "How did you find out?"
"I knew Santos like a book," she replied. "I hacked into his voicemails, searched his phone - anything to find evidence. Then he caught me, going through his letters and locked me up in here."

"Did he frame you or something?" I asked. "He couldn't have just... locked you up!"

"He came to see Luna here in Russia and forced me to go with him. Then he and Luna devised a plan to lock me up here by planting hard drugs in my bag."

Planting things. Luna sure loved that.

"I won't disturb you anymore, Katherine. You've already said enough. Sorry for coming in and bothering you like this."

"Its alright. Without you I'd be here thinking that Alejandro was still alive."

I smiled faintly. I never knew Alejandro personally, but from what Katherine told me, he seemed like someone that would do anything to protect his family. Like his brother. Katherine and I seemed to really be able to connect with each other, probably because we had suffered great losses in our lives.

All of a sudden the prison guard walked into our cell.

"Let's go," he demanded. "It's lunch time."

We were taken to the cafeteria, about a minute from our cells. The cafeteria was black and white, with no light shining through. All the other inmates were grinding their teeth at me. I turned away and went to join the line of people that were being served some soup. The soup looked absolutely terrible.

"You eat... this?" I asked, cringing at the sight of the food.

"Been eating it for 20 years," Katherine laughed. "Prison food is better than no food!"

I laughed as that was said to me a few hours before. My food was handed to me by one of the inmates. The look that she gave me was a look I'd never forget. She looked like she wanted to kill me. I sat with Katherine as stares surrounded me.

I wasn't surprised - I was the daughter of Andrei Petrova, and the thought of me turning up out of the blue and ending up in prison so suddenly was alarming. Even to me.

A group of young girls approached me. I gulped as I prepared for what insults they would throw at me. One young girl with red hair walked towards me.

"I know you," she smiled. "Scarlett Hansen? 8th Grade? Trueland Elementary?"

Trueland Elementary was definitely a school that I attended, but I tried hard to remember.

"I'm sorry, but I don't remember you," I apologized. "I was only at the school for a few months."

"I know. You dated Jackson Miller. My ex."

Holy shit. I thought to myself. Lori Princeton. The IT girl at school who also happened to be my best friend for the temporary time that I was there.

"Lori," I laughed nervously. "I can see you dyed your hair red."

"I know," she replied. "I just wanted a change. Brunette was getting a bit too cliche for me."

I could remember the pain I had caused Lori when she caught Jackson and I making out in a bush. I didn't really realise how close we were until I saw her reaction.

Her being the "it" girl was the end of it for me. She took pictures of it and our school magazine at the time, The Trueland Post, just had to put it on the front page.

Sneaky Scarlett locks lips with her bestie's ex.

The humiliation was just so much that I couldn't take it. It was like my best friend had stabbed me in the chest.

My locker was vandalised, my food was thrown on the floor and my bags were tipped out. It was like the students at Trueland worshipped Lori. Anyone that hurt her hurt them.

So I eventually moved schools, and I never returned to Trueland Elementary. However, Jackson still managed to find me and our "love" story continued.

"The red looks good on you," I lied. In my opinion it looked terrible. Her hair looked damaged and tangled - it shocked me since she would never and I mean never let her hair get close to that stage.

"Thanks, Scarlett. Your new black hair suits you too. What happened to the blonde?"

"Same as you," I replied. "Just got bored of it, I guess."

The question which we were dying to ask each other wasn't coming to light yet. What the heck was she doing in a prison in Russia?

"Well, I'm kinda hungry, so I'll see you around," Lori rushed off.

"Wait!" I shouted. She turned back. "Come sit with us."

She looked confused at the fact that I was asking her to sit with me; it was just like elementary. She gave a smirk and grabbed her food. Then she sent her posse away and came and sat opposite of me, next to Katherine.

"So..." I began. "Why did you end up here?"
Lori looked so uncomfortable as I asked her the questions that I was dying to ask.

"I killed a guy," she spoke quietly. You can tell she regretted it deeply. "He knocked me up and ran away. I couldn't afford to get an abortion, so I was by myself for about 5 years and when I saw him again, I killed him instantly."

My mind suddenly went blank.


Right now I just couldn't go into details about what happened to me, but I could tell Lori wanted to know.

"Why are you here?" She asked. I paused for a few moments before I brought myself up to tell the whole story.

20 minutes later

"I'm glad I broke it off with that bastard," she mouthed as we were taken back to our cells. "I'm so sorry about the accusations. I can tell you're innocent."

"Yeah. It was nice to see you again after... you know..." I stuttered.

"Ahh, that was like a decade ago," she laughed. "And you too. I kinda missed you when you left Trueland."

I smiled and walked into my cell. Lori kept on walking with the guards. Katherine looked at me.

"At least you've reunited with someone," she had a gloomy look on her face. "No one has been to visit me since they don't even know I'm here."

"Justice will be served," I smiled. "Hopefully when the authorities find out I'm innocent, I'll be let out and Nick will be the first person to know where you are."

"Thank you, Scarlett."

I gave Katherine a huge hug.

Then all of a sudden, a huge ball of smoke came our way.

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