36 | Reunited

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"Then take all of it! What do I care! I just want my baby back!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, hoping my mother would hear. I didn't understand why she didn't come up to me, hug me, or do something. Anything. She just stood there like a statue and watched me stare at my child.

"Do you even have your inheritance?" asked Santos, playing around with his gun. I don't know why, but Santos doing that reminded me so much of Nick. Nick and Santos were so alike, but either way, that couldn't change what we already knew.

"No, I don't," I replied. "I don't know who to go to."

"Then you need to publicly declare that you're Petrova's daughter. That way they'll have to find your father's will."

"Publicly?" I fantasized in my head, wondering how I would handle that. "How can I prove it?"

"DNA - use your head, sweetheart." he laughed back. I hated the fact that he called me "sweetheart". I remember when Nick called me sweetheart for the first time, and I loved it.

"Well, I can't have all of it. Remember, I'm not the only child of Andrei Petrova. Nick is too."

"Ahh, Nickolas. He's always getting in the way of things."

"You're going to have to talk to him about this because I'm not going to do that for you."

"I don't want to talk to that bastard," he scowled. "He's made me do things that I regret to this day."

"Like what?" I asked, curious to know.

"That's none of your business, girl. You must find a way to gather all the inheritance and I mean all of it. Including Nick's. I mean, that won't be too hard for you, Nick is already a rich man. He's built an army off of my wife."

"Katherine Greyson, right?" I asked.

"Mmh. It's been a while since I've talked to that woman. I really loved her."

"To the point where you abused her? In my books, I don't call that love, Santos. She gave birth to your kids- kid."

"You have no right to question my love for her," he replied angrily. Then I rolled my eyes. Twice.

"Actually, I do. I was abused. I was tortured for six years of my life. I know how it feels to wish you never trusted that person. That baby in that room is a product of rape. And you know, the whole time I've been with Nick, I've forgotten about the pain Jackson put me through, and do you know why? Because even though this baby is Jackson's child, she still brought me hope. Nick was reluctant to help me raise this child, because Jackson murdered his brother, but in the end, he faced me and said to me that he didn't want to be like you. Even though this baby girl isn't his, he was still willing to accept this child with open arms because he loved me and maybe he still does! So yes, I do have the right to question your love for Katherine. Did you love her? Or did you love her in your special type of way?!"

Then Santos stayed quiet for a while. He knew that whatever I was saying was right, and that he had absolutely no right to mistreat Katherine the way he did, and that doing so separated him for her.

"I'm uh, going to check on your mother and your child," he spoke quietly. I looked at the ropes as an indication that he should remove them. "I'm going to take these ropes off, but remember, you did try to attack me the first time. Do it again and I won't hesitate to shoot at your mother."

"Deal," I replied. Then he started to untie them. When he finished, I twisted my wrists to straighten them out again. "Please, can I see my baby?"

"Go through that room," he replied. I smiled faintly and ran towards the room. I busted the door open and found my mother, feeding my baby. I rushed to my baby and swept her out of my mother's arms and hugged and kissed her thousands of times. She had gorgeous large brown eyes with beautiful brunette hair. Her eyelashes were long, and her eyebrows were thick. I tried to look for any of Jackson's features on her, and I found nothing. However, I knew deep down that as she grew older, more of her Jackson features would start to show.

"Hey, you! You're alive," I whispered in her ears. She gurgled and spat up a bit, and I grabbed the napkin beside me to wipe her mouth. He yawned for a while, and then she started to doze off. "You're alive too."

I looked at my mother, who was now facing the ground. I lifted her head to look at me and it just drooped back down again. I looked at my baby girl, and she was fast asleep on my shoulders.

"I've been, uh, looking for you, for the past seven to eight months, mom. Where did you go? What happened to you that night we were out on the streets?"

She remained silent.

"Mom? I don't like this silent treatment. I haven't been with you for over half a year and you just remain silent? Mom? Mom?"

"It's over, Scarlett," she mumbled in her breath. "We don't need to keep seeking vengeance."

"I don't get it," I replied. "What are you talking about?"

"Andrei - Santos is the reason he's dead."

Then I lifted my head in shock. My mother looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Santos Garcia is the reason all of that all of that money and goods went missing. He stole it because he was angry that your father was having an affair with Katherine."

"What?!" I thought to myself, and was trying to figure out how this could occur. "So the Russians thought my father did it and killed him for it! He was innocent all along and they just openly murdered him like that!"

"I'm sorry, Scarlett," my mother cried.

"No, mom. You shouldn't be apologizing to me. You should be saying sorry to Santos Garcia. Because he's dying tonight."

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