52 | Mi Mija

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"No," Nick replied, sighing. "But who her little errand-runner was definitely shocked me, I'm not gonna lie."

"Who?" I asked, impatiently.

"Rosita Lewis. The woman I trusted for over a decade."

It felt like my heart stopped for a second. That bitch. I knew she was angry with me, but to go to the extent of having me incarcerated?

"I knew it," I replied, angrily. "The second we had that fight, she switched sides. The day I got arrested, the poison that was used to killed Sean was found in my handbag, the handbag she got a hold of. How did I not realize that bitch was the one framing me?!"

"I'm so sorry. I wish I could have found out who the real SG was."

"Wait, hold on, you don't know?" I asked, confused, considering the fact that Luna told me she had "unfinished business" with Nick.

"No! What do you mean?" He asked.

"SG is Luna, Nick. Didn't you see her?"

"Yeah, I did, but she assured me she wasn't SG. She helped you, remember?"

"Helped me?! By leaving me with a rapist, and trying to make me believe my baby was dead? Don't you remember when she shot you?!"

"I remember," said Nick. "She must have lied to me."

"Nick, we've been deceived by people we least expected. We can't trust ANYONE."

"I agree," he smiled. "How did you know Luna was SG?"

"I put two and two together. Your mother explained the whole story of Luna and Santos and it just made sense. Wait, do you know-"

"That Jackson and I are half-brothers? Yeah, I was told."

"How do you feel about this?"

"I don't care. This doesn't change what he did to Alejandro."

"Do you know where they're keeping Victoria? I really want to get her and go back to Los Angeles and never come back here."

Nick sighed. A tear rolled down his cheek and my heart began to race rapidly.

"Nick, WHAT?" I cried, worried he didn't know where she was.

"It's all my fault," he sniffled. "If I didn't drag you to Russia all of this wouldn't have happened. You would have been safe with your daughter."

"But I wouldn't have known the answers to my questions. I wouldn't have found my mother. I've been through a lot, but it made me discover who I was. If I didn't come here, I would have been searching frantically for answers all my life."

Nick stood up.

"I know where they are. We'll head down there at first light."

I nodded. Nick switched off the light and started to walk out the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked. "I'm pretty sure I only saw two bedrooms here."

"I'm meeting up with someone. And when I return, I'll sleep on the couch."

"Nick, you can't possibly go out. It's dangerous!"

He crossed his arms and looked at the ground in disbelief. "I'm not going out. She's already here."

I sat, confused. Who could he possibly be talking about? Then in walked someone I hadn't seen for a while; she flipped her hair and smirked at me.

"Stacy," I growled. I wanted to get up and slap her face, but I didn't have enough energy to do that. "Nick, why are you still in communication with her? Do you know what she did to me?"

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