46 | Framed

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"Wait, WHAT?!" I gasped in complete shock. "MY BAG?"
"Yes," Rosita replied.
"But how? I mean, I had my bag with me the whole time!"
"Come on, Scarlett," Rosita shrugged her shoulders. "This is SG we're talking about!"
"Of course. She's SG. She would do anything for me to suffer." I replied, not surprised in the least bit.
"She? What do you mean? How do you know SG is a female?" Asked Rosita.
"I found that girl, Alexis Thompson. The one that gave Nick and I those results. She's been working for SG and knows it's a female."
"And does she... Know who she looks like?" Rosita gulped.
"No," I replied. "She has never seen her face."

"Oh good," Rosita mumbled to herself.

"What?! What do you mean 'good'?" I asked, wondering why she said that.

Then Rosita suddenly looked flushed.

"Uh, I meant good as in good that she didn't get herself hurt by trying to see her," she laughed nervously. Then I heard a beep on her phone. She read the text message. "Listen, I uh have to go. Aaron's not feeling very well and he needs me. I'll pass by, tomorrow, Okay?"

"Uh, yeah, sure," I replied, very confused after that brief conversation. Rosita ran off whilst I looked at the horrible cell I was placed in. I sat down on the brick seat beside me, and pondered for a while. I knew that SG had set this up, I knew Sean was poisoned and I knew that Nick was alive, but something didn't quite add up. How was the poison placed in my purse if after tipping it out in front of the officers, the poison wasn't there? Then I gave my purse to Rosita, who had it since then...

My mind came to the worst conclusion. Either Rosita wasn't looking after my purse properly and SG sneakily placed the poison in there and turned it into the police, or Rosita knew a lot more than she was letting on. I needed to see her again.

The days went on, and Rosita hadn't seen me once. I had no visitors, I wasn't able to see Victoria and there had been no messages about Nick. SG must have been pleased with herself.

Then one of the police officers came and told me that I had a visitor. I thought in my mind that it could be Rosita, but in my heart I knew it wasn't. Then a brunette guy covered in tattoos walked past.

"Jackson," I said his name with utter disgust, remembering what he put me through in the past. "Did you come here to laugh in my face?"

"Oh, no," he sounded not wasted for the first time. "I'm sorry about your hubby. He was a really naive little guy. Remember when I made him tell me everything about what you were planning to do with the Russian Roulettes and the Bronze Dragons?"

"Shut up, you moron," I rolled my eyes. "Don't you ever talk about Sean like that again. He was much more of a man than you."

"Hey, I didn't come here to compete with you," he laughed. "Believe it or not, I came here to help you."

"Are you going to become my literal get-out-of-jail-free-card? Because if so, nah. I don't need your help."

"You've always been so close-minded, Scarlett. Nick tried to get a glimpse of SG, and failed, I-"

"Wait, What? How do you know about SG? Where have you been, Jackson?"

"With her. I've been working with her. You'll be surprised who she is and the people who work for her."

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Who is she?! I need to KNOW!"

"You'll find out, after one steamy, hot night with me in my penthouse."

I gasped in shock. Jackson wanted me to... do IT with him? I would just be voluntarily throwing myself at a man who raped me just for a name. He was insane. As much as I wanted to know who this SG was, I wasn't going to do that. I would have to find another way.

"You're demented," I laughed. "You think I would have sex with you to find out who you're allied with? Come on."

"Fine, whatever," he rolled his eyes. Then I thought for a second.

"If you are with SG, then why are you willing to tell me who she is? Aren't you scared that I'm going to kill her or something?"

"From behind bars, sure," he replied sarcastically.
"I'm going to get out of here," I stated. "This is something that she did."

"This SG is someone who knew who I was, and chose not to tell me anything. You can't trust anyone in this world."

"Who are you, Then?" I asked. He took a deep breath and so did I.

"Not who you and Nick paint me out to be," he sighed. "Anyway, I think visiting hours are over for you."

Then he started to walk off.

"HEY! WE'RE NOT FINISHED!" I shouted, hoping he wouldn't ignore me. Knowing Jackson, he probably would.

And he did.

I banged the bars in anger and thought about what he had just said.

What was he even talking about? Not who Nick and I painted him to be? What the fuck did that mean?

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