51 | Reminisce

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I stood over Luna's dead body, hands over my mouth, in shock. 

She was really dead.

And Katherine had killed her.

The gunshot was so loud that it must have attracted the cops. All I could think about right now was getting away. I dragged Katherine by the arm and we ran further down the forest, hand in hand, getting as far away from the prison as possible.

"SCARLETT!" a voice echoed from behind me. It couldn't be.

"NICK?!" I screamed loudly, trying to find him. Katherine stopped and panted heavily. Then we both saw a shadow emerge from the trees. There stood Nick, with soot all over his clothes, and covered with blood. A tear rolled down his face as he saw his mother. He ran and embraced her.

"Mom," he cried. "I thought you-"

"It's okay, son," Katherine cried. "I'm here now, baby. Everything's okay."

Then Nick looked me straight in the eye.

"Thank you. So much." He smiled. I smiled back, in awe of the reuniting between Katherine and Nick. Then Nick jumped from the hug.

"We've gotta go," he spoke. "Don't forget you guys are still fugitives of the law and if you're caught you're definitely going to jail for life."

"Where are we gonna go?" I asked, panicking.

"My place. The one I took you to before all this mess."

"That's a good idea," I replied. "But won't the cops come there looking for us?"

"Searches for convicts won't start until tomorrow. You need to get out of those jail clothes, freshen up, and get some rest. We'll leave bright and early to a new location."

"Okay," I took a deep breath. "Let's go."

We jumped in Nick's Cadillac and sped off into the dark nights of Russia. All around the outskirts of the prison, I could see news reporters and journalists covering the story of a prison fire. I was sat at the front of the car with Nick, and he placed his hand on my thigh. I put my hands on his and we smiled at each other.

This was so unreal.

I was a fugitive of the law, trying to escape. And to top it all off, I was being wrongly accused of murdering my husband. My child was in the hands of a stalker, which we just killed, and Nick's mother was here.

We arrived at his so called "shack" earlier, and the good and the bad memories of that night came flooding back. The kiss we shared, and that horrifying text message I had received. We entered Nick's place and more bad memories came back. I imagined the place to be smeared with blood, to receive a text message from SG, and for the police to march up the stairs and arrest me just like the last time I was here.

"You cleaned up," I told Nick whilst he was locking the door. 

"Yeah. SG was just doing that to scare you." He went to the window and looked outside. "Sit down. We've got a lot to talk about."

Then Katherine also went to the window. "I didn't want you to be involved in all this criminal activity, Nickolas. I'm so sorry your father did this to you."

"He's not my father, mom. His idea of love is murdering people to prove a point. And that's not who I am. I protect those I love even if it means killing. I don't do it to prove anything."

Nick's place started to smell just like the prison did and it disgusted me.

"Nick, is it okay if I can go and shower?" I asked.

"Of course. Go ahead. It's the door furthest down."

I walked down the hall and entered the bathroom. I turned on the water and it ran down. I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower, and saw all the dirt going down the drain. I could stand here for hours on end, feeling the water wash away all the pain and suffering I had experienced this past year. 

Then I heard knocks at the door. 

"Hey, Scarlett, I have some fresh towels for you!" Nick shouted. My body wouldn't let me speak or move. I was in another world, oblivious to what was going on around me. Then Nick opened up the door and heard the shower still running.

"Scarlett?!" he shouted, fearing something bad may have happened. Then he whisked away the shower curtains and found me laying on the ground, naked, eyes still open, conscious. He grabbed me and ran to his room and placed me on the bed. Suddenly, everything came back to me. I saw Nick standing in front of me. I looked down. I was completely naked. I grabbed my towel and rapidly covered myself up.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You zoned out," he replied. "Are you okay?"

"I don't know. I heard your voice but I couldn't move. It was like I was paralyzed."

"I wish I could say I could take you to see a doctor but-"

"I know," I replied. "I can't be seen." 

Nick sat on the edge of the bed and placed his head in his hands. He looked over at me, still in my towel and then he got up and grabbed a large t-shirt of his.

"Here," he handed it to me. "You can wear this for tonight. I'll buy you some proper clothes in the morning."

"Thanks," I took the t-shirt and wore it. It smelt like him.

"My mother's asleep in the other room, you should probably also get some rest," said Nick, closing the door of the room she was sleeping in.

"I can't sleep without knowing if Victoria's okay. Tell me everything, Nick. Did you find out who SG was?"

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