41 | Assistance

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"He's just upset," Rosita rubbed my back. "Nick and you aren't together... right?"

"No!" I replied. "It was just a hug, but of course, Sean had to take it like we're in s secret relationship."

"You should tell him about this Santos Garcia that's stalking you. Maybe he'll understand."

"If I told him that Santos and my mother planned to change those results, he'll be more protective of me. Of me leaving him and running off with Nick. And besides, he also got a message from this SG. The message probably told him to come home and meet Nick and I. SG is trying to do anything to ruin my life."

"Just tell Sean, Scarlett. Maybe he'll be less harsh on you." Rosita told me.

"Okay," I took a deep breath. "I'll tell him."

I tiptoed into the room and Sean was staring out the window, overlooking Moscow.

"Hey," I said quietly. He turned around and once he saw me, he turned back to look out the window. "I needed to speak to you and apologise."

"You don't need to apologise. You were right - I shouldn't have married you."

"It's not about that, Sean. I know that I didn't enter this relationship with high hopes and I know you must be hurt but I swear - I'm willing to stay by your side forever. I just need you to trust me."

"Then why did I get this message?"

Sean gave me his phone and I read the message.

Head home now to see what your precious little Scarlett is doing with her loverboy. -SG

I gulped.

"I- I don't know," I replied honestly. Then I thought about telling Sean about the fact that I'd been getting the text messages too. "I've also been getting texts from Santos."

Sean squinted.

"How? I thought you said he was dead!"

"I saw him dead, yes. But I don't know what happened to his body. Nobody knows."

"Who do you think may be sending us these texts?"

Then I thought for a few seconds.

"I don't know. Someone who really wants to see us all suffer."

Then my phone buzzed once again. I took my phone and this was my text message:

We've actually got one thing in common. Having a big mouth. -SG

I was breathing uncontrollably.

"Is everything okay?" Sean asked. I tried hard to control my breathing.

"Yeah... everything's fine..." I spoke with breaths in between. Having a big mouth?! I was pretty sure this was because I told Sean about the messages that I had been receiving.

"Hey, Scarlett, you got something in the post," Rosita knocked on the door and walked in. I gasped. What if it was something from SG? I went down to the lobby and collected a box. Sean rushed to me and offered to open the box in case anything was in there that was dangerous. He slowly lifted the flaps and the box seemed to be safe.

I brought out a snow globe with a pink ballerina. I slowly turned the button and it made little twinkling sounds whilst the snow flew around the snow globe. Then I automatically recognised it as one of the snow globes I used to play with as a child.

"My mom gave this to me," a tear fell down my face. "I remember, it was my 6th birthday, it was around the time my mom was losing money and couldn't afford to do anything for my birthday. I remember begging her to go to this ice cream shop down the road but her saying no and that she had something better. She took me down to the basement and gave me this snow globe. I found this way better than the ice cream. I didn't let go of this for weeks."

"That's sweet," Rosita smiled. "What else is in there?"
I rummaged through the box to find some documents, passports and other sorts of legal things. I looked at the passport and it was my father's. What was it doing here?

"Here's a note," Rosita was helping me look. She passed over the note. It read:

Uno menos, quedan dos.

"Who can speak Spanish here?" Rosita blurred out. "Cause I certainly can't."

"One down, two to go," Sean spoke. "I learnt Spanish on a course four years ago."

"Are you fluent?" Rosita asked, looking amazed.
"Rosita, focus," I told her. She quickly snapped out of the 'oh, you can speak Spanish' mode and finally was listening to me.

"One down, two to go," I kept replaying it in my head. "This must have been Santos, right? He killed my father, that's one - then two to go... my mother and I."

"But your mother's gone, now. That leaves you, Scarlett." Rosita worked out.

"That can explain why I'm the one being targeted. It doesn't explain who, but now I know that someone was planning on killing me and my parents."

"But remember, your mom died by accident. Santos hadn't killed your mother with intentions to."

"Wait," I thought for a second. "I feel like we're completely ruling Jackson out. He may have been the one who planned all of this. He wanted my money, and never got it."

"But can Jackson even speak Spanish?" Rosita asked, flabbergasted.

"That's not the point, Rosita," I started to explain. "He could have been working with Santos all these years, and I never knew it."

"This is all becoming too much for me," Sean walked to his room. "I've got a headache. I'll see you guys later."

I could tell Sean didn't want to be a part of this. Rosita shrugged her shoulders and she looked at Sean walk away.

"Talk about helping us," she rolled her eyes. "So, you think that Jackson could have been working with Santos for a long time."

"I'm not sure, but it's a possibility. I've always wondered how Jackson became a leader of a cartel, and I'm starting to think that maybe Jackson didn't do that alone. He must have had help."

"When did you meet Jackson?" asked Rosita.

"When I was 16. He was my first love. He always told me about how he dreamt of running away with me and living a life together. That's how I fell into his trap. By believing he really loved me."

"So... if you're saying that Jackson wanted your money from the beginning, he must have known Santos. Santos had your father killed, went after your mother but your mother fled to Russia, then kidnapped you because he wanted your father's money. Everything points back to Santos, Scarlett. Santos must have told Jackson to get your money, but since Jackson couldn't get it, he went after you by himself. All these years, he's been trying to get to your inheritance."

Then I went over everything that Rosita said and everything was starting to make sense.

"But why would Santos want Nick and I to think we're siblings? Wouldn't that complicate things more for him?"

"Hmm. Jackson did everything he could to separate you from Nick. Maybe this was Jackson's doing."

"I don't think so," I replied. "Remember that Jackson wasn't part of that plan that Santos and my mom made. Santos was threatening my mother and telling her that he would tell me about that kiss if she didn't comply. Jackson had no idea that they were doing this. Santos must have had advice or help from someone and we need to find out who."

"What about the texts? Do you still think it's Santos?"

"I'm not sure. But we have to go back to the Russian Roulette's base and retrace his steps."

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