35 | Parents

35 4 1

I rested on the couch and Nick walked up to me. He grabbed my wast and kissed me passionately.

"We're actually a family," he smiled and gave me a peck on the forehead. "I bet you a year ago you wouldn't even be thinking about this."

"Yeah," I laughed. "Do you think our mini 'Narlett' is going to be a girl or a boy?"

"I don't know, but I want a boy that has my looks. I mean c'mon, wouldn't anyone die for their kid to look like me?"

I rolled my eyes.

"What? Are you calling me ugly?" Nick laughed whilst kissing my stomach.

"You'll never be ugly in my eyes," I spoke quietly. Then I looked at my stomach. "Hey, little one. Your daddy is being so full of himself right now, so I'll just talk to you."

"Mama? Dada?" I heard a little voice from behind me. My eyes widened as Victoria waddled towards us. My heart melted as I just realized that Victoria had called us "mama" and "dada" for the first time.

"Yes, my little princess?" Nick ran and spun her around, whilst she giggled. I looked at the time. It was ready for Victoria to have breakfast.

"Nick, it's time for Victoria to eat. After that baby shower last night, I'm not sure she ate anything. Give her to me."

"No, you need to rest," Nick refused. "Popita and I will feed her."

"You don't need two people to feed one child," I laughed. "Let Popita finish her homework."

"Let's be honest here, sweetheart. This is me we're talking about. Of course I need someone to help me!" then he carried Victoria to the kitchen.


I opened my eyes to find myself in the same room that I was locked up in at the Russian Roulette's base. What was I doing here?

I felt the back of my head. When I looked at my two fingers, they had blood smeared over the top of them. I got up from the seat, trying to escape, until I heard footsteps trying to get into the room. I sat back in the chair and pretended like I had only just woken up.

"Rise and Shine," a man walked in with a gun. "I tried to get you once, but someone miraculously rescued you. Hold on, I think it was someone who used to work with Nick - the boy with cancer?"

"Don't you dare mention him," I looked up at the man and kicked the gun out of his hands. The gun slid across the floor. He pounced on me and tackled me to the ground, but I managed to get on top of him and punch him four times. He pushed me off of him and I banged my head on the ground, which gave him enough time to fetch the gun.

"Sit," he ordered whilst pointing the gun and me. I sat down slowly and analysed his face properly. This guy had known my every move, and had to have sent someone to watch me. Then a name popped into my head.

"Santos Garcia," I tutted. "The one and only."

"So you know who I am? Did Nick tell you?" He asked, whilst tying me up with ropes.

"You don't need to know how I found out about you."

"I bet he's told you some wonderful things about me. About how I treated him so well as a child."

"You're a coward, Santos. For treating Nick like that. He never did anything to deserve such a horrible treatment from you."

"He's Andrei Petrova's son. That's enough for me."

"What does my dad have to do with what we're talking about? I'm talking about how you treated Nick like utter shit when he was a child, and you're telling me about my father? Ah, please. Nick was lucky enough to even know his father, but I never did. At least your wife was satisfied with him more than you."

Then Santos pointed the gun at my temple.

"You have a big mouth, Petrova. That isn't going to be good for you. I hope that I'm not going to try and kill you again."

"Again? What do you mean again?" I asked.

"The day you had that car crash. I sent someone to drive straight into you and make you fall into a ditch."

Then it all made sense. Santos killed my child!


Then Santos just stood there and laughed. If I could, I would go up to this man and kill him on the spot. With no hesitation.

"You BASTARD!" I started to cry for a while. "Then where's Jackson? Did you get rid of him too?!"

"Ahh, Jackson Miller. You'd be pleased to know that your baby daddy is still alive. And you know what? Right now he's helping me deal with all of you and your friends."

Then I started to laugh. Santos looked at me with a baffled face.

"Wow, you're helping Jackson. The guy that killed your son."

"Nick's not my son," he blatantly said.

"I'm not talking about Nick. I'm talking about your other son. You know he has a daughter, right? Or have you forgotten about him too?"

"You're lying," you could see his eyes were starting to water.

"And why would I lie when I have nothing to live for anymore? My mother's gone once again, I've lost my baby girl, and Nick and I- we're history."

"But you have that guy. The one you just got married to."

"I don't love Sean. I married him because he needs me. Yes, I may be married, but I'm still lonely in this world. I would never lie about your son dying, Santos. As much as I hate you, I wouldn't do that to you."

"Prove it to me."

"I can't prove it. The only way you can prove it is by speaking to Nick. He can tell you where your granddaughter is and from her, you can know that I'm not lying."

"It can't be," he started to wipe tears off his face. "I'm going to murder that bastard. I trusted him!"

"Now you know how it feels to lose a child. At least you got to meet him, change his diapers, feed him, take him to school - I can't do any of that. Because of you."

"Dios Mio," Santos mumbled to himself. I could tell from his facial expressions that he didn't know how to take this in. Then all of a sudden, I heard a door swing open and out walked a woman, holding a baby.

"Santos, her fever's gone up, we need to take her to a hospital," My eyes shifted to her and to my surprise, it was my mother. Her eyes widened as she realized who I was.

"Mom," I spoke. "You're alive! I mean, you're safe!"

She remained silent. A tear rolled down her face as she looked at the baby she was carrying. Then she looked straight at me.

"Is this-this my-my da-daughter?" I stuttered. She smiled faintly and turned around. My heart stopped for a second as I took deep breath in. Santos signaled her to go away and looked straight at me.

"So, to sum up this story, you don't know how I feel. Because you've never felt it. That's your baby, Scarlett. If you want her back, there's something I need you to do for me."

"What?" I asked, willing to give him whatever the damn hell he wanted.

"I want your father's inheritance. All of it."

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