26 | Fetus

34 3 3

6 months Later:

Dammit. I thought. She's kicking like an animal.

"Thinking about how beautiful our little Jackie is going to turn out?" Jackson smiled and put his arms around my stomach, as I slowly lifted them off.

"For the 100th time, we are not calling her Jackie," I rolled my eyes and walked over to the mirror. "I already told you that you're not making the calls, Jackson. Luna made it pretty clear that you're not the rank you used to be."

"And you are?" He asked, licking his lips.

"I am the pregnant one here and I get to name my child anything I want. Got that?" I struggled to sit down and Jackson took more sips of his beer. He offered some to me before realizing that I wasn't suppose to drink, then he placed it back onto the table.

"You've become more bossy since we got here, Valentina," He grabbed his phone. "I can calm you down."

Jackson placed his phone on the bed and dragged me close to him. I could smell the beer coming from his mouth. I tried to get myself away from him but I was far too weak to do so right now.

"Jackson, leave me alone. This is the second time you've tried to do this with me."

"What? Don't you like feeling like Jackson's woman? Or the woman of Jackson Miller?"

"No, I don't," I smiled. "I'm Nick's woman. I always have been from day one."

Jackson placed his hands around my neck, strangling me.

"Don't you dare mention that bastard's name, Valentina. You know I could kill you just by hearing that man's name, right?"

"Then kill me," I said. "Good luck trying to live with the fact that you killed me and your daughter just because of a four letter word."

Jackson then let go of me and nodded his head. I don't know why he tried to make himself look all tough and powerful, when he just made himself look inferior. These six months were nothing compared to the six years of living with this man. I remember Nick telling me about how we were going to stay here for 5-6 months, and I ended up staying here for 7 months. I didn't hear one word from Nick since I saw him in the hospital after Luna shot him and these 6 months felt like torture. Jackson and I hadn't done anything with each other because now I knew how to defend myself from this pig.

About a month ago, I had finally taken it upon myself to find out the gender of our baby. When the doctor told us it was a girl, Jackson jumped around the room in excitement, but for me, knowing the gender wasn't really something that excited me. My mom came to mind, and the fact that she was pregnant with a girl who had a drug trafficker as a father. I never imagined of my 23 years of living, that I would have a child with a father that was a drug trafficker. Never.

I had looked for my mom for 6 months now, with no luck. Jackson wanted to take me away from the Russian Roulettes, and Luna had told him that if he were to return, he wouldn't be the higher rank like he was before. But Jackson was determined to take me and my baby away and become a family.

I prayed every day that my mother wasn't dead, and that she was just missing. I wouldn't know what to do if she died. I had already lived six years without her - even if we didn't have the strongest relationship, she was still my mother and I would do anything for her.

"Jackson," I called his name. He turned around and looked at me sternly. "We're going back to LA in a few months."

"Ugh," he sighed. "Why months? Can't we just go now?"

"You know I'm not leaving Moscow without my mother," I replied, crossing my arms. "You put me in this situation and you're going to get me out."

"Valentina, you know that we aren't going to find your mother alive. What are the chances of her surviving out there alone? You know how dangerous this place is."

"She survived six goddamn years in this place, Jackson. Don't forget that."

Jackson rolled his eyes, knowing that I was correct. He picked up my satchel, and brought it to me. "We're going to be late if we don't hurry."

I sat at the front of Jackson's SUV, checking myself out in the mirrors. My face looked fatter than usual, and I started getting a rash. I felt my bumpy face, surprised by the fact that it wasn't smooth anymore.

Pregnancy perks. I thought to myself as Jackson sped off into the streets. A lot of cars beeped at us, due to the fact that Jackson wasn't even watching the road. As a result of this, cars drifted down the middle of the road, rolling over into ditches. He didn't even take notice.



He took my hand, and kissed it gently. His eyes glistened in the sunlight as his hair flew in the wind. He placed his hands on my stomach and smiled at me.

"Our little one," he beamed. He kissed my stomach and spoke to him:

Hey, little one. Your mommy and I have been anxiously waiting for you to pop out, but you still remain in there. Why? Is it because you miss the womb or are you scared to meet us? For us, it is the complete opposite, son. We are so excited to see you for the first time, and for you to meet your sisters. I know being an only boy is going to be tough, but I can help you. But if we're being realistic here, your mom has gone through the most traumatic stuff in her life. She is one of the bravest women I have ever encountered in my life. She came in a time of my life when I only cared about materialistic items, getting revenge, and building an empire. Her humbleness changed the way I think of life, and now, I think life is a blessing. Her father didn't get to see her, but I promise you, son, once you pop out of there, I'm going to give you millions of hugs and millions of kisses. No man will ever compete with you, because they'll have to answer to me. Yes, I've stopped doing drugs and smoking and I'm not a cartel owner anymore but that won't stop me from-

"Gosh," I laughed. "I think he's heard enough for one day."

He kissed my stomach and then kissed me.


Let me explain. I uploaded this so that on Saturday I will post chapter 27. Since it was just my birthday, I've been feeling super happy so I decided to have a double upload this week!

You may not have gotten that last bit, but you'll get it later on in the story O.O

Thanks for reading!

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