43 | Uninvited

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Suddenly, a feeling of anger ran through my spine. Alexis Thompson? The one I was looking for was right here. I just talked to her. But why didn't I recognise her? The Alexis I saw that day had brunette hair with blonde streaks in it but the one that I saw just now had red hair tied back into a ponytail. I saw Alexis walking back down with the bucket and mop and I quickly ran away from the computer and back to the front desk. She smiled faintly.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked. She looked alarmed.

"I really have to uh- get back to work. You see, there was some construction going on earlier and-"

"Construction? Where?"

"Uh- here. They were fixing some broken glass on the 4th floor. Anyways, I really have to get back to work- my boss is going to fire me."

"Ah. Well from your last job, it seemed like your boss liked you very much. But you didn't even have the audacity to say goodbye. You ran!"

She looked for left to right in embarrassment.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she mumbled. I rolled my eyes.

"Of course you do, Alexis," I smiled. "Don't you remember giving Nick and I fake news? Or do you have that bad of a memory?"

"You need to leave," she walked behind the desk. I grabbed my gun and pointed it at her. She jumped in shock and placed her hands in the air. "Please don't kill me!"

"Then follow me. Don't worry. I don't bite."

She walked in front of me up the stairs and entered my room. I could hear Sean snoring.

"Take a seat," I told her. She slowly sat down on the couch and looked around. Victoria started babbling in her sleep.

"I didn't know you had a baby," she smiled. "Another thing SG hasn't told me."

I gasped. "SG? You mean you don't know who SG is?"

"I've never seen her face," she replied. My eyes widened.

"Her? You mean SG is a female?"

"Listen, I'm willing to tell you everything. Can you please just promise me one thing?" She asked.

"What?" I rolled my eyes.

"Can you please pretend like you don't know who I am? Shut all the windows, all the blinds, check there are no microphones or hidden cameras. SG is more of a stalker than you think."

I shut all the windows in the room and all the blinds.

"I promise. Just tell me everything about what happened. The day you told Nick and I we were siblings."

She took a deep breath.

"I was hired by this so called Santos - I didn't even have a job interview because he needed me desperately. I couldn't turn the job down because my family and I really needed the money. He told me that he wouldn't take a picture of me for safety reasons; I was really confused as to why I was being treated differently from the other nurses. Then I realised that he needed me for something."

Then she paused.

"Then what?" I asked, very impatient.

"On my first day, which was the day I saw you, I was at the front desk at the DNA testing centre, like I was allocated. Then a woman came to me and showed me a picture of you and that other guy- I forgot his name."

"Nick," I replied. "His name is Nick."

"Right, Nick," she answered. "When she showed me the photo, she threatened me that when I saw you, I should tell you he fake news. She gave me some fake ID and told me that she was an official of some sort. I believed her. She also told me that after I told you, I should run away.Then that is when the both of you walked in."

Then it all made sense. That is why she ran away on her first day.

"Didn't you see the hurt in our eyes?" I replied, angrily. "We were made to believe that we were siblings!"

"I know and I'm so sorry, Scarlett. I swear if I could take it back-"

"Just, don't. What's done is done."

"I'm sorry that Santos did this to you and Nick," she looked down at the ground. "He must have really hurt you."

"He did," I rolled my eyes.
But why would he want Nick and I to think we were siblings if he wanted my inheritance?

"What are you doing working in this hotel?" I asked.

"I was hired. To spy on you. Please don't tell anyone!"

"What?!" I replied, shocked. "You mean, you don't just work here?"

"The 'lady' told me to spy on you," she answered. I was confused.

"What do you mean, 'lady'? Who is she?" I replied.

"I don't know," she straightened out her hair with her fingers. "She's never showed me her face. Please, can you just let me go?!"

"Who was recording me? You should know, right?"

"I don't know- she has so many people working for her. It could be anyone."

"Do you know who SG is? And who might be stalking me?"

"It's probably the lady. Every time she talks about you, she seems.... pissed at you. Maybe you should visit her yourself."

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