10 | The Masked Uncle

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A mask? An uncle who kept his face revealed? What type of madness was this?

"So.. you've never seen him? Ever?" I asked, knowing the answer, but asking it anyway.

"Yeah, I am pretty sure I have already told you that," She replied, looking a little annoyed. I could tell she really wanted to leave, due to all the questions I was asking her about her family. But to keep her interested, I had to ask that burning question.

"Do you know... the uh... Ivory Lions?"

Then a woman started shouting. "Popita! Vamos! Por que hablas con extranos?"

"Lo siento, Mama," She replied back, running away and then I saw her mother beating her.

Great. I thought. My one chance to find out information and I blew it. I asked too many questions that I didn't even have time to fit in the most crucial one. It was clear as day that this village was known by Nick. But was Nick trying to protect or kill these people?

"Scarlett," A voice called in the distance. I grabbed my gun and pointed it around, and then my attention shifted to Nick, who was holding a suitcase. I stuffed the gun back into my leggings.

"What do you want, Nick? Because I am pretty sure I made it clear I want nothing to do with you."

"I came to uh... give you your things," He passed over the suitcase. I didn't want to know what was in it or what he wanted to do, I just didn't want to see his face.

"What do I do with these things? Are you going to try and kidnap me again?"

"No," He laughed. "We're going away. Together."

"Excuse me?" I shouted. Going away? Had Nick gone mad or what? I was never going anywhere with him, especially after having caught him with someone who had been betraying him for so many years.

Nick was smiling as if nothing had happened and I had my arms crossed, still trying to figure out why he would do this to me.

"I am not so stupid as to let you go and turn me in," He spoke, biting his lip. I looked down at the ground because he was right. Like 20% right.

"Where are we even going?" I asked, curious.

"We're going to Moscow, Russia."

Then for some reasons, flashbacks kept coming back to me.

It's the hometown of your father's downfall.

Russians turned their backs on us.

I remember telling my mother about moving to Russia, and Nick telling me during the shootout that he lost his merchandise because of the Russians. But then why did he want to go there?

"Why? I mean, what's the point if you hate them so much?"

"That's precisely the reason, Scarlett. I need to take revenge."

"Then why do I need to come with you? This is your problem."

"I can't afford to leave you here by yourself, knowing that Jackson is on the loose. I don't want to lose you, Scarlett."

Whatever. I honestly don't know why I was invited to Russia, but something was telling me I had to go.

"How long are we staying?" I asked.

"Maybe around 5-6 months. Depends."

"Don't forget I am pregnant, Nick. I am not staying there for 5-6 months."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. You know, in a way, this has something to do with you. Jackson's cartel is allied with the Russians, so taking revenge on the Russians is like taking revenge on your baby daddy."

"Don't call him that," I replied. "And I don't care. I want to take revenge on Jackson personally, and that doesn't include you nor the Russians. I want to be independent, Nick. I don't need you."

"You will need me. But anyways, what the hell are you doing on the other side of this forest?"

"Trying to get away from you," I openly stated. "Do you know any of these people?"

"Yeah, I have a niece. Popita. She lives with my brother."

"Your brother... when was the last time you saw him?" I asked, noticing that Nick hadn't realized yet what had happened.

"Like a few months ago. I don't visit often because he says I am a bad influence and I am really not-"

"Is that why you wear a mask to visit your niece?" I asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"How did you know that?" He asked, licking his lips.

"Have you heard from your brother recently?"

"No, but answer my question," He demanded. Now I knew for certain that he didn't know what happened.

"Nick, I didn't want to tell you this but - your brother... he was shot by Jackson's men when the shootout happened two weeks ago,"

I couldn't finish the sentence. There was a great silence.

Nick fell to his knees. I could see the sadness in the way he fell to the floor. And then I could see the anger of which he got up.

"Popita, she's alone," Nick struggled to say.

"She's not, she has her mother," I said.

"Her mother died during childbirth," He spoke. "I don't know who this "mother" is, but we still have to get her."

"I agree," I finally agreed on something. "Let's go."

So... we found out Nick had a brother! Slowly, information about Nick's family is coming to light, too! Scarlett and Nick are traveling to Russia, too! Secrets are going to be revealed very soon. And for the Spanish? Nah, I don't speak Espanol (the wonders of Google Translate) but anyway: See you in the next chapter!

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