31 | Spouse

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My mouth shot open as he brought out a huge diamond ring. Wife? As in MARRIED? This was too much to handle at this stage. I thought the first person I was going to marry was Jackson then Nick, now Sean? He was on one knee, holding my hands, and looking directly into my eyes. I looked away, because I just couldn't see the want in his eyes. I sucked my lips in and looked around. I stood silent for the next minute or so, thinking about what to say.

"This is my dying wish," he started to say. What a way to make things better for me. Now I had to change my final decision. "I want you to be my wife before I die."

"Sean," I began. "I don't know how it feels to have this condition, but I do know how it feels to be in a position of not knowing what to do. And trust me, when I say this, I don't want to hurt your feelings."

"So... what do you say?" He asked.

"I say..." then I thought of the time when Nick asked me to join the Ivory Lions. If I said this, this would change my life forever. But I had no business with Nick anymore. He wasn't around. He was my sibling. My mother had gone and I had lost my child. The least I could do was fulfill a dying wish before Sean was on the list of my lost ones. "Fine. I'll be your wife."

Then his eyes lit up and he got off one knee and placed the huge ring on my fingers. He hugged me and was about to kiss me, but he knew that I wasn't 100% happy about this decision. Then he placed his hands on the wheelchair handles and started to push me away.

We got back to the apartment and I couldn't help but stay silent. Sean took my hands and looked at the ring.

"Is this because the ring is too expensive?" He asked.

"No," I replied. "I'm just tired, that's all."

"What's the point in lying to me?" He asked. I looked at him like I didn't know what he meant, but deep down I knew. "I know you were reluctant to marry me, Scarlett."

"I've been through a lot, Sean," I began. "It's like my life has taken this huge turn in such a short amount of time that I don't know how to control it anymore. Getting married in this shit is just... hard."

"I get it," he replied.

"No, you don't," I stared at this huge diamond ring on my finger. "It's not that I'm not happy being with you. I just wish that some people in my life were here to share this moment."

A few weeks had passed, and Rosita was coming in and out of the apartment. When I told her that I was getting married to Sean, she couldn't believe it. She was still a bit mad at the fact that Sean never told her about how he had Leukemia. And for Sean? His health was getting worse by the minute. Sean had already been rushed to the hospital for fainting and becoming unconscious, and at this very moment, I was sitting on the chair beside him.

"Thanks for the flowers," he smiled. I looked at the flowers that I had hand-picked for him, and that immediately reminded me of the flowers that sat in Nick's room, being watered every single day. "I'm not really someone to take care of a plant, you know."

My eyes adjusted themselves on those flowers and I just couldn't stop thinking about Nick, and Sean was tapping me.

"Yeah, what?" I replied, totally oblivious to the fact that he was talking to me. "Can you say that again?"

"Thinking about Nick?" he asked and my mind was running around in circles because I was thinking about what to say to him. If I said no, he would automatically think I was lying but if I said yes, I wondered how his heart would break. Then the nurse walked in and offered me a glass of water.

I took sips of the water and rubbed my knees; they were getting better each day, but I was sitll experiencing some sharp pains. Sean took my hands and smiled at me. Then he started to cough loudly.

"I uh- was up thinking last night," he stroked my hair. "I don't know how much longer I have to live. It feels like I'm dying everyday."

"Don't say that," I faintly smiled. "You can fight through this."

"I don't want to wait any longer. I want to get married. Tomorrow."

My eyes widened.

"You mean, elope?" I asked, still trying to process this in my head. In my heart, I knew what he meant, but I wanted Sean to know that I didn't really understand.

"Yeah, there's no point waiting for a huge wedding that we probably can't afford," he started. "I can't ask for a loan of extra thousands of dollars or something."

"I wasn't even originally going to go with a huge wedding," I disagreed. "This was something that was going to be small and private. I don't want the whole world knowing that we're getting married."

"Is it because you don't want Nick to know?" He looked at me with fierce eyes.

"Sean," I began. "Let's not talk about him, okay? You need to focus on your health. And besides, you don't need to take a loan. I can pay for all your medical expenses. I just need my share of the inheritance." And then I thought about how I would might have to share my inheritance with Nick. That didn't bother me, but the fact that someone I loved dearly, might have been my brother.

"Scarlett, I don't need your money," he adjusted himself in the bed. "All I want from you is your unconditional love."

"You know I respect you, and you know that I'm going to protect you with my life. Sean, look. It's not easy for me to-"

"Hey," Rosita gingerly walked in, holding three cups of coffee and a container. "I brought us some brunch."

"I'm fine, thanks," Sean nervously replied. Then I rolled me eyes, grabbed the container off Rosita and gave it to Sean.

"You haven't eaten all morning," I grabbed the fork and opened the container which had some tacos in it. I looked inside of it to see the contents.

"It's vegan," Rosita added, assuring me that it was safe for Sean to eat. He took the taco, and made the first bite. It was silent in the room while he was eating and Rosita stood in the corner of the room, looking agitated. I looked at her, and it was obvious that she wanted to tell me something urgent. I gave the coffee to Sean and took mine.

"Hey, Sean, do you mind if Rosita and I go out for a minute? We just need some air."

"Sure," he replied, chewing on a taco shell. "Just be careful, okay?"

I smiled and we got out of the room. Rosita bit her lip and looked around.

"Scarlett, I think there's something you should know," She began. "I bumped into someone this morning on the way here."

"Who?" I asked. My eyes widened as I thought of the people it could be. "Was it my mother? Was it Nick?"

"I bumped into Santos. Santos Garcia!"

"Wait, Nick's dad?!" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah! And the worst part is, he's looking for you in particular."

"Why?" I asked. "What does he have on me?"

"Well, number one, you're Andrei's daughter, and number two, you had a relationship with his son."

"We can't call Nick his son, we aren't certain yet," then I started to think harder. "Nick told me that his father always hated Andrei, for sleeping with his wife, Katherine Greyson, but why would he be after me in particular? For answers?"

"Or for money..." a voice behind me spoke. I turned around my eyes immediately froze. My lips were trembling with fear, and my teeth were clattering together. Nick was right before my eyes, standing there like nothing had happened. I stood there, star struck. "The day that I left you at the hospital - it was Santos that was shouting your name. He wants everything your father had."

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