23 | Boy Toys

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"Please, honey, slow down," said mom, who was dragging her feet as we reached the end of a quiet street.

"Mom, we need to keep moving," I replied, going back to help her.

"Remember that I'm not as young as you," she lifted herself up. "I don't have the amount of energy you have."

"Fine," I gave up. "We'll try and camp out here."

We only had our personal belongings, nothing that could shelter us from the freezing weather currently in Moscow. I grabbed a scarf of mine, and used it as a blanket. It wasn't much, but it was all we had. Mom and I stared at the night sky, admiring how pretty the stars looked at night.

"Up there," mom looked at me. "Your father is looking down on you- and he's proud, Scarlett. He's proud that you want to make things right."

"I hope so," I replied unsure. "I hope what I'm doing is right."

"Of course it is, sweetie. You wanting to clear your father's name is doing something right. When I tell you he's proud of you, he's proud."

I smiled faintly and tried to sleep, but the ground was so uneven that it was hard for me to settle. Mom had already fallen asleep by now, but I was just turning around from side to side. I felt rumbles in my stomach that made me feel very uneasy, so I decided to talk a walk to clear my head. I could hear Nick in my head, I could feel his kisses and his affection. Thinking of him now felt strange, because we were never really serious. Yes, we had a fling, but I was never too sure where it was going to take us.

I walked around some of the beaches, the light posts and the sand glittering in the early nights. I noticed four drunk guys dancing around the beach, with nothing on. I covered my eyes as I felt a hand drag me and a guy saying, "Join us."

"Leave me alone," I instructed, but I don't think they even heard me. They pulled me into the freezing cold water and everything, from head to toe, was wet.

"You fuckers!" I shouted as I tried to squeeze the water out my hair. They didn't even notice that I was cursing at them, they just carried on dancing like a bunch of fools. Then I started to think about them, and how useful they could be for me.

"Hey, who wants 1,000,000 rubies?" I shouted and they slowly turned their heads to look at me in amazement.

"Me!" One of them shouted, lifting the bottle of vodka in front of their faces. Then they all said "Me!" and straddled along.

I walked down the same road that my mom and I stayed for the night and looked around. She wasn't there.

"Mom!" I shouted at the top of my lungs but all that could be heard was the laughter of the drunk men standing behind me. Where could mom be? I was only here like four minutes ago, and she had already disappeared. But I knew who this was. I knew this was Jackson trying to get back at me and plus, he knew that I was trying to get revenge on the Russian Roulettes. If he didn't, my mom would probably still be here. That jerk!

I had to go rescue my mom, even if it meant dragging these drunkards along with me. I couldn't let mom get into the hands of those imbeciles. I had to get her back.

I gathered all the boys and found an empty warehouse downtown, and threw them all in a room and locked them in.

"What are you doing?" one of the men asked me with a slurred tone.

"Sleep it off, then talk to me," I told them as I walked away. It was getting pretty cold that evening, so I decided to venture off into the night, with no purpose whatsoever.

Or so I thought.

I checked my gun and realized that I was out of bullets. With the situation I was in, you couldn't survive a day without any bullets. How was I going to rescue my mom? I had already lost her once, and couldn't afford to lose her again.

It was far too late to search the streets of Moscow for guns, so I decided to sleep it off. I found an old wooden chair just sitting there in the warehouse and slouched into it, even though it was probably hours away from breaking due to my weight. I had gained so much weight that it suddenly felt normal to feel like this. I felt the baby that was growing in my stomach, and wished that it was Nick's. Nick seemed like he would be a great dad, because of the way he loved his niece. Then I thought about Popita, and how she had lost her mother, her father, and probably Nick now. Nick was a stubborn guy, but his determination was what I loved about him.

I arose to the sound of pounding on the door. It was the men I locked up. I jumped up from the seat and opened up the door, and they looked so hungover.

"Rise and shine," I smiled at them as they stared at me in confusion.

"What the hell are we doing here? And why did you lock us up?" one of them asked. I tried to think of something that would keep them with me.

"Uhh, you guys were almost arrested yesterday. You all were drunk." I lied.

"Really? So what did you do to save us?"

"You killed a guy. The cops were coming and I helped you all escape."

"Oliver," one of the men spoke. "We were drinking yesterday. What if this woman's right?"

"Believe me or not, I helped you all. And I locked you up so the cops wouldn't find you."

Then all of their faces lit up. One point for Scarlett!

I then learnt all their names. I had Oliver, Alexander, Leo and Michael. Oliver was more quiet, timid and shy. Alexander was more straight to the point and honest. Leo was quiet too, but very practical. But Michael... was just distant. He never really spoke and often stayed out of our conversations. I didn't know why, but made it one of my missions to find out.

"Okay, so we know that the Russian Roulette's hideout is around this area," I pointed to a map that was found in my dad's things. "If we send one of you to climb that pole, we could set off an alarm. It's going to draw the men, and then Leo and I will sneak through the back gates. Got it?"

"Yes, boss," Oliver spoke.

"Don't do that," a voice from behind me spoke. It was Michael. "The alarms aren't there."

"What do you mean the alarms aren't there?" I asked, baffled.

"How old is that map?" asked Michael. 

"I don't know - like over twenty years old?"

"Exactly. The alarms were demolished a few years ago."

This information was useful, but what I didn't understand was how Michael knew that. I mean, yes, he could have probably read this in a newspaper article, but this was the Russian Roulettes we were talking about, not the Kardashians. 

Then it all suddenly made sense. Every time I mentioned the Russian Roulettes, he became distant. And now he suddenly knew things about them that no one knew? I grabbed the gun out my pocket and pointed it at him.

"Talk, Michael," I stared at him. He didn't even flinch. He knew he had this coming. "Are you part of the Russian Roulettes?"

"I was part of the Russian Roulettes. Until the Bronze Dragons came in and replaced us."

"And why do you wait till now to tell us? You only talk when you're about to die?"

"I'm not about to die," he spoke sternly. "Your gun isn't even loaded."

Then I took a second to think this through. He was right. I had no bullets.

"You're lucky," I told him. "But please, Michael. Help me get my mother back."

"You got it, boss," Michael smiled and came into the circle.


Before I even start talking about some other stuff, let me just say that I am SORRY this came out 5 days late. School just started, and I've been so caught up with everything. I'll try and post another chapter up this week if I can :) So yeah, a lot has happened in this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it! 

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