11 | Popita

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"Popita!" Nick shouted, trying to get her attention. He ran around the village frantically, whilst parents held their children close and hid. Nick was absolutely hysterical. He was angry, upset and in despair that he could do anything, something that could even cost a life.

"Nick," I whispered, trying to calm him down. "I think we should maybe look for her tomorrow when you've calmed down."

"We can't," He spoke. "Our flight is tonight."

Jesus. He seriously booked it that soon? Imagine if I had escaped. He would have had to travel alone. Well, good for him.

"Hey, Nick. I am not so sure about this Russia thing. I mean, we hardly even planned and-"

"Shut up," He stopped me. I found that incredibly rude and disrespectful.

"Don't tell me to shut up," I corrected him. I gave him a death look that he would probably never get out his mind. "You drag me on this trip and tell me to shut up? You're delusional."

Then I gave him one, big slap.

"You are gonna regret that, Scarlett," he replied. As if that meant anything to me.

I rolled my eyes as he turned away from me. Whatever happened just now was something completely out of the blue. I felt like that slap was me releasing all my anger I had towards Nick, even though most of this anger was caused by myself. I know I lied to him and went behind his back, but he had no right to sleep with Stacy right after. And to top it all off, drag me to Russia with him.

We looked in every hut to find Popita, but no luck. Nick started to get really frustrated and took his anger out on me.

"What Jackson said about you is right," He spoke while lighting a cigar and sitting on a log.

"What? That I am a bitch? Go on, SAY IT!" I shouted. Then I stuck my middle finger out at him. He scowled back like a dog.

"It's 5," he added. "We've got 6 hours left till we board."

"Yay," I replied sarcastically, hoping he'd get the hint. "Hey, Nick, how did you get my passport?"

"My men made fake ones," He started to twiddle with his hair. "How else did you think I got us on a plane?"

"Isn't that dangerous? Like, couldn't we get caught out?" I asked, worried something like that could happen and we could both end up in jail.

"Trust me," he replied, this time, smoking his cigar. "If they catch us, we'll kill them all."

It hurt me to hear him say this. I think because of everything going on, he was just in denial, not accepting his brother's death.

"Nick, listen," I sat down with him and looked deeply into his eyes. "Killing people isn't going to help the situation. I know that deep down, you have a heart. And you've proven that to me."

"Really?" He asked, noticing my great pep talk skills.

"Really. I mean, I know you're used to killing but if we get caught, we get caught. Okay? I don't want any more innocent blood on our hands."

Then Nick crossed his arms.

"Funny you say that because just a few hours ago, you shot at my men." He smiled. Then I started to realize that he was right.

"Yeah, about that, are they dead?" I asked, laughing it off but knowing deep down that I could have just ended a life or maybe lives.

"No, but I have to tell you - you have terrible aim. You shot one in the ding dong area if you know what I mean," He laughed hard and I laughed along too. I don't know why, but it was moments like these that made you forget about everything. Your life, your current situation - it was everything that met the eye - the people that you loved.

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