4 | Apologies

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I slowly crept down the staircase and was led into a dark room with only candles as the light. Nick stood with Stacy and they laughed together. Rosita was holding a bottle of champagne in one hand and some guys were taking shots. Then I concluded they were celebrating - celebrating the fact that I had just shot Jackson. But little did Nick know who Jackson was to me.

"Did no one invite me?" I asked confidently whilst Nick stepped forward, Stacy rolled her eyes and Rosita smiled.

"What are you doing here? I thought I told you to rest," said Nick who snatched the cigarette packet off Stacy.

"I needed to talk to you," I snapped whilst Stacy lunged forwards. "Alone."

We walked out to the corridor. I took a deep breath.

"I wanted to apologize. Y'know, earlier. When I shouted at you." I rambled.

"It's understandable," He spoke. "I reacted the same when I made my first kill. But what you need to remember that this person wanted to harm you. Us."

"Yes but -"

"No buts, Scarlett. You don't know this person so it's okay." He walked back into the room. I closed my eyes for a moment and opened them back up again. I was in bed.

"Again, Scarlett?" Nick asked me while covering me up with a blanket.

"What happened?" I asked, completely oblivious to what was going on.

"You fainted. For the third time today." He sighed.

"What's wrong with me?" I cried.
Nick looked around the room frantically, looking for something. He grabbed a paper bag from behind the couch.
"The doctor told me to give you this," He handed it over.

I opened the bag slowly, and if this was true, it would change my life forever.

Sorry, this chapter was short! Everything just didn't add up to make this chapter long so I apologize! The next chapter is available, though... go and check it out ;)

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