25 | Soul-Snatchers

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"What? No, that CAN'T be true!" I screamed. "Nick and I can't be related! It isn't possible! This is a set up!"

"Think about it," Luna spoke. "Your father had an affair with Katherine Greyson, then suddenly he just pops out?"

"So you're telling me that my father impregnated two women at the same time? What a bitch you are!"

"Scarlett," said Luna. "You are so naive! Use your head! You never knew your father so you don't know how he was like! And besides, have you ever heard of Nick speak of his father?"

"He has a brother. Or had a brother."

"From which side?" Luna asked. "Probably his mom's side. Nick grew up with his mother, so I have no idea what you're talking about."

Nick? My brother? I had fallen in love with my brother?! What could I believe? Either way, Nick and I probably wouldn't end up together because of all of these problems, but the fact that I had loved my brother was just a messed up situation.

"Please tell me this isn't true," I pleaded, but Luna and Jackson just laughed.

"Sorry, sugarcakes, but it's true. I suggest you go and find your mama, cause she isn't here." She smirked. Then Jackson came close.

"She's not going anywhere, Luna," he felt my cheeks. "She's going to stay here with me where she belongs."

"No! I can't stay with him- please, Luna!" I begged. Living with Jackson was hell and now I had to relive events? He would probably abuse me, rape me, or even kill me! I thought about my mom, and where she could be right now. I thought about Nick, and how he was lying lifeless on a bed. Then I thought about myself. And how everything happened because of me.

I ran away with Jackson.
I didn't listen to my mom.
I decided to go to stay with Nick.
I loved Nick.
I couldn't save Nick's brother.
I didn't kill Jackson when I had the chance.
I disappointed my mother.
I disappointed my father.

"If Jackson wants you, then I can't do anything it about it. But I'll let you say your final goodbyes to Nick if you want." Luna faked smiled, and stood up from the chair. "So, do you want to do that?"

"What do you think?" I sobbed. Luna rolled her eyes and started to untie the ropes.

"Don't do anything stupid," she spoke whilst helping me up. She pulled me up really hard, that I fell to the floor. "Why are you so weak?!"

"She's pregnant, Luna," Jackson butted in and helped me up. "About a month along now, right?"

"I think so," I struggled to say. "I haven't really been keeping count."

"Oh, so who's the father?" Luna laughed, staring at my stomach. I stood silent. "Okay, stay silent, Little Miss Attitude. Grab the truck, Jackson, and four of my men. I don't trust this girl."

Jackson ran out the room. Luna folded her arms and waited for the men.

We jumped into the truck and two men were beside me. This reminded me of when I got kidnapped by the Ivory Lions, and was about to meet Nick, alive and healthy. But now, I was about to go and meet Nick, hanging on to his life. We arrived at a hospital named GEMC and the men held me side by side, but made it look like they were holding me innocently.

We entered the hospital and inside of it looked very fancy. It was the Group of Companies European Medical Centre. Luna went to the front desk to ask for Nick's name and we were directed into the Emergency Department where I saw patients being rushed in different rooms, all in a hurry. I hoped that Nick wouldn't look as bad as these people that O had seen, and hoped that he would wake up soon even though I wouldn't be here for when he did.

Then we arrived. Luna pulled Jackson back, because he looked like he wanted to go into the room with me. A nurse opened the door for me and there was Nick with tubes connected to his mouth, and a neck brace on. A tear rolled down my face as he lay in that bed, with his eyes closed, looking like he was in a lot of pain.

"We managed to get the bullets out," the nurse smiled. "We all thought he was going to die, but something kept him holding on. He kept calling out 'Scarlett, my sweet Scarlett'. Then he finally fell into this deep coma."

"How long will he be like this?" I asked. She looked down at the floor.

"I don't know. We predict about a few months but it varies. It could be a month, or a year-"

"A year?" I shouted, in shock. "No! Nick, why!"

"We don't know yet. I'll leave you with him." She exited the room. I placed my hands on Nick's hands and stared at him.

"Nick," I sobbed. "I am so sorry this happened to you. You jumped out to save my life! I could have been the one here, but you are. I had a crush on you when I first met you, and you had a crush on me. You made me a beautiful breakfast, you kissed me numerous times, you took me out on a date, we travelled together and then this had to happen. You almost died today, Nick! I'm going to try and forgive you. Even though you betrayed me, a lot of times, I still love you regardless. Thanks for saving my life, again, and showing me the power of love and family. I won't be here when you wake up, so don't forget me. We may be siblings and can't end up together but, I hope we can end up together in the afterlife. I love you, Nick."

Then I kissed him and stepped out the room. Luna and Jackson stood there, waiting. I didn't even say anything to them and walked out the hospital. The men caught me and pulled me back into the truck. As the truck was leaving the hospital, I could just feel Nick's presence slipping away from me. It was like I had lost touch with the world, and everyone I loved because of my stupid actions. The Russian Roulettes had taken away that innocent Scarlett that was in me six years ago, and had replaced me with Valentina Petrova. Scarlett no longer existed. It was going to take them an awful long time to control me and play with me. They murdered my father and I was going to repay the favour.

Okay... Let me explain. I quickly wanted to write this and publish it today so that I keep you with a chapter before my birthday. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Ps. On Saturday I might not be uploading

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