19 | Mommy Dearest

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"Do you know how to shoot a gun?" Sean whispered in my ears.
"Uh, just recently," I laughed and I took the gun out my jean pockets just in case.

"Because Nick's not here, they aren't going to take any orders from me or you,"

"Well, then why did you put her in a warehouse?"

"Safety reasons, Sie- I mean, Scarlett," Sean replied, leading me up to the door of the warehouse. There were four men guarding the front door and they analyzed me carefully, as they didn't know who I was.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" Asked one of the guys, pointing a gun at me.

"There's no need for the violence boys, I just came to see if I can see the fortune teller,"

"Well you need permission from the boss,"

I was about to butt in and say that I was the boss, but of course, I didn't want to look like I had a huge ego.

"I'm Scarlett Hansen, Nick's girlfriend."

"What?" I heard from behind me, and I realized that Sean was still behind me.
"Ahh. The famous one who got pregnant by our enemy,"

"Shut the fuck up! He raped me, okay?!"

Then Sean stepped forwards.
"Who raped you?!"

"It doesn't matter," I replied. "All I'm asking you is if I can see the fortune teller."

"Hmm... you've got five minutes,"

"Thanks so much! And please, can you not let Nick know about any of this, please?"

"Whatever, just go in," he opened the door for me and led me to the room where they were keeping my mom. Inside the warehouse was dark with one single light that was hanging from the ceiling. I walked into the room and he shut the door and left me inside a pitch black room. I felt a switch on the left side of me and I switched it on. There my mom sat on a wooden chair, tied up from head to toe. I ran over to her.

"Mom! Look it's me, okay?" I untied the ropes and she looked unconscious. "Fuck Sean! He shouldn't have brought you here!"

"You know, I still see Andrei..." she sounded delirious.

"Look, mom, I'm going to get you out of here, okay?" I told her, trying to wake her up.

"My baby girl ran away from me and left me to die... so did Andrei... my life is not worth living anymore..."

"Mom, stop talking! We need to be quiet if we want to get out of here successfully! I need to text Aaron and tell him that we're coming!"

"Mom, stop talking! We need to be quiet if we want to get out of here successfully! I need to text Aaron and tell him that we're coming!"

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I grabbed the bag that my mom ran away with and tried to lean her body onto my back. We struggled to get out the room but got out nevertheless. I held my gun in the position to shoot anyone that got in our way because I wasn't prepared to lose my mom again. There was no one at the door, therefore, we bolted out. The same man that Sean and I spoke to was still standing there, looking at his watch and observing the time. I took my gun and knocked him out. I took my mom back to the apartment where Sean was waiting and he was pacing around the room.

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