56 | The First Day Of The Rest Of Our Lives (p2)

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I rolled around in bed, feeling very nauseous.
"Nick," I tapped him. "You sent Kay to get some medicine yesterday, where are they?"

"Hmm," he yawned. "In the cupboard in the dining room downstairs. Feeling sick already?"

"I'm in my first trimester, Nick. It's normal."

I got out of bed and took a sip of the water on the bedside table.
"And Nick - where is the dining room again?"

We had recently bought a 45 million dollar mansion - we had been here for about a month and I still got lost in it.

"You know where it is, Scarlett. It's where the baby your carrying was conceived." Nick laughed.

I gasped. "Oh, yeah!"

~7 months later~

He took my hand, and kissed it gently. His eyes glistened in the sunlight as his hair flew in the wind. He placed his hands on my stomach and smiled at me.

"Our little one," he beamed. He kissed my stomach and spoke to him:

Hey, little one. Your mommy and I have been anxiously waiting for you to pop out, but you still remain in there. Why? Is it because you miss the womb or are you scared to meet us? For us, it is the complete opposite, son. We are so excited to see you for the first time, and for you to meet your sisters. I know being an only boy is going to be tough, but I can help you. But if we're being realistic here, your mom has gone through the most traumatic stuff in her life. She is one of the bravest women I have ever encountered in my life. She came in a time of my life when I only cared about materialistic items, getting revenge, and building an empire. Her humbleness changed the way I think of life, and now, I think life is a blessing. Her father didn't get to see her, but I promise you, son, once you pop out of there, I'm going to give you millions of hugs and millions of kisses. No man will ever compete with you, because they'll have to answer to me. Yes, I've stopped doing drugs and smoking and I'm not a cartel owner anymore but that won't stop me from-

"Gosh," I laughed. "I think he's heard enough for one day."

He kissed my stomach and then kissed me. I was finally going to be a parent in this best conditions, and I had the love of my life next to me, supporting me.

"Scarlett," Popita ran to our spot on the grass. "Someone wants to speak to you."

She passed over the phone and Nick looked up, concerned.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ROSITA?" A familiar voice screamed over the phone.
It was Aaron.

"Aaron, I understand you are upset but she killed-"

I gasped in shock. DEAD?

"No, no, no," I repeated. "I put her in prison, I'm sure of it! I never sent someone to kill her!"

"Well, she was murdered on the way to prison. The car was hijacked and everyone in the car was killed." Aaron cried.


My hands were trembling and I was struggling to breathe. Who could do this? And why? What was killing her going to achieve?

Nick placed his hands on me.
"You need to calm down. Think of the baby."

I dropped the phone and sniffed quietly. All I tried to do was make things right. It was never my intention for Rosita to be murdered. She killed my ex-husband and deserved to be in prison. That's it.

"I'm sorry, Nick," I cried. He grabbed me and held me close.

"You don't have to apologise. What she did was unforgivable."

"But she was your best friend! The one you trusted the most!"

"She lost my trust the second she betrayed you. She betrayed her boyfriend by killing his best friend. You shouldn't be feeling sorry for someone like that."

"It's not her I feel sorry for. It's Aaron. He lost his best friend, now his girlfriend. He had nothing to do with this!"

"Baby, calm down. You don't want Victoria to see you crying, do you?"

Victoria ran over to me and jumped on me, giggling.
"Who's a good girl?" I shouted.
"Me!" She screamed. I opened up her hand and saw a gummy drop. It was healthy day today and she wasn't supposed to eat any candy.

"Vicky, what did I tell you about the candy?"
"No candy," she pouted. "Poppy gave me candy."
I looked at Popita and shook my head.

"You know how the sugar gets her," I laughed. Popita carried her but she shouted, "Daddy, you have it!"

"You can eat it, Vicky," he giggled. "Go on, Popita, get the sugar monster away from us."

They ran away and both jumped into the pool.
"Make sure she has her armbands on!" I shouted.

"Scar, you need to leave Rosita and everyone in Russia in the past now. It's been over a year since we left. You need to focus on our new family now." Nick hugged me.

"Gee, your pep talks have definitely gotten better," I kissed him. Just laying in my husband's arms was one the best things in life. Knowing you were protected after being through traumatic experiences was a rare occurrence.

I remember my mother telling my that Victoria was going to bring everyone around me harm, but she never said they were going to die, and that gave me peace in my heart. My mother was up there, with my dad, watching over my family and I and nothing scared me anymore.

At least everyone who had hurt my dad was gone.
At least Jackson and I separated on good terms.
At least I was married to the love of my life and was finally raising a family with him.

So, Victoria and Alejandro, that's my story. The both of you are at the age I was when I ran away from my mother, and you both deserve the truth. This is why I've done everything to protect you. Because I love you.

- Much Love from Scarlett Greyson, the mother who loves you with all her heart. XxX

The End


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