6 | Chemistry

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I barely slept a wink that night. I was up trying to figure out how to get out of here before Jackson could cause trouble. I looked at the clock. It was 5:40 in the morning, yet my eyes were still fresh and open. I could hear a rumbling coming from my stomach - I don't know if it was this baby or if it was the fact I hadn't eaten in almost 24 hours. I could still feel Nick's lips pressed onto mine, and the feeling made me feel very happy. But it didn't make him happy.

"Hey," Nick walked in topless with some shorts and the feeling of agitation came upon me.

"What do you want?" I asked him, clearly stating that I was upset from yesterday.

"I didn't sleep all night," He leaned on the wall.

"Neither... did I," I whispered. "I was up thinking about the baby."

"I was up thinking about you," He smiled faintly, and suddenly the atmosphere became really awkward.

"Whatever happened yesterday... I am really sorry. I know you didn't want this to happen and I-" I cried. Then all of a sudden, Nick ran to the bed, came close to me, caressed me and placed his left forefinger on my lips. Our faces were so close I couldn't breathe.

"No matter how hard I try, I just can't help it," He whispered. "I know this is wrong on so many levels, but you are so irresistible, Scarlett. From the second you walked in, I knew you were the one."

I smiled. Nick made you get a taste of heaven - I was on Cloud 9. His insistent mouth was parting my shaking lips, sending wild tremors along my nerves, evoking from the sensations I had never known I was capable of feeling. And before a swimming giddiness spun me round and round, I knew that I was kissing him back. It felt good. Really good.

"How about we have dinner tonight? Just the both of us."

I beamed and we carried on our little make-out session.

After a few hours, we both headed down for breakfast. I could see him frying eggs from across the kitchen and I couldn't help but hold him. But I held myself back because Stacy walked into the kitchen doing the same thing I wanted to do.

"Stacy, get off me," Nick pushed her away from him.

"Woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, Nick?" She asked.

"Actually, I woke up on the right side of the bed today," He smiled and winked at me. Stacy turned to look at me and rolled her eyes at me.

"So... the both of you have hit it off, huh?" She asked.

"No," We both said at the same time, making it look so obvious that we were lying.

"Right..." Stacy grinned sarcastically. "But I didn't come here for you. I came to tell Nick that the guy that Scarlett shot wants to see you."

I gasped loudly. If Jackson saw Nick, he would tell him the truth. That we were together.

"Uh, are you okay, Scarlett? Is the baby okay?" Nick asked.

"BABY?" Stacy shouted. "Since when was she PREGNANT?"

"None of your business, Stacy," Nick spoke.

"The baby's fine and so am I," I replied. "I just need to go and lie down for a while."

"I'll take you to the room. Stacy, let this guy know that I don't want to speak to him now. Maybe in a few weeks, when we are a few more weeks along this pregnancy."

"Right, Boss," Stacy spoke. We arrived in my room.

"Don't go, Nick," I called him back and he sat on the edge of the bed. "I really need you to take care of me."

"You want me to be your Doctor? Doctor Nick Greyson?" He laughed.

"Yes, Doctor Greyson. I need to take my daily dose of your kisses," I giggled as he came closer and we kissed. Then his phone started to ring.

"No," I tried to persuade him not to answer it.

"I have to," Nick took his phone out his back pocket and answered it.

"Hello? Yes, this is Nick Greyson." He asked. "You want to speak to the woman who shot you?"


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