37 | At Fault

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"You're crazy," mom looked at me and shook her head. "You're going to endanger the life of your baby, Scarlett!"

"Mom, he never endangered the life of my father, he killed him!" I shouted back.

"Scarlett, he never killed your father," mom replied. I looked at her in disappointment.

"So you're defending him now?" I yelled. "Have the both of you hit it off?"

"Scarlett, please! He never directly murdered your father, I'm sure of it!"

"Yeah, he may not have been the one that actually killed him, but that was his intention, mom. If dad was standing right in front of him, he would have killed him over and over again with no hesitation. I bet he's still wishing he's the one that got to see him suffer."

"Scarlett, honey, I understand you're upset. Believe me, I am too. However, we can't solve things by violence. You just have to wait, honey."

"For what?!" I cried. "I've hurt too many people! I ran away from you, and my life went to hell. Nick is broken, Sean's going to die anytime soon, and I married him because of it."

"Then how is marrying Sean hurting him?"

"Because I don't love him. I don't want him to die knowing that I didn't care about him and appreciate him because I do. My life's been on the brink of extinction and he's always come to rescue me! Like you said, this child has caused harm, to everyone around me and to mostly... myself."

"I understand how you feel. You running away from me was like losing you forever, but then we found each other. You thought you had lost your child, now look at you. Fate brought our three generations together. Don't split it up because you want to take revenge, Scarlett. Please, think this over."

I looked at my baby for a long amount of time. She was sleeping so peacefully.

"Have you figured out what you want to call her?" Mom asked. I thought hard.

"No, not yet. When the time is right."

Mom smiled and asked me to give her. "Santos had told me that they removed the baby from you. Whilst you were in a coma. Jackson wanted this. Jackson knew that Nick was out of the hospital and didn't want you having the baby. He knew that this child would bring you closer together. And plus, it was his anyway."

"Well, he did a good job of that," I replied, biting my nails. "Nick and I- we're probably not gonna see each other again."

"Why?" Mom asked. "The last time I saw you, you wouldn't stop talking about him. Your face lit up every time you mentioned his name."

"Nick's changed, mom. He's not that person he used to be. He's hurt. His brother, now his father. And... me."

"What about you? Have you spoken to him?"

"The night you disappeared, I met up with a few guys out on the beach. I waited till they sobered up and I asked them to help me go to the Russian Roulette's base and find you. I got in, but then came across this guy in a hazmat suit. It was actually Nick. I don't know what he was doing there, but he was there anyway. Luna, one of the bosses, came and shot Nick, three times in the stomach. He fell, hit his head and fell into a coma. Jackson and Luna tied me up, and told me that Nick and I were siblings and couldn't be together."

"Really?" Mom looked surprised. "Keep going."

"After that, they told me that they placed Nick in a private hospital. They drove me down there and I went to visit Nick and was there for about five minutes. Then I was forced to stay with Jackson and was with him for about six months. That's when we had the car crash and Nick came to visit me in the hospital after I was in a coma for a few days."

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