38 | Affliction

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The place was silent for a few seconds. My heart was pounding as Santos and Nick remained in the same place, still staring at each other. One of them was shot, but I didn't know who. Then after another few seconds, Santos collapsed to the ground and Nick fell to catch him. I could see the hurt in Nick's eyes - even though Santos wasn't even his father, and treated him badly, he was still lodged in Nick as a father. Santos died instantly.

A few weeks later:

"We need to leave, now," Sean took my hands. "The car is here."

I wiped the tears off of my face and prepared myself to walk outside that door, with many cameras and eyes staring at me. I wore my father's medallion on my chest and stuffed some spare tissues into my bag.

"You're going to be fine. Your mom would have wanted you to be happy." Sean smiled. I smiled back. Victoria was fast asleep in the pram. She loved to sleep. It reminded me of my mother so much.

"We're going to be late," I closed my bag up. "Let's go."

I looked outside through the window and I could see the cameras and all the news reporters out there waiting for me. I straightened out my black dress and ran my fingers through my dark hair. I walked slowly out the door and I could hear the shutters from the cameras.

Petrova's daughter!

The one and only Valentina Petrova!

"Hey, hey, hey," Sean pushed one of the cameramen out of the way as they were blocking me.

"Is there anything you want to say to your ex-boyfriend Jackson Miller?" a voice behind me asked. Right now, I could care less about Jackson. Today was a day for my mother, not for my past. I jumped into the car with Sean and he put his arms around me. We drove off and arrived at the church. I stepped out to a great silence. All I could hear was the own clopping of my heels.

The church was already filled with many officials, friends of my fathers, and some people from back home. Security guards were scattered everywhere around the church. Sean took my hand and lead me up to the casket, which was just sitting there. He let go of me and went to take a seat. I analyzed the casket a blinked a few times to assure myself that this was real. That my mother was really dead.

I stared at the casket for a few minutes.


"My mother and I were always someone close. The distance between us was because of secrets and lies, but most importantly, love. She never told me anything because she wanted to protect me. And I never realized that, until almost a year ago, when I found her again. She told me that the baby I was carrying would bring harm to the people I loved - and the person that I loved... was her. She knew she was going to die. She died for my baby girl. When Victoria grows older, I'm going tell her about what my mother did for her. My mother always wanted to guide me in the right direction, and here she is. Lying in a casket, waiting to be buried. However, she'll meet my father - and they're going to be what they once were. In love. I'll miss you, mom. I'll think of you forever."

Then I heard a round of applause. As I was about to take my seat, I could notice Nick standing at the church doors, clapping. I bit my lip as I took a seat next to Sean. I turned around and he was gone.

"Well done," Sean smiled. "Your mother would be so proud."

"Thank you," I replied. "I hope she is."

The service continued as the priest lead us outside. The casket was slowly lowered into the ground as I cried into Sean's shoulder. One by one, everyone threw soil into the ground. The most remarkable thing about this burial, was my mother was placed right next to my father. The same cemetery that she visited ten months ago, was where she was going to be buried.

Then I noticed a man standing by a tree. He was leaning on the tree and he slowly turned around. It was Nick. I don't know if I was going crazy, but it was like I was seeing Nick everywhere.

"What is he doing here?" asked Sean looking at Nick. I was completely sane.

"Uhh," I looked at Nick again. Nick stared deeply. "I don't know."

"Let's tell the security guards to get him out," Sean looked for one of the security guards.

"No," I pulled him back. "Let's not cause a scene, Sean. This is about my mother, not about him."

"Okay, I'll do it in the memory of your mother. But don't forget that his father was the reason both your parents were killed."

I tried to process that thought in my head. Sean was 100% right, but this was not Nick's fault. He had nothing to do with my parents' death. I gulped loudly as Sean walked away and Nick stared some more. I rubbed my arms and walked away with Sean.


"So he was just staring at you?" asked Rosita, who was helping me change Victoria, who was babbling to herself on the bed.

"Yeah, he didn't say a word. I'm starting to think that maybe he wants to talk to me but doesn't know how." I replied. "But we have nothing to talk about. Yeah, we might be siblings, but that doesn't change that our relationship is gone forever. We're never getting back together."

"You can never say never, Scarlett, considering how much hurt the both of you have been through," Rosita started to powder Victoria's bum. "Have you even looked in your mother's bag that she had when she died?"

"I haven't been able to open it," I replied. "I just.. can't."

"Do you know what's in there?" Rosita asked. 

"No, I don't think she kept anything important in there," I replied.

"Are you mad?!" yelped Rosita. "She was a fortune teller, Scarlett. There must be something important in that bag."

"Okay, then you open it," I sighed. Rosita finished putting Victoria's jumpsuit on. She was a way better mom than I would ever be to Victoria. She knew everything, and I was just learning from her. Rosita grabbed the bag in the corner of the room and unzipped it. I stayed silent as she reached in. Her face looked confused.

"Tapes? And an I.D.?" She brought them both out. I moved closer to her. "Why would your mom have tapes in her bag?"

"Let's see," Rosita passed over the I.D. first. I examined it and there was a picture of my mom on it. However, the name said "Ana Maria Markov". 

Okay, I understood that my mother had to go with a fake name, to keep herself safe. But what was on those tapes?

"We need to find out what's on those tapes," I told Rosita. She agreed and we placed the tape in the old tape player. 

Victoria: I can't do it, Santos, it's going to hurt them.

Santos: Come on, now, it'll be our little secret.

Victoria: Why are you recording this? 

Santos: Come on now, Vick. Everything you've said so far needs to be on tape. Our plan needs to be on tape. Therefore you don't forget that you owe me.

Victoria: Are you going to use these against me? Against my daughter?

Santos: Well, of course. It's not like I kissed someone that raped my daughter.


Miss MafiaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora