24 | Saviour

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I hid behind a barrel, with my gun right next to me. We had previously gone on a hunt to raid some guns from one of Nick's warehouses, and we successfully did. Another barrel was opposite the one I was hiding behind, and behind the other barrel was Michael. I was waiting for his signal in order to tell me when to sneak into the gates. Then he winked at me and I ran as fast as I could through one of the gates. I stood near a wall and heard tapping from Michael to distract the men. Then I ran through the muddy grass, and found myself inside a dog house. Then right at the end of the dog house was a rottweiler, growling at me, ready to attack me.

"Uh.. good boy..." I placed my hand on it's head and it spun it's head round and bit my hand. "SHIT!"

Then the dog started to growl even louder, and I saw a flashlight moving across the place. I stayed as quiet as possible and as still as possible, even though I just really wanted to run away right now. I had no experience with dogs, which made this whole situation worse. The person with the flashlight had gone and so I decided to step out as well. I made the first step out of the danger zone that was in. I found a door swinging out in the wind, and cut through the door before it shut.

I was in a grimy, old corridor with many doors, and I was scared that someone was just going to pop out from one of the doors, so I kept my distance from them. I tiptoed down the thin corridor, inhaling the stench coming from the rooms. I kept my pistol close, in case anything was to happen to me right now. I peered at the doors for only a few seconds, to see if I could hear any ruffling. I heard ruffling from the 3rd door on the right and I tried to bust it open without making a sound, but they didn't really work.

The door swung open, and there was a guy dressed in a full hazmat suit, rummaging through a cabinet.

"Put your hands up," I told him. "Turn around very slowly."

He slowly turned his body around a stood silent.

"So, who are you, and what are you doing here?" I asked.

"What are you doing here? There's only one female Roulette and that's Luna Pheonix. Yeah, you're hot too, but you haven't got a bod like her." He spoke in a deep voice.

"Excuse me? Luna Pheonix? Who the hell is she?"

"Listen, I hate to poop on your party, but I've kind of got something to do here," he pointed at the cabinet. "Bye!"

"Listen to me," I moved the gun closer to his head. "I need you to help me, please. My mom's been taken and I really need her back. Please, help me."

"What's in it for me?" He asked, putting his hands back down. "I mean, this is not for free, right?"

"Whatever," I replied. "I'll pay you later, okay? Please, I just need-"

"Not money," he smirked. "You are a very beautiful woman, do you wanna-"

"Eww!" I slapped him, but I don't think he really felt it with all that plastic wrapped around his body. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Go to hell!"

Was I some sort of bargaining chip for men? How dare he! Now I knew that I had to make this journey alone. I left the room and looked everywhere else for an exit, even from where I came in, but unfortunately, the door was locked. I was locked in here. With a creepy guy in a hazmat suit.

Then the door that I came through started to open. I jumped into that the same room, grabbed the guy in the hazmat suit and pulled him down.

"Shh, they're coming," I tried to cover his mouth. He wriggled around and finally got through, and ran through the door. "Come back!"

Then there was a long silence. A silence in which I crossed my fingers hoping not to get killed. Then I heard 3 shots coming from the corridor. My heart began to beat really fast as I tiptoed to the door, trying to see what was going on. I peered through the hole in the door and saw a woman and two men with their guns up.

"Search the rooms," she ordered. I ran behind the cabinet in hopes they wouldn't check there. I was rested on my knees, keeping my head down. The guy in the hazmat suit told me that there was only one female Roulette, so I figured this must have been Luna Pheonix. I felt the door creak open, and in came one of the men. He took one glance and walked away.

Phew. I thought. Thank god he didn't find me.

Then I returned to the door to hear the commotion.

"Nick Greyson," said Luna. "He got here successfully, I guess. But a hazmat suit? Really?"

WHAT? That was NICK? No way. He was right next to me and I didn't even realise it. But what was the gunshots? Hopefully it wasn't at Nick. I would have killed myself right here.

"I think those 3 shots killed him," she continued. "Aww, poor guy, he looked like he would have been a great partner for me- if you know what I mean!"

I fell to my knees and just cried. I wanted to bust this door open and kill Luna, but I knew I had to find my mother. The door swung open and there stood Luna, watching me cry. She grabbed my by the arms and smashed the gun to my head.

When I woke up, my hands were tied, my mouth was tied and I was sat in a wooden chair, a similar one I was sat in the night I grabbed Michael and his friends from the beach. I saw Luna and Jackson stood in front of me, probably waiting for me to wake up from that blow. I tried to speak, but all that came out was a muffle.

Luna untied the rope that was in my mouth and let me speak.

"The floor is yours," she laughed. "Go on Nickey Dickey girlfriend. Talk."

"Where's Nick? What did you do to him? And where's my mother?" I asked, desperate for answers.

"We didn't do anything to your mother. And we put him in a coma," Jackson smiled. I really wanted to slap him, but the ropes were too tight.

"No, I put him in a coma," Luna interrupted.

"Coma? What do you mean?"  I asked. Then Luna started laughing.

"So you think we'd be that mean and leave him to die? No. We took him to the hospital. We're not done with Nick yet." Luna replied.

"Don't you think you've done enough?!" I asked. "He jumped out to save my life, and I didn't even realise it was him! You monsters!"

"How sweet," Jackson rolled his eyes. "As soon as he wakes up, we're having a duel. I know it sounds old fashioned but, Nick and I planned this beforehand."

"You're lying!" I shouted. "You're just going to kill him!"

"Then why would we take him to a hospital? Use your head, Scarlett."

"Scarlett," Luna stared at me. "I think you should tell her, Jackson."

"Tell me what?" I asked. "TALK!"

"Scarlett, you and Nick can't be together," she sat down. I looked at her with a confused face. "Nick is your brother."


So yeah, guys, that's chapter 24! I ended it on a cliffhanger today =]
The next chapter is going to be in two weeks unfortunately because next week is my bday and I'm kinda busy the whole week but maybe I'll upload if I have time x
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know it was kinda boring but the end tho!
See you in 2 weeks OR a week.
And don't forget to follow me and share this story with your friend if you enjoy it! ❤️

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