47 | Mark

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~ A month later ~
"I'm FINE." I shouted at the prison guard - she trying to shove the spoon down my throat. "I said I don't want to eat."

"Suit yourself," she smirked. "Prison food is better than no food."

I rolled my eyes.

It was the day when I would be transferred to a maximum security prison, and no one was here to see me off. Not even Rosita.

It had been two weeks since I last saw her, and that was only to tell me that Victoria was okay. The conversation didn't even last 30 seconds.

I was given one call that I could make. I could call either Rosita or Jackson. In my heart, I knew that it would be right to call Rosita and ask her about Victoria and how she was doing, but what Jackson said to me when he came here that day left chills down my spine. I was still trying to understand what he meant, and calling him now could solve that.

However, me being a mother came first, therefore I had to call Rosita. I was let by one of the prison guards to go to the telephone. I dialled Rosita's number and it rang for about 40 seconds, then it was answered.

"Hello?" I asked, hoping someone would hear me.

"What?" A voice answered, which I automatically recognised.

"What are you doing with Rosita's phone, Jackson?"

"I came to see my daughter - or shall I say - OUR daughter."

"What do you want? To see me transferred to a maximum security prison? Well guess what, you've succeeded, Miller."

"Calm down, Valentina. You're not being transferred NOW, are you?"

"In a few minutes, I won't be in this place anymore. Whatever you meant when you came here the other day, needs to be explained. I can't rest easy knowing that YOU know who SG is."

"What I said doesn't matter," he whispered. I could hear footsteps approaching him.

"SCARLETT?!" a voice shouted. It was Nick!

"NICK?!" I shouted back, but then the line cut off. Jackson was with Nick! Which meant that Jackson was with SG! Wait, but that meant Victoria was with SG!! Hold on, was Rosita and Victoria captured by her?

My heart was pounding as I thought of all the possible things that could have happened to them. I rang back again but the prison guard literally dragged me back to my cell.

"Please!" I pleaded. "I'll be thirty seconds- PLEASE just let me call again!"

"No. You've had your call." She walked off and I sat on the bench with my face in my palms. I kept thinking about my baby girl, and the fact that she was in Jackson's hands. SG could strike at any time, and the fact that she had held a knife next to my child's head frightened me a whole lot. That is when I came to the conclusion;

I needed to get out of here.
Legally or not.

"It's time to go now," the prison guard opened up my cell and handcuffed me tightly. I was dragged out the station and the light from the outside blinded me. I hadn't seen the light from outside in a while. It felt like forever. The police officer shoved my head into the cop car and they started driving. This reminded me of when Luna and Jackson were taking me to see Nick in his coma - but this time I didn't know what I was in for.

These people looked at me like a criminal, and I'm talking about the police officers in the car and the public outside, staring at the car. I bet the news had spread that Andrei Petrova's only daughter was put in jail for murdering her husband. They probably weren't even surprised at this.

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